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= Mahindra Rise. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. ‘Copyigh© 2016 Mahia & Mahinda Ld. Alri esenved, Le Mahindr: Rise. Name of Document ‘Corporate Social Responsibly Policy [Version 40 ‘State whether PolicyiCode! Manual /Poicy uidetine Company Level ‘Company Lever Issuing Authority Rajeev Dibey (Chairman (Group CSR Couneiy & ‘Group President (HR & Corporate Services) 8.CEO (Aer Market Sector Member ofthe Group Executive Board ‘Owner ofthe document ‘Sheol Wahi / Sushi Sigh Effective date of document etapa 2017 Release Date ‘Tet Apa 2017 Date af ast review March 2077 Next review date March 2018 Version Wetory VERSION PREPARED BY | CHANGES & REASONS FOR CHANGE 40 ‘Sheetal Mania | Indusion of @ Governance Structure’, Paley Guidelines & Annexure 1 ~ List of CSR Projets 2016-17) a Mahindra Rise. 4. Introduction and Background Since ts Incepton Mahindra & Mahinda Lid, has been a socially response corporate going beyond the loyal & statutory requirements to make responsible investments inthe community, Evidence of this is the seting up of the K C Mahindra Education Trust in 1954, flowed by Mahindra Fouvdation in 1869, andthe more recent 60" year celebrations in 2005 when the: ‘Company redefine Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and pledged to commit 1% PAT for its CSR natives specialy to beneft the economicaly and socidly disadvantaged communtivs ith he bela that Education isthe main out to aderes nda soil challenges, ‘the Company selected Education a main thrust area for COR. As a esponsible corporate ‘eizen, MEM Lid. also vested inthe areas of pubis health and environment. More specifica ‘he major CSR programmes thal he Company has been investing in. ae as olows — + Scholarships & Grants —have been provided to enable students to overccme thet nancial challenges end lili! ther edveatona dreams, Some ofthe scholarships have provided students an opgotunty to pursue their post graduate studies in reputed educational instivions overseas while thers have provided students fom low income prop famies an cpporunty 10 ea the vocational dpsoma ater competing thelr courses at government polytechnic instites, The scholarships have also alowed deserving students an opprtnity to study al the Mahindra United Word Callege in Pune, '+ Project Nanhi Kall - Founded in 1096, this sponsorship programme that suppots the ‘education of underprivileged gis fom poor urban, remote rural and cont afficted tal communities by rroviding them comprehensive academic and material suppor. Since 2005 the Projets jinty managed bythe KC Mahingra Education Trust and Neal Foundation &- Mahindra Rise. ‘+ Mahindra Pride Schools Since 2007, these schools have been proving wothood training to youth fom socially and economically disadvantaged communis to enable them to get lucrative jobs bated onthe skis learnt. Trainings provided in Hospitality Craft, Sales aT ‘The 8 Mahindra Pride Schools are located in Pune, wo in Chennai, Chandigarh, Patna ‘Srinagar, Hyderabed & Bengauru ‘+ Lifeline Express ~ The Company hs regulaty partnered with impact India Foundation te sponsor the Line Express which provides communites in remote ral areas an aocess fo heath care. Free surgeries for cataract removal, cle ip and deafness coecton, medica treatment for eplepsy as well ab dental testments are provided tough Lifeine Express. Breast and cervical cancer sceenig is also pat ofthe services offered, ‘+ Project Hariyall ~ Since 2007 the Company has commited to increase green cover by planting a milion tes every year onan ongoing bass. ‘+ Watershed Management - The Company has partered wth the Goverment of Maahys Pradesh to implementa watershed management project which includes water conservation soll conservation and inceasing avaiablly of water for irigation with the objective of Increasing agricultural productivity, enhancing Svethood and increasing green cover ‘+ Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya programme ~In suppor ofthe Pre Minter’ appea for ‘Clean India, the Mahindra Group contbuted fo the Governments “Swachh Shara ‘wach Vidyalaya" programe by construing 4240 ties primary for gis ih goverent schools. Furr, large numberof pub tolets were ago constructed forthe community, Besides mantaning the tole for 1 months the Mahindra Grou it alo carying ut ang ie Mahindra Rise. Programmes to bring sbout behaviors changes inthe girs, parents and school authorities towards more hygienic practices. + Wardha Farmer Family & Krishi Mitr Project - The project supports small and margina farmers by taining them in efectve arming practices including Sol heath, cop planing, ane creating mode fas for increased crop productivity. + ESOP Mahinda employees have ben encourage to volnte for varus CSR proj inthe ares of education, heath and environment twough the Employee Social options programme (ESOPE). Some of he projets to which he employes have extended thet ‘lunteerngefots ae skal development of youth, HIVAIDS awareness, ant heath camps {or expectant mothers, donatons to orphanages ad homes othe senor zens ‘+ Disaster Reliet and Rehabilitation - The Company has provided consistent and timely suppor to ret and rehaitaton iiatves in these parts of India which are elected by natural calamities by ether contributing tothe Prime Ministers or Chie Niniste's Ree Func «by drecty engaging in rebutng vilages eg, the construction of AS houses and associated infrastructure in the vilages of Pattod Gram Panchayat affected by the Kos foods, s well. Planting of tous in J8K ator tho foods. In keeping with he RISE phiosophy ofthe Mahindra Group, the Company wil continue te cive postive change o enable people and communities to RISE above thelr iting citeumstances. i Mahindra Rise. 2 Objective of the CSR Policy “he oectveof ns poy io + Promote a unis ane sata opproach to CSR acres the Company by incorporating uncer ‘one se for Good urea the ders range of pilanvope ging, Wentivng select constuercies an causes fo work wih, thereby ensuing hgh socal impact “+ Ensure n rereased commitment at a eel nthe organisation by encouraging employes {oparcgatein the Company's CSR and give back to society nan organised manner throush the employee voluntesring programme called ESOP 3. Scope and Applicability This poey shal be applicable to al sectors and employees of Mahindra & Mahindra Lid 4, Policy Statement 4.4 CSR Vision Statement & Ideology (Our edetined ‘Coe Purpose iso “chatenge conventional thinking and innovatively use all cur resources to dive postive change in the les of ou stakeholders and conmanites eros the ‘wold, to enable them to RISE. In ne wth our Core purpose, our CSR vison is to focus our ‘forts within the constivencies of gts, youth farmers by innovatively suppocing them through programmes designed inthe domain of education, health and envionment while hamessng te re Mahindra Rise. ower of technology, By investing ox CSR eosin these cial constuencies who contribute ‘eatin buldng and the economy, we wil enable ou stakeholders and communis to RISE. For Mahindra & Mahindra Lid, responsible business practies include being responsible fr our business processes, products, engaging in response relatos wit employes, customers and the community. Hence forthe Company, Corporate Social Responsbiy goes beyond just, chetng to statutory and legal compances, en ceses soca and environmental value for our key stakenoiers. 4.2, Total Outlay From Api 1, 2014in ine wth the new Companies Aet 2013 (he At, Mahindra & Mahinda i pledges to contribute at eat 2% of the average net pros ofthe Company made during the 3 ‘immediately preceding nancial years specially towards CSR iiatves, Fortis purpose the net profit and average net prof shel be caclted in accordance wit the provisions of secon 188 ofthe Act read withthe Companies (Corporat Social Responsibly Polcy) Rules, 2044, ‘The Company may spend upto 5% of tol! CSR expenditure in one franca yar on bung CSR capabites In case there is any unspent arnount rom out ofthe 2% average net profs ofthe Company made uring the 3 immediately receding financial years, the Board ofthe Company may decide to cay this forward tothe net financial year. ‘The surplus arising out ofthe CSR actives wil not be considered as prt ofthe business profits ‘ofthe Company. ie Mahindra Rise. 43 CSR Thrust Areas. “The Company wil focus is efforts within the constituencies of gis, youn & farmers through ‘programmes designed in the domains of education, heath and environment However our commitment CSR wil be manifested by investing resources in ny ofthe fobowing 1. raccating hunger. poverty and malnution, promoting healthcare including preventive heath care and sanitation including contibulons to the Swachh Bharat Kosh set up by the Central Government fo the pomaton of sanaton & making avaible sae dnkng ter: 2, Prometing edueaton, incising special education and employment enancing vation cle oxposily among chidron, woman, ery & the aferenty abled and ivethood ‘enhancement poets 3. Prometing gender equalty, empowering women, sting uo homes and hostels for women, ‘orphans; sting up ol age homes, daycare centes, and such ther facies for serior ctizons & measures for reducing nquattes faced by soca & economically Backward ours: 4. Ensuring envicnmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of fora & ‘avn, animal welare, sgrofoesty, conservation of natura sources & mintsning quay of soi, oe & water, including contbuon tothe Clean Ganga Fund set up by the Cental ‘Government for reivenation ofthe rer Ganga; i= Mahindra 4 Poco gat ite ty tt fg at a hcreal portance 8 wos ef a eng up of pb ee: poms & dents titres Bhd 6. sors tee tent eed ae ta wow pein 1 Taig proce! so, rte expe se, a pt & Ors si &. cabin © ine Miers tral Fo a cee et tye Cort Gower scent ohare ret wali le ches Cote Shee Ts. dhe rd dn, ice nen ©. canoe iis pve © cncny tos ed whi cde attr wh ery be Cin Covet 10 Rr ore opt 11 tmAa ober ‘Apart fom making contrbutons tots Corporate Foundaton's/Trus's projects (K © Mahindra: Education Trust and Mahindra Foundation) the Company may also make cotrbutons towards the corpus of he said Foundations / Trusts subject othe approval ofthe Board. The Company ‘may aso make contibwtons to think tanks for projects permitted under Schedule VI ofthe ‘Companies Act 203. ‘The major CSR projects are shown in Annexure 1. 4.4, Governance Structure ‘The Company has awel-dofined and robust governance structure to oversee the implementation ofthe CSR Poly, In compiance win the requltements of Section 135 ofthe Companies Act, 2018, & Mahindra Rise. ‘Boar. level CSR Commitee ~The Board level Coxporte Social Responsibly Committe (CSR Commitee) of he Company shalbe responsible for moniteing the CSR Poly rom ime to time ‘The CSR Commits shall approve and recommend othe Board the projects or programmes to ‘be undertaken the modelos of execution and implementation schedule rm ine fo ime ‘Apart rom recommending and approving budgets fr projectimplementaton, the Commitee wi taco insite © mentoring mechanism to rack the progress of each peoect. The Commitee reports into the Company's Board of Decors, The members fhe Board Level CR Commitee sre 8 folows: Dr Vishal N, Desai (Chairperson, Me. Anand 6 Maina, Me RK. Kua, Dr Pawan Goenka and Mc viram Singh Menta (CSR Counc. The Company has setup a CSR Councl chaired by the President Group HR, Corprate Senvcos & Aer Markt, and Member of the Group Executive Board and comprises of senior management executives from al sectors, senior CSR executives and @ CSR advisor. The CSR Council implements the CSR strategy and reports into the Board evel CSR Commits, 45 Implementation ‘The Company has setup a CSR Counc! which s responsible forthe Implementation ofthe CSR ‘ecto which have Boon approved by the CSR Commtioe atthe board level. The CSR Council has a formal process of evaluating and approving CSR projects 0 & Mahindra Rise. "1% ofthe CSR budge s managed by the CSR Counc which focuses on long term high Impact ‘and high investment projets ofthe Company and the balance 1% ofthe budgets managed by the Auto and Farm Equipment Sector which focus on projets that caer tothe local needs ofthe communis within which they operate, Wile CSR programmes may be Kentied by the CSR Deparment, Corporate Foundations (KOMET, Mahindra Foundation) or Sectors, the CSR Counc wil also evelise the projets submited recy by reputed not for pot organisations having anestabished rack record fat leat yar in crying out sna acy, To ensure hat there focus and maximum impact ‘the CSR Counel wil endeavor to work on fewer projets aver a longer pero of tine. 4.6 Monitoring process of CSR activities “The CSR Counc wil convene quater to review the progress of varied CSR projects in terms cof bath outcome assessment and financial mentoring. The Counc wl review the sateay fom time tote and may recommend new focus areas and projects as and when required tothe CSR. ‘Commie atte Board Level. nation, he CSR Coun wi mandate he efective and timely monitoring and evakuaton of varied CSR projects by drecing ts CSR department or an independent hi party agency carryout stuaional nals, need assessment surveys, post Vins, or impact stules, ete and as requ expecaly for he strategic and high value CSR. programmes. n order to ensue transparency and communication wth ll stakeholders, the CSR, Policy wilbe uploaded onthe Company website so that tis avaiable inthe publ domain, 4.7 Executing Agency / Partners ” | Mahindra Rise. CSR intiatves wil be implemented either det by the Company though its SOPs structure ‘where the Maina employees vil dest implement the CSR programmes or through Implementing partners which incude NGOs having anestabshes rack record of at eas years In camming out the spec sctivy, The main implementation pariners the Company wil continuously work with ae the Company's Foundatons namely the Mahindra Foundation, the K ‘C Mahindra Education Trost, th Tech Mahindra Foundation andthe Naand Foundation ‘The folowing minimum ereria wil be ensured whie selecting NGO's / voluntary organizations {or programme exeeution 1) The NGO ie @ registered Socity/ Puble Charitable Trust / not for proft organization ‘established under section 8 ofthe Act. ') The NGO has @ permanent offce adress in nda 6) The NGO has a vali income Tax Exemption Caticate ‘The NGO has submited a detaled project proposal and budget which hasbeen approved by the C5R Counc. ‘The Company may also colaborate wih other companies to undertake CSR projects or programmes, provided the CSR Committees of the respective companies are in postion to report separately on suc projets or programmes, For CSR actives undertaken trough ether Executing Agency, the Company wal speciy the projects or programmes tobe undertaken trough these agencies, the modalities of lization of {nds on such projects or programmes, 4.8 Policy Guidelines re Mahindra Rise. '+AICSR Projcts must be aligned a8 prestbed in Schedule VI ofthe Companies A, 2ora 1+ CR projector programmes or acts must be undertaken in nia alone ‘+ CSR activites must nt inde the acvtes undertaken in pursuance of normal couse of business of the Company ‘+ Projects or programmes or actives that benefit ony the employees ofthe Company and thei fais shal nt be considered a8 CSR. *+ CRacvtes shout be in project programme mode, One-off events suchas marathos! ‘word! chartable contibuton’ advertisements / sponsorship of TV programmes et. wil not quay as par of CSR expenditure. + Contrbuton of any amount deecty or indrecty to any polical party shall not be considered ae CSR. boy Rajeev Dubey ‘chaeman (Group CSR Counc) 4 ‘Group President (HR & Corporte Senices) CEO (Ate Maret Secon) Member of he Group Executive Board Mahindra Rise. Disclaimer \Matinda & Manda herein refed oa MEM, aris subir compares povide 3 wie aay of Dresenatons and epon, wth he conbvsons of arcu potesseras. Thee preeiators ad repos [fr lvornatons! purposes and private cin ony and dort canta on ert eyo: al any ‘tees menoned tea, Tay Gol puporta bea compat desorton of emartets condone ot ‘developantseferted onthe matraWhle ost care hat bean taker in rearing the above, We aim no responsby for te crarary. We sal ae abl for ary ret rec bees ating om tho vse thereat andthe vanes ae requested to ue the inoaton contained hei al hi wn rk "Tae prseritons and repors shuld not be rerosuced creed ubenes any media, webs rote, nay form oF manner, parte sea wnole, whet he wxpress conse nwrng of MEN rie sbsdven. Any natored ure, Gaclosre or pubic Sazernabon at etermaon coaned hei ie pohted Unotespecicay noted, MBM or ayo fe sueisay compari I at respon or the Corer of these presetant ano the opnons ofthe posers. vu shustore and lea Dracices and sandade may vary, 20 wewers ans obets ull infemmaton covtaned win 2 presentation ares to ado ion standard and approaches as hey see Yeumay ve repackage brea he presertston Prosuts and names meron inmates prosetatow are he propery of ‘a etpactve owners andthe manton of hry does nt conse sn endrsenant Dy ME oF ‘ubscarycorperes,nomaton snanad ina preset hosed promote MSM I provided as i wnat waranty any ed, eer exrased x mpeg ncn ay waranty of merchaably oF fines fo a prose pupse, Mort subsdary companies astne no ably” reepensbty fr tho. comnts of precetaton or the” opnons exrestod tye. presenter ‘Aexpressions of phon ae sujet to change whut notice. Mahindra Rise. overs = Kay CR rc tA 246281) S| ear Pears ‘aiogory dor | stmantaton | inlomentaon Seheaile to ‘Sched | teenie FROWGTION OF EDUEATION arte fester | rj Rann eas Essen oH z 7a Fes on i Z| wba Poe Sct z ae a Pata 5 [users Shtesip UMC aaa [> ta Pepe pee 4. [Re anna Soar Pot 7 Tar = Scoia ues socad [na ees ao z 7a spe | He ay abo arspomar, | 2 qa} 8 ® kata 7 Sana Kenia of Sra Warr z Tee Econ a | ensep: Prete ot Eatin z ae ee 9 sents Abie: Selah Gee | ae ee eet 45; Swine Rend Anson Te Ree pee ee 1 ae pe oe ag z — 12 RWOREE In MOTION Pope noe = ome pa eae teaming banal cont. 75 dr Cain on Ota Reon z Tea ee -YOUHTSALLNG =n Bie 551 z mares eters | ena St eval ng 2 Dia TE = + eu aang or seope or frown [Eas Se Ener z eae ‘EWVRORMENT RURAL Deven [Maia nt Se pe 2 [eens Feme aria ry eee et Stee a ae Bene aa ‘ omen [ee tele 4rd Wired harap © we pepe |e] Proreene | Gramvias- RoalOasonent w TE ee Fron Shien [to vag oars x eae [ita oe : oe | Seino “ tee} see [sexo caner “ CC HEALTH eat + | Pate Hoa Care = ae) oe 2 [Seat ut Bassa Prana + orem [eo |e jee | Sioa Seat + Paine — Pepe pee [ere ere + Ona Tue e | Stout Dron Poles Ponce! | 1 on ats} eta Heath Pram “eevandan Blood Donan nena 7 OF zyeyeye ine supp x lane pater Navesné Eye ce 6 oan 7 DRE Soran Hanae rth Spec 7 THE eee ‘Abbreviation Desert Drecty by NENT “Teeugh nglanerig Agere ial (Comore Task KCMET- Maningra Feunaion Tet Funston) “Teeugh nglonwtaon Agency Exar (are NGOs, Tl, Soy ‘Secon 8, Seton 25 Compares aadenic & Receteh nevus, Ober Fancy Agee, Government bode). ‘Buses Pare! Deas, Veaors,Senice Proves Mahindra - Rise. Thank You Visit us at

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