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a7 2. A child is born in Bethlehem (Puer natus in Bethlehem) Vv. 1 and 2 by DAVID WILLCOCKS SAMUEL SCHEIDT (V. 1 tr. from the Latin) (1587-1654) ‘Vv. 3 and 4 from The Cowley Carol Book edited by DAVID WILLCOCKS soto) | A sopRano| (AE dite dl J al mea ? wf l.A child is born in Beth-le-hem, Al- le - uri, al~ cuore 1 "Z2.Re-joice, re-joice, sing high, singlow, Al- le - lu-ia al- 3.To thee, O Lord, be glo - ry paid, Al- le - lu-ta, al 74To Ho- ly Trin-i - ty give praise,Al- le - lu-ia al - reson = TENOR [Ea aur = St F # -ke - tu -ta, (mf)A child is born in -le - du - ia, (f) Re- joice, re - joice, sing -le - lu ~ia, (gp)To thee, O Lord, be -le - lu-ia,(f)To Ho’ - ly Trin- i - ty. give praise, Al - aid js a 2a = z= a T T SOPRANO, ps = = == we Poteet, tee vy 1 AL ahd is_bom Jn Bath = Je hom, 4? - 2. Re -joice, re-joice, sing high, sing low, - CHOIR It Bats "hee, O Lod, be TR. paid, i - 7 470 Ho - ly Trin- i - y give praise, Al - TENOR Ls aad ad az i —- pass r If proferred the piece may be sung a tone higher. Source: Cantiones Saeras Octo Vacum, 1620 ‘An SATB version (arr. Carter) i uso available separately (R323). © Osiord University Press 1966 18 7 ‘A child is born in Bethlehem *(orig, d in all voices) (a and joy = ne 3) Son (f)With De is de al-fe ~~ lv - ia, tUTTD in - ca of Ma o gra Je - mus TY; a ru -sa- lem, Do - mi ny mo - ther -maid, as——al’- ways,

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