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Academic One

Essay #1

Name: Sebastian Gonzalez

Topic: Essay about traveling to Brazil and Argentina

In this essay Im going to talk about why I would like to travel in a future to two countries: Brazil
and Argentina, the reasons and my opinions about the two countries in the touristic context.

On the one hand, one of the countries I have chosen is Brazil, and is a country that since when I
was a child, I would like to travel to there, in especially to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The
reasons that Id like to travel to these cities is because I think and people says that its a good
country to visit because of the carnival and Rio de Janeiro have that, however, other argue that its
not a good time to visit during the carnival because of the many tourist that visit the country in
that dates. In addition, I think another point of view of Rio de Janeiro is the beaches, the beaches
like Copacabana. Some people says that weather is very good about 28 to 32 C. Personally I
think that its a good idea to visit Sao Paulo, and visit, the soccer museum, the Corinthians Arena,
and I would like to watch a soccer match like Sao Paulo Fc vs. Corinthians.

In the other hand, I have chosen Argentina, I would like to visit this country since when I was about
13 years old, this country is especially because unlike Brazil, this country I would like to visit when
my favorite soccer team club would play at an international competition like Copa libertadores de
America in Buenos Aires, Argentina with an Argentine club. Especially because I would like to stay
in an Argentine stadium, but, like a visitant fan. Unlikely, some people says that is pretty
dangerous but I would like do that. However I would like to visit this nation because of the
gastronomy, I think they have a good gastronomy like asados or barbecues, choripanes (a especial
sandwich of pork sausages). As I know those of this dishes are vending in places named
bodegones that a friend said me that are inexpensive. They have an especial beverage named
Mate, that come in a recipe of metal and a metallic sorbet too. Personally I d like to try a glass
of red or white wine, if a have a stroke of luck.

Finally, I think both places have interesting things to visit them.

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