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ais0r2017 DC Motor speed contzal wth PIGIEFE7TA and CCS PIC C compiler PIC vi diéu khién dy an Cac dy an dign tir sir dung vi diéu khién Microchip PIC® cho ngudi yéu thich va sinh vién 66 ma C va céc tép m6 phéng. na] DyanPIcTeF4sso | CécayanPicter8a7 | Dyan ICi6ra77A | Dyan PICTOFEAA (ic ay an PICT2FT622 Cie ayan aidunniénwxa | cécdpannibmseatew | cécayaninee Dien Trib nay 26 thing 9 nam 2016 Kiém soat téc 46 dgng co’ DC véi trinh bién Picc DC dng co interfacing véi PIC6F877A, Tht df ding dé kgm soit te 6 eta mot dng, eo DC sit dung vi dew Khién PICISPS877A vi vi dié"w Kita nay od mt modile CCP a t9o ea mst in higu PWM, va ng ech thay ich k¥ nim vs a hig PWM thi eding suf pht ra cho ding es etng s& thay di, thay di. Chis d@™ nay cho ta ‘ylam the” nao d& {hye hin mot bg dié'w kin 1” e do dng ca DC si dung PICAGF877A, noi mst potentiometer deye si dung ae kiém sodtt6 "edo ding ea Hy xem ech 2 sa: PICI6F877A ADC vi du véi CCS PIC Ctrinh bin dich NB ubgn cn dé xem lim thé” nio dé tgo ra mét tin higu PWM si dung PICA6F877A thim cfc chi dé” sau ay én dich Kitm soat t6°e 49 dng ex DC véi mach PICISF877A: DDE kiém sodtt6e cia mt dg o» DC ebi ela mst bing bn din, trong dyn nly mst MOSFET loai N Adages dung nhs trong schematie ds dy tee ou De motor speed conto Potentiometer dye sr dung dé kiém sostt0"e d§ eb ding ou, n6 dg Ket nd i wi ANO. Vi dié“w Khia de «a igu analog tr ken ANo va sr dyng git (sau ki chuydn i) thie ip chu ky nhigm vy PWM. Module PICI6F877A CCP1 duye si dung nhu PWM Vsiti'n sb” 50082 Kim sodt tc d9 ding co DC voi PICI6F877A Ma CCS C: i duge mo ti thong qua ef nin xét cia n6. 41 0c notor speed control using PICLSFB77A CCS € code Y/ pota:Liccspice // erectromotepgnatl com include <16F877A.h> Hrfuses H5,NOADT, NOPROTECT, NOL keevice adc = 10 fuse delay(clock = 9000000) hup:tecspie. blogspot com20 16/03/pic1 61877a-de-motor-speed-conto-ccs-pcc him! ‘hen Nobn nae Timkiém Blog nay Timken han: hn doan () 7anics05 (1) apc ian) ing co BLOC (8) paciny eng co DC (14 Drs (Ton (9) r22(aM2302.R1709) (8) sta07 RTC (10) bs22a1 RTC (@) e-sr04 (6) git 20) 2930 07) Lop 8) Leen sas Las 4) ‘Tre mc 150 (12) by in Pre (e) picaersescnot2 (2) Proteus (21) wna any id kid tra (24) RF 315MHz-4330H2 (3) RTOs (1) ST7738 TFT (10) Beng co bude (9) arr (12) ‘uLn2003 (3) se (3 Luu tr Blog 19 ais0r2017 DC Motor speed control wih PIGIEFE77A and CCS PIC C compiler t ‘Tang chin (23) Lnsigned antas 4 ; pots nainge L] minoscoe | setup_ade(ADC_CLOCK_OIV_32); 11 Set ADC conversion tine to 32Tose 1] rhsng 712) i setuplade ports (AN@); 11 Configure a40 as analog ' | sex ade_channel(0); 1/ Select channel ava i] tree |) setup cepu(ccr_pat)s 11 Configure CPR a8 3 PAM i | trang maei ne) j setup_tiner_2(T2_D1V.8¥_16, 250, 1)5 // Set Pal frequency to SeeH FF snang soe | detay_ns(a09); 11 wast 10005 i a i wonnetraueg | andy ein 16 1s read_sde0s 1) R24 fom INO and store An § TT nang ie | set_pwat_suty(); 11 Pina duty cycle set ! 1 delay-ns(te)s 11 WeS% 3098 |) reso 7 90) i) | thang seven i E | tino en 1p dieu khiém 16"e dp ding or DC wi video PICHGF877A: Thangs) ‘Doan video sau cho thy mot mach ph cimg cho dn ny Thang 3181) DC motor speed control using PIC. Tote at Bai vit phé bién oy an PIci6e877A Qo teens soscin comma ICTBF4SS0 PWM vi dy jung 608 Pic.c 9 cach sir ICIGFSTTA PWM vi dy vot CCS PIC C "inh bin dich 1 aidu knién agng co v61 PICsSFATTA, ‘a L2030 (Proteus mo pong) boring con leans : i dings on i ding range arm Si) ae Nguéi theo déi trén Google Eee: R&e*cB! QBs SRaies ve tsi hupsecspie blogspot com20 16/03/pc161877a-de-motor-speed-conto-ccs-pcc him! 23 ais0r2017 DC Motor speed control wih PIGIEFE77A and CCS PIC C compiler uge cungeep bi Blogger hupsecspie blogspot com20 16/03/pc161877a-de-motor-speed-conto-ccs-pcc him! {Gh cha ign tr sm hd sorhodn chin ca a3

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