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2.7 Write your answers in your homework notebook.

(side 1 of 2)

Write an equation that would transform the parent function accordingly.

Parent function: =

1) Translated 5 units down.

2) Steeper by a factor of 4, translated 2 units left.

3) Reflected over the x-axis, translated 1 unit down.

4) Flatter by factor of , reflected over the x-axis, translated up 8 units and right 3 units.

5) Translated 2 units to the left and 5 units up.

6) Translated 4 units down, reflected across the x-axis, and steeper by a factor of 5.

2.7 Write your answers in your homework notebook. (side 2 of 2)

Describe how the graph of the equation has been transformed from the parent function = .

7) = ( + ) +

8) =

9) = ( )

10) = +

11) =

12) + =

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