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FelipeBolderas MATH 1030 - Voting Project 2016 Names of Group Members: Trauis Ciouthee ove: Seot Zl, Wl _fedite. Raldoras The lowa Caucuses Part I: Research the lowa Caucuses and explain how they work. Your response should be 2 one-page (250-word) narrative. Be sure to include a brief history, how a caucus differs from a typical primary election, and why the iowa Caucuses play such an important role in American pr elections. —— portentroeeneaner Part Il: Imagine you live in Mason City, lowa and attend a Republican caucus for Precinct W1-P2 at the Highland Golf Course. The meeting organizers ask the voters to Part Il: (Continued) il, Suppose we use Instant Runoff Voting. Remove the candidate with the least 1st Choice votes and show the preference schedule. 6 36 39 # Voters 19 Ast 2nd 3rd. iv. Remove the candidate with the least 1st Choice votes and show the preference schedule. Voters 19 6 36 39 sta (een CT] pide fT TC \ Who wins by Instant Runoff Voting? Crozwi IA vi. Calculate a Borda Count for each candidate. ve & seiagete clara ae 33? R Uber Te 1gge (907 vii, Who wins by Borda Count? remplin vii, How many points does each candidate get using Copeland's Method? Buc CUR TusR- ee Use C VST s B vst A ee Part lt: Imagine that the members of your group are selected as the delegates from CA ea Ee ne en ca cn ei ‘Convention. Write a one-page (250-word) discussion explaining ‘who won the election. The discussion should include your interpretation of Your which faimess criteria helped you choose a WINNT. “There is no right answer (see Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem). As 2 group its Your {job to make a decision and defend that decision in your discussion. Felipe Balderas October 10, 2017 Math 1030 Voting Project Parta The lowa Caucus is an electoral event in which residents of the U.S. state of lowa meet in precinct caucuses in all of lowa's 1,681 precincts and elect delegates to the corresponding conventions in each of the state's 99 counties. Caucus participation is usually 20% of registered voters in each party in election cycles. These county conventions then select delegates for both lowa's Congressional District Convention and the State Convention, which eventually choose the delegates for the presidential Rominating conventions. Since 1972, the lowa caucuses have been the first major electoral event of the ominating process for President of the United States since 1972. The lowa caucuses are important because they have had a 43% success rate at predicting which Democratic candidate for president and a ‘50% success rate at predicting which Republican candidate for president will go on to win the nomination of their political party at that party's national convention. While most of the time they may more reliably indicate which ones are likely to drop out because of lack of support. A caucus system during presidential campaigns are used by the local people where voters decide candidates to support and send for nominating conventions. On the other hand, a primary is the voting process in which voters Cast Private ballots for their preferred candidates. The results of the caucus and the primaries determine which person the Republican and Democrat leaders decide to nominate and financially back for the presidential election. Part 2 ‘AS a group Travis and I have decided to vote for in decreasing preference Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump. By voting in this preference we have added two more people to the total voting Population. In the election at precinct W1-P2 at the Cerro Gordo County convention center we have decided to vote for the candidates in this order because of the lack of sway we have in this poll. Being only two people we should instead of wasting our vote because we are only one person we decided to agree on one of the choices other than Trump. Without our vote Trump would have won most of the voting methods by having a larger voter turnout. By using the Instant Runoff Voting method, the winner ended up being Ted Cruz our number 1 choice. We decided with this method, people's votes would count for more. With the instant runoff method, we could utilize the preference aspect that the data gave us, While this may seem to be cherry picking the results we felt that this was the best way to choose the most widely liked candidate relative to each other. While this decision cannot satisfy every fairness criterion it does satisfy the Majority Criterion and the Monotonicity Criteria. These criteria in our opinion represent ‘the majority of the fairness criteria and therefore represent the most logical choice of candidate.

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