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We are in a spiritual battle and God is bringing into line us to walk in victory, but before
we do, we must first understand how our enemy operates.
1. The devil is intent on stealing what is rightfully ours, and taking what God has
made available to us.
2. God intends for us to live and enjoy life not just to the fullest, but to overflowing.
He wants to pour out so many blessings on us that we can share the overflow
with someone else, He wants to brightly improve the quality of life for
A. We are at war. Stay on guard against the enemys underhanded attacks.
1. The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus came that we might have
abundant life, to the full (John 10:10, AMP).
a. The devil is the thief, and the father of lies. His method of operation is to
deceive and steal. He is behind destruction, division, and death.
b. Jesus wants us to have the highest form of life, not to simply exist in a
state of fear and worry.

2. Gods divine power has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness. We
have all we need through the full, personal knowledge of Him Who called us to and
by His own virtue (2 Peter 1:3, AMP).
c. Virtue is defined as goodness. God wants to display His goodness
in and through us.
d. It is not good enough simply to know about We must have a personal
relationship with Him.
e. Our own natural strength has limits, but God has called us to operate in
His strength and power.
2. Jesus told the people to be careful of what they heard. The measure of thought
and study we give to the truth we hear is the measure of virtue and knowledge that
comes back to us (Mark 4:24, AMP).
a. We must be cautious about what we see and hear in the world. The devil
does not want us to detect his presence. He will try to sneak in and fool us into
believing the lies that the world believes.
3. Jesus came down to a level spot with the people and His disciples. Large crowds
came to hear Him and be healed, even those with unclean spirits (Luke 6:17-
19, AMP).
a. God can deliver us from any spirit that wants to vex and torment us.
B. In this spiritual battle, we must keep watch over our emotions and attitudes.
1. Jesus began showing His disciples that He had to go to Jerusalem, suffer, be
killed, and be resurrected on the third day. Peter rebuked Him, but Jesus spoke to
the evil force motivating Peter to say those things (Matthew 16:21-23, AMP).
a. The devil will use anyone he can to work his deeds. Peter did not
recognize he was being used and influenced by the enemy.
2. Be swift to hear and be a ready listener, but slow to get angry and take offense.
Human anger does not promote the righteousness God requires. Set aside all
uncleanness and out of control wickedness. Meekly receive the Word, which is able
to save your souls (James 1:19-21, AMP).
a. God gave us emotions, but we must not let them dominate us or control
our lives.
b. Negative emotions are designed by the enemy. When they are conceived,
they bring forth death.
c. When we hear, meditate on, and confess the Word of God, we are
implanting it in our lives for it to take root.
3. Where envy, strife, and selfish goal exist, there is unrest, rebellion, and evil
(James 3:16-18, AMP).
a. This is where the enemy will be found.
4. Jesus healed the woman who had suffered from an issue of blood for twelve years
when she came up and touched His clothes. She kept telling herself that if she
simply touched His garment, she would be healed. (Mark 5:25-34, AMP).
a. Despite what she had previously experienced, the woman was careful
about what she believed and thought.
b. The virtue that went out of Jesus when she touched Him is the same virtue
that we have inside us. Her faith pulled it out.
Scripture References
John 10:10, AMP Matthew 16:21-23, AMP
2 Peter 1:3, AMP James 1:19-21, AMP
Mark 4:24, AMP James 3:16-18, AMP
Luke 6:17-19, AMP Mark 5:25-34, AMP

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