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About Education in Thailand

Ministry of Education
Minister Ministry of Education
Deputy Minister Ministry of Education
Permanent Secretary
Basic Education
Private Education
Vocational Education
Higher Education
Non-formal Education

Education Level
Elementary Education
Secondary Education
Lower secondary Education
Upper secondary Education
Higher Vocational Certificate
Graduate Diploma
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
Doctorate Degree

2558 (ASEAN
Association of Southeast Asain Nations)
34 The working language of
ASEAN shall be English |


1 1



.................................................................... a
. b
. c
Greetings and introducing: .. 1
School: 4
Social manners: . 6
Traveling: .. 7
Weather: . 9
Festival: ................................................................... 11
Talking about occupations/hobbies/ sport . 13
Direction: .. 16
Asking for help/request: . 17
Food & Drink: .. 18
Shopping: .. 24
Entertainment: . 27
Making and appointment: . 30
.... 32
3 .. 32
The ASEAN Way .... 33
........................................................................ 34

Greeting and Introducing

Mali: Good morning. How are you today?

David: Good morning. Im fine and you?

Mali: Very well. Thank you. See you later.

David: See you later. Good bye.

Mali: Good bye.

More words to say:

1. /
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening
/ /
Hello, Hi
How are you?/ Whats up? / How is it going?
Good feeling: good, well, very well, pretty well
Bad feeling: sick, not feeling well, not good

Jan: Hi!, Im Jan. Whats your name?

May: My name is May.

Jan: Where are you from?

May: Im from Singapore.

Jan: Where do you stay in Thailand?

May: I stay at Lamlukka in Pathumthani province.

Jan: Where are you studying?

May: Im studying at ABC School.
Jan: How long do you plan to stay in Thailand?

May: About 2 months.
Jan: How can I contact you again?

May: Here is my name card.


Introducing a person to a friend:

Somsak: Hello, Suwanna. How are you today?

Suwanna: Hello, Somsak. Im happy and you?

Somsak: Im good. This is my friend.
His name is Suwan

Suwanna: Hello, Suwan. Im Suwanna. Nice to meet you.

Suwan: Nice to meet you too.



In the classroom
John: How many boys and girls are there in your classroom?

Max: There are 10 boys and 15 girls.
10 15

My classroom
John: Where is your classroom?

Max: My classroom is on the third floor of the building.
John: What is your schools name?

Max: My schools name is ABC School.

My teacher
John: What is your English teachers name?

Max: My English teachers name is David.


May I borrow?
Mickey: Do you have any pencils?

Pum: Yes, I have three.
Mickey: I forgot my pencil. May I borrow one?

Pum: Yes. Here you are.

Mickey: Thank you

Pum: Youre welcome.

My favorite subject

John: What is your favorite subject?

Max: My favorite subject is Mathematics. What about you?

John: I like science. Why do you like Mathematics?

Max: Because its interesting.


Social manners

Talking on the phone 1

Ken: Hello? May I speak to David?

Pim: Just a moment, please.

Talking on the phone 2

Pim: Hello, good morning.

Paul: Good morning, Can I speak to Martin, please?

Pim: Whos calling?

Paul: This is Paul Smith, his friend.

Pim: Ill connect for you.

Paul: Thank you.

Pim: Youre welcome.



Famous place

Tom: Where is the famous place in Thailand?

Mali: Samui is the famous place. It has a beautiful beach
and delicious food.

Tom: How can I get there?

Mali: By plane. You can get some information at DonMuang
Airport and buy ticket there.

Tom: Thanks for information. / Thank you for your kindness.

Mali: Youre welcome.


Tourist attraction

John: Which tourist attraction will you recommend?

Max: Ill recommend Samui. It is very beautiful and impressive.

John: How can I get there?

Max: The easiest way is going by plane.

John: How can I get to the airport?

Max: Go to Don Muang by taxi and ask for the tourist counter

John: How much is it?

Max: Around ten thousand baht.
John: Thank you for your recommendation.

Max: Youre welcome.



Nice Day

Jan: What's the weather like today?

Max: It looks as if it's going to clear up.

Jan: Nice day today, isn't it?

Max: Yes, it's beautiful weather we're having.


It looks like rain.

Jan: What's the weather like today?

Max: It's getting rather cloud. It looks like rain, doesnt it?

Jan: Yes, it does, the radio weather forecast said that it
would begin to rain about noon.

Max: It doesn't look very promising.

Jan: I am afraid that it's going to rain at any moment now.

Max: It's pouring down already outside.

Jan: I think we had better go back; because we have no

Max: Yes, let's go before we get soaked.

Jan: I hope it will be fine tomorrow;
I'm going to have a picnic with my family.



Most festival

Mali: What Thai festivals do you like most?

John: I like Songkran festival.

Famous festival
John: What are the famous festivals in Thailand?

Mali: Songkran Festival and Loy Kratong Festival

John: What do Thai people do on Songkran Festival?

Mali: They come back to their hometown, go to the temple,
pay respect to their older and splash water.

John: When is Songkran Day?

Mali: Its on April 13.

Loy Krathong festival

Jan: Can you help me?

Mali: Certainly. What can I do for you?

Jan: I would like to know about Loy Krathong Festival.

Mali: Loy Krathong Festival is on the full moon night of
November. We float Krathong along the river and
wish to have a good life and good health.

Jan: That sounds great. Thank you for your kindness.

Mali: Youre welcome.


Man: Do you celebrate New Years Eve in your country?

Jan: Yes, we do.

Man: How do you celebrate it?

Jan: Send greeting cards and make merits.


Talking about Occupations/ Hobbies/ Sport

/ /


John: What do you do?

Jan: Im a student.

John: What grade are you in?

Jan: Im in Grade 6
John: What would you like to be when you grow up?

Jan: I want to be the Star. I like Bee the Star.

Memo: Doctor/teacher/air-hostess/engineer/.
//// ....

John: What is your fathers occupation?

Jan: He is a postman.


Max: What is your hobby?

Mali: My hobby is collecting stamps.

Memo: reading cartoon books/ use the internet

Free time
Jan: What do you do in your free time?

Ken: I like to read books.

Jan: What kinds of book?

Ken: Comic books for sure.

Memo: watch movie, travelling, play sport


Pam: What are you playing?

Pom: Im playing hula hoop.(jumping rope/chess/.)
(/ / ....)

Favorite sport

Tom: Hi! Bobby. Do you like to play sports?

Bob: Yes. I do.

Tom: What sports can you play?

Bob: I can play badminton, football, volleyball and basketball

Tom: What is your favorite sport?

Bob: I love basketball.

Tom: Oh great. Do you want to play basketball with me?

Bob: Sure.

Tom: Cool! Lets play.



Max: Excuse me. Do you know where bank is?

Mali: Its not far from here. Go straight.
Its at the corner. Youll see it.

Memo: Turn right

Turn left
Walk across the road

A: Excuse me. Do you know where ... is?

B: Sorry. I dont know.


Ask for help/request


Im lost.

Jan: Excuse me. Could you help me, please?

Mali: Sure/ OK. How can I help you?

Jan: Im lost.

Mali: Where are you going?

Jan: Im going to police station.
Could you tell me the way to police station?

Mali: Go straight on Main Street.
Youll see its between the bank and the store.
Main Street
Jan: Thank you very much.

Mali: Youre welcome.


Food and Drink

Food in Thai
John: How do you say this food in Thai?

Mali: Phad Thai.

Orange juice
Jan: Excuse me. Do you have orange juice?

Mali: Yes, I have. Do you want one?
Jan: Yes, please.

Mali: Here you are.

Jan: Thank you.

Mali: Youre welcome.


Kind of food
John: What kind of food do you like?

Mali: I like Thai food. Especially Somtom or Papaya Salad.

Cashier: Do you want to pay with cash or credit card?

John: I want to pay in cash.

Mali: What fruit do you like best?

Max: I like kiwi the best.

Mali: What do you like to cook on Sunday?

Max: I like to cook curry.


Waiter: Hello. Can I help you?

Kim: Yes, Id like to have some lunch.

Waiter: What would you like for a starter?

Kim: Id like a bowl of chicken soup, please.
Waiter: What would you like for a main course?

Kim: Id like a grilled cheese sandwich.

Waiter: What would you like anything to drink?

Kim: Id like Coke, please.

Asking for a dessert

Waiter: Would you like a dessert?

Kim: No, thanks. Can we have a check, please?

Waiter: Yes, sure Just a second.


Favorite restaurant
Max: What is your favorite restaurant?

Jan: D River.
Max: Where is it?

Jan: Its over there, around 10 minutes far from here.
Max: What is your favorite food?

Jan: Tom Yam Kung.

Max: How about you?

Jan: Same as you.

Spicy food
Jan: Do you like spicy food?

Max: Yes, I like spicy food very much.


May: Hi. May I help you?

Jan: Yes, Id like to have twenty baht coupon please.
May: Here it is and here is your change.

Jan: Thank you.

May: Youre welcome.

Seller: Good morning. Whats your order?

Customer: I want boiled chicken and rice.

Seller: Anything else?

Customer: Thats all. Thank you.


View: Do you sell mangoes?

Fruit seller: Yes, How many mangoes do you want?

View: Four please, and give me two kilograms of
strawberries (grapes), too.
4 2
Fruit seller: Thats two hundred and ninety-five baht. Is
there anything else?
View: No, thats all. Heres the money.

Fruit seller: Here is your five baht change.

Jan: Where is the cashier?

Sell: Its over there on the left.

Buy shirt
Sell: Which shirt do you want to buy?

Jan: I want to buy a blue shirt.

Go shopping
Siri: How can you go shopping at Lotus Supermarket?

Joy: I drive my car.

Siri: What things do you buy at Lotus Supermarket?

Joy: I buy shampoo, some fruits and food.

Siri: What time do you go shopping?

Joy: I go shopping around noon.

How many
Sell: How many pieces of cake do you want?

Jan: I want six pieces of cake.

Buy shoes
Sell: Hello. How can I help you?

Jan: I am looking for a pair of shoes.

Sell: What is the size and color?

Jan: Size 7 and black.
Jan: How much are they?

Sell: Theyre 100 baht.
Jan: Ill take them.


Looking for?
Sell: What are you looking for?

Jan: I am looking for a sweater. Can I try this sweater on?

Sell: Sure. The fitting room is over there.

Jan: Do you have a bigger size?

Sell: Certainly, we have a bigger size as well.

Jan: Can you give me a discount?

Sell: Im sorry. Its standard price.

Sell: If you pay by cash, you will get a 10 percent discount.
10 %


Movie ticket
Customer: Can I have two tickets for Lord of the Rings, please?
Lord of the Rings
Cashier: What time?

Customer: 4:15 please.
Cashier: That will be 200 baht.
Customer: Ok, here is my payment.

Cashier: Here is your change. Thank you and enjoy the movie.

Customer: Thank you and have a good day.


TV Programs
Siri: What TV programs do you like?

Joy: I like At 10 (Tee Sip). How about you?

Siri: Me too. I also like Twight Light Show.

Joy: What time is the show?

Siri: Its at 10.30 pm.
Joy: OK. Ill check it out.

Song and singers

Max: Hey, What are you listening to radio?

Jan: Oh, Im listening to radio.

Max: What kinds of music do you like?

Jan: I like pops and rocks.

Max: Who is your favorite singer?

Jan: Britney is my favorite.


At amusement park
Jan: Excuse me. What time is the dolphin show?

Seller: It starts at 12.30
12.30 .
Jan: Where is it?

Seller: Its at the aquatic zone near the caf.
Jan: Thank you.

Seller: Youre welcome.

At the zoo
Seller: Hi, how can I help you?

Max: I would like to get 2 tickets, one for adult
and one for a child.
2 1 1
Seller: its 30 baht for a child and 50 baht for an adult.
Totally is 80 baht.
30 50 80
Max: Here you are. (Give the money)

Seller: Thank you. Have a good day


Making an appointment

Going to the concert

Siri: When will we go to the concert?

Joy: At five pm.
Siri: How can we get to the concert?

Joy: I will meet you here at five pm. and go together by taxi.
Siri: See you at five.
Joy: Ok. Bye.


Any more information

Joy: Could you give me any more information about the concert?

Siri: The singers come from Korea. It will start at seven pm.
at Impact Arena, Muang thong thani.
Joy: When will we meet?

Siri: Five pm. I will pick you up here.
Joy: How can we get there?

Siri: By Taxi. It makes us go in time.

Joy: Thats a good idea.


One Vision, One Identity, One Community

(Three Pillars of ASEAN Community)

1. (ASEAN Political-
Security Community: APSC)

2. (ASEAN Economic Community:

3. (ASEAN Socio-
Cultural Community: ASCC)



(The ASEAN Way)

Raise our flag high, sky high

Embrace the pride in our heart
ASEAN we are bonded as one
Look-in out-ward to the world.
For peace, our goal from the very start
And prosperity to last.

We dare to dream we care to share

Together for ASEAN
We dare to dream,
we care to share for its the way of ASEAN



Country The Capital Currency Languages
Brunei Bandar Seri Brunei Dollar : BDN Malay
Darussalam Begawan
Cambodia Phnom Penh Riel :KHR Khmer
Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah : IDR Bahasa
Laos Vientiane Kip Lao
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Ringgit : MYR Bahasa
Myanmar Naypyidaw Kyat : MMK Burmese
Philippines Manila Peso :PHP Tagalog
Singapore Singapore Singapore Dollar : SGD English
Thailand Bangkok Baht : THB Thai
Vietnam Hanoi Dong : VND Vietnamese

0 2581 1391 0 2581 1395

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