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Dessert Menu Rubric

Content Organization Mechanics

0-3 Points 0-3 Points 0-2 Points

Project is missing all or Project is lacking in or is not Multiple spelling/grammatical

several key elements of organized, information is errors are present in the
selected project or topic. misplaced or absent. project/presentation.

4-7 Points 4-7 Points 3-4 Points

Project contains many of Project contains some 1-2 spelling/grammatical errors

the key elements, organization, but still lacks in are present in the
supports, visuals, and structure and coherence. project/presentation.
other requirements.

8-10 Points 8-10 Points 5 Points

Project contains most or Project is organized or almost No spelling/grammatical errors

all the key elements and completely organized and are present in the
requirements as easy to read and comprehend. project/presentation.
prescribed in the project

Total: /25

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