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It is about ten oclock in the morning in July and you have just crashed in a small
aeroplane in the Sonora desert in Northern Mexico. The pilot and the co-pilot are dead and
the aeroplane is a burnt-out shell. One of the passengers is injured.
The aeroplane had no radio, and the survivors think that they were about 100
kilometres off course when they crashed. Just before the crash the pilot told the passengers
that they crashed. Just before the crush the pilot told the passengers that they were 120
kilometres south of a small mining camp.
From experience you know that daytime temperature can reach 43 centigrade (110
Fahrenheit) and night time temperature reach freezing. All the passengers are dressed in light
clothes. The area is flat and arid as far as the eye can see.
The following is a list of items that came out of the crash in good order:

- Flashlight with four batteries;

- Jack knife;
- Detailed pilots chart of the area;
- Large plastic poncho
- Compass
- Instrument to measure blood pressure;
- Loaded 45 pistol;
- One red and white parachute;
- Bottle of 100 salt tablets;
- One quart of water per person;
- Book Edible Desert Animals
- One pair of sunglasses per person
- Two bottles of vodka
- One overcoat per person
- One pocket mirror

Write down a list of seven most important items on this list and justify your choices.

2. You are a very skilled doctor with five dying patients, each of whom needs a
different organ in order to live. Unfortunately, there are no organs available to perform any of
the transplants. It just so happens that you have a sixth dying patient, suffering from a fatal
illness, who will die sooner than the other five if not treated. If this sixth patient dies, you will
be able to use his organs to save the five other patients. However, you have a medicine you
can give to this sixth patient that will cure his illness and he wont die. Would you:
a: Wait for the patient to die and then harvest his organs or
b: Save the patient even though the other patients wont get organs.
If you chose to administer the medicine, would you still do so even if the medicine will not
cure the patient, but, instead, delay his death to some short term future date or time after the
five patients will have died? Why?

3 You are invigilating an important school/ university exam. You see a student cheating
with notes he has illegally brought into the exam room. You have four possible courses of

a. Ignore the incident;

b. Warn the student that if he cheats again, he will be reported to the authorities;
c. Ask the student to leave the exam, tear up his exam and mark him as absent;
d. Report the student to the authorities, in which case he will have to leave the
school/ university.
3. Your best friend is about to get married. The ceremony will be performed in one
hour, but you have seen, just before coming to the wedding, that your friends
fiancee has been having an affair. If your friend marries this woman, she is
unlikely to be faithful, but on the other hand, if you tell your friend about the
affair, you will ruin his wedding. Would you, or would you not, tell your friend of
the affair?

4. You find a wallet containing $500. No one sees you pick it up. There is a name
inside of the wallet.
But, you don't know the owner. In fact, you're not even sure if the address is close
to your house. Again, you look around and realize that nobody saw you. No one
needs to know that you found the wallet. What will you do?

5. At lunch time you realize that you forgot to do your math homework. The
assignment is 3 pages long with 45 computation problems to complete. Instead
of eating, you start to do the assignment. A friend offers you his completed
assignment to copy before class. What will you do?

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