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Bloodstone is green with distinctive red

spots that resemble blood, giving this stone
its name. The bloodstone was used to stop
bleeding especially nosebleeds. Bloodstone
aligns all levels with the physical and helps
the soul to strive upwards, towards the Light
of Divine Spirit. It strengthens the will to do
good. An intense healing stone and stone of
courage. It helps to accept the re-alignment
of energies.

Helps to be present in the moment.

Use for renewal of the physical, mental and emotional. Helps to revitalise love, relationships and
friendships. Use to dispel states of bewilderment and obscure thought. Bloodstone works
efficently towards a health immune system by removing toxins and helping your body to absorb
the nutrients it needs to create peak condition. Works well with allergies too.

Poveava intelekt. Unosi energiju u ivot na razne naine, ukljuujui obilje i blagostanje,
pomae u pravnim pitanjima. Izvrstan je kod slabokrvnosti i drugih bolesti krvi, za krvni tlak,
bubrege, mjehur, kod post-operativnih problema, emitira fiziku snagu.

Electromagnetic (high iron). Ancient Egypt, Atlantis used

to calm, ground, revitalize. Classic for wealth, menstrual
cramps, anemia, bloodclots, hemorrhoids, birthing or
reproductive systems, imbalance. Bloodstone is a calming,
grounding, revitalizing strength and to attract wealth.

Brazilianite is a great stone for cleansing and getting the

flow going again. It helps us to want to see whats really going on
so we can understand ourselves fully so we can release what we
no longer need. It also helps dissipate obstructions within our
energy system, running through our meridians thus increasing our
energy as it flows freely again. It can be used to increase creativity
and aid in manifestation. It works to amplify your focused will
giving the power to move towards that which you seek to manifest.
Brazilianite can help release anger and resentment or to speak up in
defense of our own needs.

It is great for bringing us the courage to make our ideas manifest. A stone of right action
and taking responsibility for our lives, living honestly with ourselves without being a

The crystal opens this energy centre to facilitate the connection with our natural creative state,
but most importantly the release, experience and active action of birthing these creative visions
into our daily lives.

This is a perfect crystal for those that find themselves hiding their gifts and talents and not
honouring the full power of their magnificence. The Solar Plexus is the energy centre of will, and
through this center we may oscillate between experiences of ego will, or when in balance we
express the divine will of creation. Brazilianite supports the balance and harmony of the Solar
Plexus, such that when we receive the divine whisperings of our higher self, we acknowledge
these messages from a place of worthiness and self-love. From this place of inner strength, we
then have the courage, determination and inner-will to enact upon our visions with grace and
ease. Thus Brazilianite facilitates a connection through our heart to express our gifts, talents and
joy to the world from a place of compassion, purpose and meaningful expression for the creation
of life. This crystal ensures we come from a place of higher wisdom, and divine service in
expressing and contributing to the future of planet Earth for future generations to come.

Other crystals which support the energetics of Brazilianite and in particular the alignment of ones
creative energies through the heart via divine will are Phenacite, Herkimer Diamonds and natural
Fluorite octahedrons.
Brazilianite is also a powerful crystal
to use during meditation to facilitate a
higher vision through your Heart of
the next steps of your creative
journey. Brazilianite embodies an
interesting and potent energy that
relates to ancient Atlantis, and this
Atlantean vibration may have a
profound effect on your creative
abilities... especially if you have lived
a past life in ancient Atlantis. The
vibration of this lovely crystal has a
number of other positive attributes,
including its action to help you to
release anger and by making you
aware of your personal power.

This energy also aids you to be aware of anyone who tries to take advantage of you, and to deal
with this in a new creative way. Using Brazilianite crystals may be helpful to ensure that others
do not cross your boundaries.They will also help to release feelings that have you continuously
worried about what others think of your actions...which have stopped you from living the life
you would like.

It may be advantageous in situations where parents don't

seem to be able to get their children to live by the house
rules and where they find it hard to say no. If are in any
sort of relationship where anyone else is manipulating
you... and this may be your partner or your children...
this stones vibration will help you to break free from this
oppression and make your own choices.

The vibration of Brazilianite crystals can aid these

relationships... and help parents who have allowed their
children to control the family, to work out what is
required for peace and harmony to prevail in your home. It can also be helpful for parents who
find it hard to let go of their children... and allow them to live their own life.

Using these beautiful yellow stones with Moldavite... which is one of the high vibration
crystals... and the beautiful yellow Citrine Crystals-will help you to manifest change in your life

Broncit jo zovu "kamen

koncentrirane akcije" i "kamen
pristojnosti". Pomae nam da sa
sigurnou ovladamo naim akcijama.
Pomae nam unaprijed misliti o
stvarima i poveava sposobnost
preuzimanja kontrole nad vlastitim
ivotom. Rastjeruje neizvjesnost,
potie preuzimanje potrebne akcije za
vlastitu korist, ali daje nam pri tome
njeno, pristojno i principijelno
ponaanje.Dobar za uzemljenje.
Potie promjenu na skladan nain.
Fiziki je koristan za lijeenje bolesti
povezanih s treom akrom, za
apsorpciju eljeza, smanjuje miinu
napetost, rasjeruje nemir uzrokovan emocionalnim i psihofizikim bolestima.

Bronzite promotes focused action and courtesy, equitability and unprejudiced discernment
within the wearer. Also the stimulus for decisiveness in that which has not been resolved. Assists
in acheiving states of certainty and in all areas of service.

This stone is beneficial to use when making plans for the future because it alleviates indecision
and doubt. Bronzite is also believed to be effective against curses or ill wishes.

Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of various types of energies. This transparent crystal
can be found in a variety of colors and forms. including clear, green, pink, orange, blue.... All
calcites emanate a gentle energy - cleansing, revitalizing. Calcite opens energy channels.

Calcite stimulates the Fire Element to assist in moving blocked energy through the chakras.

Each color of calcite has specific energies:

White Calcite - Cleansing and healing

Green Calcite - emotional balance, stress relief
Blue Calcite - psychic ability, astral travel
Clear Calcite (Iceland Spar) - Clarity and insight, forgiveness
Yellow Calcite - Creativity, sexuality, confidence
Honey Calcite - Persistence, intellectual power
Pink (Mangano) Cobalt Calcite - Well being, empathy, health
Red Calcite - Vitality

Blue Calcite: Increases psychic ability. Effective

against laziness

Blue calcite assists in freely expressing the emotions and

eases emotional pain. Activates freer expression of
creative abilities. Calcite is a wonderful healer and
aligner, working with grounding energies through into
the physical plane. Calcite is the cleanser of negative
stored energies within the human system. Its vast array of
colours works on all areas of the body and aura, from the
gross physical to the finest layers of the etheric.
Placement of the various colours of calcite upon the body
has induced amplification of ones energy fields Calcite
works to help the mind and body to remember: The mind, to remember information brought to
bear during astral travel and channeling experiences. The body to remember the state of
perfection during disease in order to return to the natural state of flawlessness. Calcite is a world
teacher for all of humanity, facilitating macrocosmic awareness and appreciation of the creative
forces of nature.

Honey calcite activates the root chakra,

solar plexus chakra and third eye,
bringing these into harmony and balance.
Honey calcite is also used to facilitate
astral projection. Honey Calcite is a stone
that gently amplifies energy. It also assists
in the challenges associated with change.
Physically, Honey Calcite is beneficial for
kidneys, bladder, female organs,
menopause. It is an excellent massage
stone. Honey Calcite is particularly good
for children who have problems with bed-
wetting. Honey Calcite is associated with
the sacral and solar plexus chakras, and
helps bring balance between these two chakras.

Golden Calcite is associated with self-esteem

and self-worth. The glowing, golden colour
and crystalline structure bring out the
emotional and mental confidence that you
have in your subconscience It connects you to
your Higher Self. Golden Calcite draws high
frequencies of golden Light and Divinity into
the Earth plane. Use it to draw in higher
spiritual energies. Golden Calcite helps to
ease transitions by helping to release old
beliefs and integrate new beliefs that better
support you in your everyday reality. Use
Golden Calcite to discover the habits and
beliefs that limit you and to give you the
ability to release them and use that energy to
empower yourself.
Pink Cobalt Calcite - Well
being, empathy, health, love
Calcite, pink from Cobalt, Brings
love, patience, gentleness,
compassion. Soothes intensity of
feelings. Mental and emotional
balance. Works wonders on the
heart chakra and allows healing
to transpire. Pink is believed to
inspire love, patience, gentleness,
compassion and balances the

Umiruje emocionalno tijelo,

pomae s tekim osjeajem tuge,
oporavlja slomljena srca i pomae
razviti ljubav prema sebi. Jaa
samopouzdanje, pomae da prevladamo samoosuivanje, proiava prvu akru od blokirane
energije i trauma. Snaan kamen koji ubrzava proces ozdravljenja. Pojaava energiju svjetla i
donosi je u one slojeve energetskog tijela gdje je to potrebno. Kobaltokalcit je prekrasan kamen
ija se energija vremenom manifestira u obilju, a takoer ublaava stres i brige o novcu. It
removes fears and eases nightmares.

Cobaltoan Calcite meaning: Cobaltoan Calcite

also known as Sphaerocobaltite. In addition to the
properties of Calcite, these crystals are said to be
crystals of joy.

Pink Calcites energy can just melt and dissolve your

resistance to loving yourself enough to honour your
body as the temple of your soul. This means taking care
of yourself and choosing food that nurtures you, rather
than listening to the negative ego, which only seeks
instant gratification, regardless of the long-term
detrimental effects.
Green Calcite harmonises the electrical energy circuits in the
body. Balances the Etheric and the merging of the physical
and spiritual bodies. Green Calcite perfect to create harmony
and balance in your life as it aligns your energies. Great for
grounding and opening your Heart to areas there may have
been fear before. It is light and purposeful, a great companion
to use in healing and centring your energies. Healing
properties of Green Calcite: Green calcite can assist in
dissolving old rigid belief systems, restoring balance to your
mind.It aids any transition from a stagnant to a positive
environment. It is also used to stimulate the immune system
and absorb negative energy (such as arthritis and bacterial infections). Crystal Healers use it with
bone adjustments, and constrictions of the ligaments and muscles.Green Calcite draws money
and prosperity to your doorstep.

Yellow Calcite that stimulates your intellect. It can

help you to organise intellectual thoughts and
information. It also boosts your general energy levels
while it increases your personal power and sense of
self-worth. This Calcite is also very helpful for
psychic abilities and meditation. It assists you with
channeling, intuitive awareness, mediumship,
shamanic work, and other psychic activities. This
Calcite has strong energizing and cleansing
properties.Dissolves problems standing in the way of
achieving your best potential. It can be used to
balance your sexual energies, increase creativity and
clear negative energies stored in your Sacral Chakra.
It brings relief from emotional fear and emotional
paralysis and can be used in cases of mental breakdown, depression, accidents, sexual violence,
divorce or suicidal feelings.

Kalcit je moan pojaiva i proiiva energije. Samo prisustvo kalcita u sobi isti negativnu
energiju iz prostora i poveava nau energiju. Pobjeuje lijenost, ohrabruje preobrazbu ideja u
akciju, majstorstvo i uspjeh. Koristan za uenje. Stimulira metabolizam, vrlo je blagotvoran za
imunitet i srce. Pojaava rast kod djece. Povoljno djeluje na kou, crijeva, stimulira lijeenje
tkiva i kosti. Pomae apsorpciju kalcija u kostima, ali razlae kalcifikaciju, jaajui kostur i
zglobove. Kalcit isti i puni energijom akre


Cat's Eye, Falcon's Eye or Hawk's Eye, Tiger's

Eye. gemstone meaning: Tiger Eye lets you see everything.
Use it for insight and you can be a very lucky person. When
used in jewelry the tiger eye may bring good luck and
protection from the evil eye to the wearer. It also known to
bring clear thinking and insight.Assists an addictive
personality to make changes for the better.

Natural Cat's Eye ( chrysoberyl ) is a stone of good fortune

and good luck. It is said to bring serenity and happiness, along
with optimism and generosity. It is used in emotional crystal healing to bring forgiveness, balanced
emotions, and self-esteem. Cat's eye can enhance creativity and kindness. It is also a stone of
protection. Physically, cat's eye is used in crystal healing for kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes,
spleen, and leukemia issues.
Tigrovo oko je jak zatitniki kamen, poveava sreu, donosi blagostanje, esto u obliku
novca. titi tijekom putovanja (odlino ga je staviti u automobil). Pomae nam jasno vidjeti
stvari bez iluzija. Koristi se za oi, reproduktivni sistem, slomljene kosti, probavu,
crijeva.Povezan je sa solarnim pleksusom i donosi nam osobnu mo. Vrlo jak kamen.

Tigrovo oko se povezuje s tigrom, kraljem zvijeri u istonjakim mitovima. U Japanu se za tigra
vjerovalo da ivi tisuu godina. Rimski vojnici nosili su tigrovo oko kako bi u bitkama bili
hrabri. Tigrovo oko daje energiju slaboj i iscrpljenoj osobi. Ublaava depresiju i podie
raspoloenje. Smanjuje elju za obilnom hranom, alkoholom, cigaretama ili drugim
stimulansima. Tigrovo oko je jedan od najpopularnijih minerala. Efekt oka je intrigiralo ljude
vjekovima, smatralo se da objedinjuje zemlju i sunce, odnosno tijelo i duh. Mijenjajui svoju
boju tigrovo oko upozorava nas na stalne promjene u svijetu te nam pomae da lake ostavimo
prolost i okrenemo se prema budunosti. Pripisuju mu se zatitna svojstva i utjecaj na
uspostavljanje ravnotee jina i janga, muke i enske energije u nama.

Tiger's Eye healing power : Chalcedony Quartz

Cat's Eye. Yellow-gold, confidence, will power,
clears thinking (and thus speaking), personal
power in life. Yellow / solar plexus, chakra.
(Not as strong as citrine or Topaz.) Works on
Mental plane: amplifies thinking and
manifesting what you think about careful will
helps separate thoughts from feelings, so
centered, less emotional. Rub with essential oil
on Front. Bottom for blood detox. Use with
malachite or pearl for mental/emotional
balance, understanding. Helps change anxiety,
fear and obsessive ness into practicality, logic.

Properties: This stone is most recognized for

bringing money, psychic protection, courage, luck confidence, willpower, clear thinking and
speaking to show us the personal power in life that we have. Tiger's Eye works on our mental
plane by amplifying thinking and manifesting what you think about. Helps separate thoughts
from feelings, more centered, less emotional. Tiger's Eye allows us to recognize both our talents and
our faults. It can reveal your true needs without our self-serving or rigid mental attitudes getting
in the way.
A stone for people who need more confidence to accomplish their goals. Draws helpful people and
material things to the wearer. Centers energy and mental focus. This stone helps us to find our
closest version of perfectionism without obsessive behavior.
Red Tigers Eye: Strengthens your body force/energy, is grounding and is used at the Root Chakra.,
Enables one to slow down. Slows the 3rd chakra and flushes excess energy out.
Soothing and calming. Balances the yin-yang.. Bikovo oko- crveno tigrovo oko,
tradicionalno se koristilo kao amajlija koja odbija "urokljive" oi i daje nosiocu
hrabrost i nepovredivost. Ovo je bio Hefestov kamen.

Hawk's Eye/Falcon's Eye: Natural Green, gray or blue Tiger's eye-like quartz. Helps
gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and
unflinchingly, as from a Hawk's eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: Deepens
meditation. helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow. It can
help gently attune the third eye red

Makes it easy to retain overview in complex situations and helps with difficulties in
decision making. Relieves pain; helps with shivering, and hormonal hyperactivity.
Hawk's eyes trengthens will and courage. Fortune. Helps one to speak more and
gain more confidence. In gemology, chatoyancy is an optical reflectance effect seen in
certain gemstones. The effect can be likened to the sheen off a spool of silk: the
luminous streak of reflected light is always perpendicular to the direction of the

Tigers Eye, YELLOW/GOLD: Combines the energy of the sun and the earth.
Peaceful. Helps one seeking clarity. Helps with intuition. Supports the 3rd chakra.
Releases introversion and fear. Stimulates wealth. Used in treatment of disorders
of the eye, throat, reproductive system and intestines. Helps night vision and spinal

When used in jewelry the tiger eye brings good fortune and protection to
its owner. It is also known to bring clear thinking and insight.Combines
earth energy with the sun. Tiger eye lets you see everything! Use the tiger eye
for insight and you can be a very lucky person.
Cavansite crystal
Cavansite is a rare mineral forming small blue sparkling
rays of crystals. It is found only in a small area of India.
Cavansite is rarely collected due to its scarcity and
difficulty of mine access.

Cavansite is a stone of transition through major life

changes. It helps you to make sense of previous
experiences... or life lessons that you may have had
difficulty with in the past, and to optimistically and
happily deal it. It aids you to let go of faulty thinking and
be comfortable in the knowledge of your actions.

It aids your ability to connect with spirit and is a highly useful stone for those in psychic
employment. Other stones that are not puffballs, may be bought in a matrix, and they may be a
little larger. They often come in or with white stilbite. Their color is a shade of blue... that ranges
from deep ultramarine blue to slightly greenish blue.This is a lovely crystal that embodies the
energy of the purest blue ray. It is said to enable some individuals who attune to its energies to be
able to access the Akashic records... the repository of all history and knowledge on the etheric

Cavansite is a stone of truth, and allows you to accept yourself as you are, as well to accept
others as they are.This stone assists healing of the body... as it helps the cells to remember the
state of perfection where they began... so they can return to it.

It is known to help to heal the eyes, the throat, the kidneys and bladder... and may aid tinnitus...
also known as ringing in the ears. It allows you to slip easily into the state of mind needed to
make the journey to the higher realms.

These natural crystals united bring the energies of both stones together... and creates a beautiful
vibration of love and joy. Cavansite aids you to change how you look at the past, and to deal
with it in a positive way, and be comfortable with your actions.

Cavansite inspires new ways of thinking and dispels negative thought patterns.

This crystal has the ability to magnify energy and willtherefore, amplify intuitive abilities when
you are working with it. It clears and activates all of the Chakras, and it sharpens your intellect.
Interestingly enough, if this crystal is placed right up on a doorway, it provides protection for the
Cavansite is a stone of revelation and prophesy, stimulating spiritual breakthroughs.

Used with stilbite, it opens the heart chakra

Used with apophyllite, cavansite increases psychic

Stilbite emanates vibrations of joy and love.

Stilbite has a delicate quality, gently expanding a sense of

self and beyond into the astral realm. This is a powerful
stone that brings a calming influence and has been used to
assist in restful sleep and vivid dreaming. It brings inner
peace during meditation.
Chalcedony, or Calcedony, is a fine-grained variety of the silica mineral quartz. It has a waxy
luster and appears in a great variety of colors -- usually blue-white, buff, light tan, gray, yellow,
or brown. Chalcedony is named for the ancient seaport of Chalcedon (Kadikoy, Turkey).
Archaeologists have dug up Babylonian and Assyrian Chalcedony cylinder-seals dating from
500BC. Chalcedony occurs in in a great variety of colors inlcuding blue, lavender, white, buff,
light tan, gray, yellow, pink, red or brown. If chalcedony is conspicuously color-banded, it may
be called agate and with other minerals it has various other names including carnelian, mocha
stone, onyx, bloodstone, bloodstone, jasper, and onyx, to name a few.

Used to assist telepathy

Absorbs negative energy and dissipates it
Harmonizes mind, body, and spirit
Instills generosity

Helps ease self-doubts, makes one more reflective.

Eases bad dreams and problems related to the eye,
gall bladder, bones, spleen, blood, and circulatory
organs. Cleansing in nature and will promote
healing of open sores

Chalcedony is a powerful cleanser, including open sores. Mothers use it to increase lactation, and
it also fosters the maternal instinct. It increases physical energy. Healers use it to decrease ill
effects of senility and dementia as well as to heal the eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and
circulatory system.

Pomae apsorpciju minerala, daje porast mentalne stabilnosti i smanjuje simptome senilnosti.

Blue Chalcedony Healing Stones

A type of Quartz that heads a family which includes Agate, Carnelian,

Jasper, Tiger's Eye, and Onyx. Found in the US, Sri Lanka, USSR,
Mexico and Brazil. Gray is most common color but stone are found in
shades of white, black, blue, and brown. Helps ease self-doubts, makes one
more reflective. Eases bad dreams and problems related to the eye, gall
bladder, bones, spleen, blood, and circulatory organs. Cleansing in nature and will promote
healing of open sores. It needn't be cleaned afterward since it has such strong cleansing qualities
of its own. Fosters the maternal instinct and is said to aid lactation.

White Chalcedony Healing Stones

Powerful cleanser including open sores. Fosters the maternal instinct and
increases lactation, improves mineral assimilation and combats mineral
buildup in veins.

Dendritic Chalcedony Healing Stones

Promotes clear and precise thought. This stone is useful when you are
under pressure or attack as it facilitates calm communication while
remaining relaxed.

Pink Chalcedony Healing Stones

Encourages kindness and all good qualities. Brings out a sense of childlike
wonder and willingness to learn new things.

Red Chalcedony Healing Stones

Bestows strength and persistence in achieving goals. It advises when to fight
and when to give in gracefully.

Deep Blue Chalcedony Healing Stones

Balances the energy of the body, mind and spirit. Encourages
brotherhood among all. Symbolizes benevolence and good will.
Alleviates hostility, irritability and melancholy. Enhances generosity,
responsiveness and receptivity.

Blue Chalcedony helps soothe and foster mental and emotional stability and can bring emotional
honesty. It helps encourage and ease communication. It can be used for psychic work and
encourage clairvoyance, intuition, and energy healing. It can be protective in the physical and
emotional realms and can be used for protection from the "evil eye" and protection from dark
magic. It is used as a sacred stone for Native American Indians, helping promote stability within
ceremonial activities of the tribes. It is a stone that helps encourage brotherhood among all,
bringing benevolence, good will and helps reduce hostility, irritability, sadness, and melancholy.
This is a very nurturing stone and helps enhance generosity.

CELESTIT- celestin, Dobar za mentalne aktivnosti. Balansira yin-yang energiju. isti i

pokree akre. Sadri prirodnu mudrost , moe spojiti s realitetima anela i priama iz prolosti.
Potie sjeanje snova, astralna putovanja. Snaan kamen koji duboko prodire u nas, odlian za
lijeenje. Oputa tkiva, organe i napete miie. Povoljan za oi, sluh, mentalne disfunkcije,
eliminira toksine, probavne smetnje. The name celestite comes from a Latin word meaning
"heaven." Connect with your Guardian Angel! Celestite can be found in clear, white, gray,
blue, green, yellow, orange or reddish brown. It offers a gentle uplifting energy that will raise
one's awareness. It is an effective stone to use in order to establish and maintain communication
with the angelic realm.This stone is ideal for placement in the bedroom, or meditation space as
an environmental cleanser. Celestite is a soft stone (both physically and metaphysically) and its
vibrations radiate in all directions.Celestite is an elevating crystal that makes one feel as though
floating on a cloud.
Celestite is a stone of peace
and can help connect you to
the angelic realm. It
stimulates clairvoyant
communication , dream recall,
and journeys out of the body.
It also promotes purity of
heart and attracts good
fortune. Psychologically,
Celestite imparts gentle
strength and enormous inner
peace despite urging one
towards a greater openness to
new experiences. Mentally,
Celestite calms and sharpens
the mind and promotes mental
balance. Placed on the third
eye, Celestite opens a connection to the universal energies. It brings a vision of peaceful coexistence
with the whole of creation and holds the possibility of total harmony.

Angelite (Anhydrite) is formed from celestite that has been compressed for many
millions of years.
aroit je kamen preobraaja. Stimulira duhovni uvid, osigurava
duboko duhovno i emotivno iscjeljenje. Pomae nam prihvatiti
sadanji trenutak kao savren. Daje entuzijazam, spontanost,
motivaciju, te smanjuje stres i brigu donosei oputeni stav.
Otvara i balansira krunsku akru, te donosi uvid kako rijeiti
osobnu ili kolektivnu karmu.aroit puni energijom iscrpljeno
tijelo i regulira krvni tlak. Utjee na oi, srce, jetru i guterau.
Lijei oteenja jetre izazvana alkoholom, ublaava greve i
bolove. Daje duboki san s intenzivnim snovima.

Purple, solid. Newly coming into greater use. Works with Indigo
& violet Chakra to transmute/lift us out of emotions, fear.
Seeing old patterns with new possibilities. Opens heart, inspiration, service, seeing clearly
(mentally, physically, psychically), faster healing. Some find useful also for entity release work and
alcohol/liver detoxification

Charoite is a soul stone with deep physical and emotional healing

energies. It is a stone of transformation and is used to overcome
fears. Charoite stimulates your inner vision.

Charoite can be used to overcome obsessions and compulsions. It

grounds the spiritual self, opening and balancing the crown chakra.
Healing properities of charoite: Lifts energy when the body is
exhausted, regulates blood pressure, assists with deep sleep and
powerful dreams. Put charoite beneath your pillow, especially if
you are prone to disturbed sleep or fears which surface in dreams.
In combination with amethyst, it will help to release these fears. Charoite is a crystal of the new
cycle, or Golden cycle. It is assisting to herald in a new and vibrant life. It brings in focused
clarity and the awareness of what we create. Assisting to step out of the old, fear based existence
of emotions, thoughts and patterns. It lightens the way to the unlimited self. Carry Charoite to
release of limiting beliefs and old patterns, so you can manifest
your reality with Divine assistance, for your highest good and
greatest joy.

For a New You! Charoite is found in only one location - along

the Chary River at Aldan in Russia.

Stones Compatible with Charoite: Amethyst , Kunzite , Blue

Apatite, Moldavite
These stones supply helpful ways to relieve stress.
By allowing the release of stress and worry, they
brings about calm and restful feelings. This is a
beneficial stone for spiritual healing... as it will aid
forgiveness of others, including those who caused
you pain in past lives. Meaningful coincidence or
synchronicity may become more frequent in your
life as the flow of positive energy in your life
increases, once you begin to use this stone. It will
clear negative past life patterning within the DNA...
and will encourage you to have faith in the process
of your spiritual growth. It is the stone for the
planet Chiron... and this stones energy will enable
you to better understand how Chiron inllences your
Chalcopyrite - Peacock Ore - Bornite

The name "Chalcopyrite" is derived from the

Greek words chalkos, "copper" and pyrites,
"strike fire". This mineral increases your
perceptive abilities. It assists you in pulling
ethereal energy to you to bring information to
you and others. Peacock ore can be used to break
up energy blockages and can open up and cleanse
the Crown Chakra. It makes an excellent
meditation stone.

Chalcopyrite helps to find 'lost' objects, it also

often 'goes walkabout' to accumulate information which will be beneficial to its user. It
enhances perception and strengthens contact with ancient cultures of the universe. It connects
us with other cultures and helps us to receive their information. It is the stone of the mystic,
bringing information for both yourself and other relative to their energy field. Chalcopyrite
can remove energy blocks and can totally open up the crown chakra, cleansing and activating
it at the same time. Assists with the movement of Chi through the body.

Peacock Ore (Bornite) is a crystaline variety of Chalcopyrite

and they have very similar properties. Bornite is the name of
the natural, untreated stone, while Peacock Ore usually
describes its heat-enhanced state. Bornite has naturally
occuring rainbow colours, but they are rare in nature. It is
useful in providing protection from outside negativity; it also
helps you to recognise the source of the negativity. It is a
colourful stone for helping to dismiss grey days by inspiring
hope and lifting your mood. As with the bird it is named after,
its display is an inspiration and reminder that life is not limited
to a mundane combination of atoms, but permeated by a magic that does not cease to exist
because we cannot always perceive it! Bornite is an excellent healing stone. It can be used to
assist in the building and re-building of your physical body. It renews perfection to cellular
growth, composition and arrangement. It performs a major role in the amelioration of the
origin, nature and course of disease, and it is quite useful in the treatment of imbalances in
cellular metabolism and in alterations of tissue formations within your body. Known for its
iridescent colors, it was nick-named peacock ore by early miners. This stone of happiness and
joy will help you tune into positive forces in life and channel that energy to others . It brings
to the user a feeling that the way it is, is the way it is supposed to be. It brings you the ability
to see and accept the joy in any moment. Everything is for purposeful good. It assists in
separating the positive from the negative and allows you to understand the distinct difference.
Peacock Ore is one of the strongest healing stones on the mineral kingdom. It has the
ability to align every chakra when applied to a given chakra. The energy within Peacock
Ore creates a circular, clockwise motion. Even though it is placed on one chakra, it will affect
the other six. It can cause a transformation that removes negative energy and replaces it with a
strong, beneficial, positive energy. It possesses the
unique property of energizing not only the area on which
it is placed, but all affects all of the surrounding area as
Peacock Ore is the stone of the rebirther. It assists one in
integrating and bringing into unity the existing separation
of emotions with intellect. Human is emotion and God is
intellect. The Peacock Ore helps to remove the illusion
that God and you are separate. Also, it casts out any ideas
or thoughts which no longer serve you.

It is known to help you if you have lost something to find it, and it may even get lost to you as
well. Like most gold stones, this is a stone of abundance, and it has a positive vibration
that is known to increase happiness, joy and belief in yourself. It will help you to be
more aware of the link between abundance and attaining prosperity and your way of

These lovely stones have attributes that aid you to notice when there things in your life that
may be blocking you from achieving your goals.The vibration of these stones may assist you
to recognize methods to use to avoid circumstances that may be blocking your way forward.It
can help you to cut people adrift, or even objects, that you have been unable to let go of. It
makes you have a greater awareness of what you no longer require in your life.

It resonates within all chakras, and its action within the solar plexus chakra also known as the
power chakra may help you to attract money. It is helpful to you to aid you to understand that
you need to think prosperously to be prosperous, it also often goes walkabout to accumulate
information which will be beneficial to its user! It helps the movement of the chi in the body
and aids it to go where most needed... and aids any blockages to be dissolved as easily as
possible.To aid you to manifest money... you may combine this stone with other golden
stones... such as Golden Apatite, Sunstones, Golden Rutile Included in Quartz, Red Cinnabar,
Golden Labradorite, Libyan Desert Glass, Citrine, and Sphene, also called Titanite.

Iron Pyrite is closely related to this stone and has a number of qualities in common, and
combines well with it to manifest. Some of these are high vibration stones such as Moldavite,
Yttrium Fluorite, Tremolite and Libyan Gold Tektite. A number of other crystals also embody
a mystical vibration... including Dendritic Opal, Labradorite, Blue Azurite, Clear Quartz and
Titanite and these work well with this stone when used in meditation.
Chiastolite- Andalusite

The "Cross Stone". This crystal is a brown variety of

Andalusite. It exhibits the axis and angle in a different
color from the rest of the crystal forming a natural cross.
It is used as a sign of devotion towards awareness and
dispels negativity. It signifies both death and re-birth and
helps one to understand the realization of immortality. It
is used as a bridge for "crossing over". It helps one to
assimilate during times of change. It provides insight to answers when problem solving. This
powerful crystal balances one's perspective in both creativity and practicality. During illness, it
helps to maintain spirituality, lessens fever, balances blood flow, increases secretion of milk in
nursing mothers and repairs chromosome damage. Also known as Chiastolite, which refers
specifically to Chiastolite which exhibits the interior cross formation. The name Chiastolite
comes from the name of the Spanish province Andalusia, where this mineral can be found.

The name chiastolite derives from the Greek chiastos meaning

"cross marked".Andalusite allows you to objectively explore the
different facets of your personality, helping you to address issues
rationally and logically. It helps you to understand that your
intentions drive your spiritual nature, and that self-sacrifice can
be a part of your spiritual growth, but that it is never required of
you. It assists with memory, helps you to clarify ambiguous texts,
increases your connection to your ancestors, and lends clarity to
channeled messages. It facilitates balance, re-alignment and grounding. Andalusite also helps
you to understand the concept of 'everything in moderation' (including moderation!)

Chiastolite has been used since ancient times for protection.It transmutes conflict into
harmony and dispels negative thoughts and energies.

Some uses of Chiastolite include:

Psychic protection
Strengthen any chakra
Overcome feelings of loneliness,isolation or
Protection for travellers
Gateway to mysteries and out of body travel
Enhances the energy of prosperity stones

This brown stone has a highly protective vibration. In the

distant past Chiastolite was used to ward off the evil eye and curses by ancient people. This is
a stone of balance and harmony... and will counter disagreements between people of differing
ideas, and transform their attitudes into one of harmonious agreement.This is an excellent
stone for you to use alongside the higher vibration stones, as it is a powerful stone to aid
you to journey to higher spiritual realms and to learn about the contents of the akashic
records, while remaining grounded.

Chiastolite is a powerfully protective stone. It has the property of transmuting dissension into
harmony. It is a creative stone with the power to dispel negative thoughts and feelings. It
transmutes conflict into harmony and aids problem-solving and change. It is a gateway into
the mysteries, and is helpful for those making the transition beyond death. It dissolves
illusions and calms fears, enabling you to face reality. It aids in the transition between one
situation and another, especially at the psychological level, and releases worn-out patterns and

It clears feelings of guilt and stabilizes the emotions. It maintains spirituality during illness or
trauma, invoking protective forces. It assists in attuning to the soul's purpose. It also helps
with paralysis and nerve problems. Chiastoiltes' X was used to deflect the evil eye. Chiastolite
is a wonderful energy to have around. It helps you find your path, balances your emotions,
dispels negativity and helps to transform all inharmonious vibrations into harmonious ones.
Use as a bridge between worlds or in times of change as an accelerator to release old limiting
nae se i naziv celestite flower ali rijetko

Chrysanthemum stone is named for its

unique patterns embedded in the stone that
resemble flowering chrysanthemums.It is a stone
that awakens your true purpose in life and lends
the support and courage necessary to follow your
dreams. This stone brings unexpected
opportunities (luck) once you have stepped on a
chosen path. Chrysanthemum stone contains an
energy that forges through obstacles to joy,
love and abundance in your life.

It creates a sense of balance between physical and

spiritual and encourages love and joy. The
flowering pattern represents the burst of energy
that is love, joy and abundance. This unique stone makes a wonderful gift for anyone starting
out on a new path (such as an infant or someone making a career change) or between lovers
embarking on a new life together. It helps one to start and to continue. Meditate with
chrysanthemum to assist in overcoming fear and obstacles in order to achieve abundance,
contentment and joy!

Chrysanthemum Stone is an interesting stone to look at and each stone is quite unique. These
black and white stones have a calming energy that assists you to feel centered.This lovely
energy will bring joy and child-like happiness into your life. The saying 'be fully present'
applies to this stone, as it aids you to be in the moment.As you work on discovering your true
purpose, it encourages the real you to open up and bloom! By aiding you to see the bigger
picture, you may discover your purpose.

It may help you to find within you the courage to live your dream. Have you had a feeling that
you have not yet achieved your potential or are you unsure what your reason for being here
is? This stone has a strong vibration and metaphysical properties that will assist you if you
have been unable to work out your purpose. It also aids you to take the action required to
manifest it into your reality.

As you use the energy of the Chrysanthemum Stone... you may allow yourself to break free
from the past and take the steps needed to make changes in your life. The vibration of this
stone is said to encourage positive synchronicities. Although these coincidences may seem
to be simply random unrelated events that are somehow brought together... they can be a
powerful assistance to move your life in a new direction. This stone has a strong vibration
that encourages these to occur. It is known to increase both the number and frequency of
experiencing coincidence and synchronicity in your life... and it is known as a stone of good
fortune.Using this stone may also be accompanied by periods classified as 'lucky'... and from
this situation you may be enabled to manifest greater abundance and prosperity in your life. If
you wish to manifest money as part of this process, this is often possible... but it will depend
on your predominant mental attitude. The good thing about using this stone is that you may
find that as your way of thinking improves, the level of abundance flowing into your life may
also improve.

Chrysanthemum stone encourages the flowering of

spiritual growth, supporting change which occurs in
a harmonious way. Chrysathemum stone assists us
in blooming and our own unfolding. Like a flower
parts of our personalities grow, bloom and wither. In
times of change when we need to let go and let the
flower die, we sometimes hold on too long, causing
our own suffering. This stone allows smooth
transition in times of change and reminds us that
we are reborn again, just as flowers are, we will
grow, blossom and transform ourselves
continually. We are like the art work you see in the
chrysanthemum stone, we come out of the darkness,
unique and by divine design! As we can admire this
stone, others will admire us for our Divinity. It is a beautiful stone that reminds us of our
divinity, perfection, beauty and helps us to accept the process of change and our journey
knowing that we will be reborn with each passing change.

Snaga, ravnotea. Razvija sklad i usklaenost sa zemljom. Proiava okolinu. Stvara sjajnu
unutarnju snagu, razvija i poveava fiziku vitalnost.Krizokola je kamen sklada na
univerzalnoj i vrlo osobnoj razini. Koristan je za ienje prostora i uklanjanje negativnosti od
osoba. Pomae olakati strah, tjeskobu i krivnju. Koristi se i za komunikaciju s duhovnim
silama Zemlje. Fiziki je koristan kod astme, upale plua, miinih greva, artritisa,
glavobolje, za zatitu tijekom trudnoe i raanja. Primarno je vezana za grlenu akru, a moe
se koristiti za sranu i treu akru.

Chrysocolla helps ease emotional heartache. It also

increases ones capacity to love, giving renewed strength and
balance. It can also help one to become attuned to the earth
and can provide direction to assist one in communicating
with the spiritual forces of the earth. It can provide great
inner strength, helping to sustain one during stressful
situations. It promotes harmony by helping one to release
stress culminating from negative emotionsIn healing,
Chrysocolla helps one to attune to the perfection of the
universe, providing for insight into that which is necessary
to the physical body, intellect and emotions.

U starom Egiptu krizokolu su zvali kamen mudrosti. Vjerovalo se da pomae u pregovorima i

titi onog tko ga nosi od nasilnih ljudi. Kleopatra ga je nosila uvijek sa sobom . Kroz tisue
godina smatralo ga se kamenom pomirenja, mira i harmonije
atukit krizokola+atukit

krizokola azurit

Eilat stone, ima i tirkiza---- sve su

to minerali s nalazita bakra, i
srodni po kemijskom sastavu, i s
vremenom, djelovanjem topline i
vlage mijenjaju se prema zelenom

u istoj je grupi i MALAHIT


Krizopras je moan kamen. Donosi sreu,

blagostanje i poslovni uspjeh. Olakava
samoizraavanje i hrabrost i daje nam
sposobnost da ih mudro koristimo. Donosi
radost i onome tko ga nosi pomae da se rijei
negativnih misli i razdraljivosti. Takoer
poveava i osnauje prijateljstva. Krizopras je
kamen ravnotee, balansira yin i yang energiju
i omoguava duboku meditaciju. Moe
zalijeiti slomljeno srce i ukloniti osjeaj
manje vrijednosti ili kompleks nadmoi. Ovaj
ljekoviti kamen pomae u problemima s vidom
i oima, imunitetom, problema s plodnosti, artritis, duevne bolesti, olakava groznice i
preveliku tjelesnu temperaturu; moe pomoi i kod spolnih bolesti. Krizopras je primarno
povezan sa sranom akrom, koju aktivira, otvara i energizira, ali stavlja u red i ostale akre.

U srednjem vijeku krizopras je bio graviran u obliku bika koji daje

snagu i zatitu onome koji ga nosi. Kae se da je krizopras pao sa
drveta jabuke koje se nalazilo na nebu. Srednjevjekovna mistiarka
Hildegard od Bingena preporuivala je krizopras za pretvaranje
ljutnje u blage rijei i oprotenje. Vjeruje se da kao kamen
proljea, krizopras predstavlja promjenu srca ili novu mogunost u
situaciji kada sve izgleda beznadno.

Chrysoprase is very useful in balancing yin / yang energies and

aligning the chakras with the etherical plane. Instills a state of grace,
facilitating a deep meditative state. Helps one to recognise the
trinity within. Helps heal a broken heart. Reduces superiority and
inferiority complexes. Chrysoprase strengthens Will and Life Force. Assists in opening the
Heart Chakra. Brings harmony and balance, light heartedness and joy. Helps make conscious
what was unconscious, encourages hope, improves the eyesight and assists in clarifying
problems. A cure for restlessness, it makes the wearer quick witted, imparting adaptability
and presence of mind. Eases depression and strengthens the heart.

Helps to make conscious what was unconscious. Said to be the favorite gemstone of
Alexander the Great. Encourages hope, joy, clarifying problems, restlessness and protection
on sea voyages. Is used to speed the healing of any wound. It should not be placed on the
body, but held over the affected area. Carry in a pocket to help heal. Keep close to your bed at
night to speed healing. Known as a shield or protector from negative energy. Legend says it's
also a protector of young animals and children. This lovely crystal helps to bring acceptance
and healing into the cells of the body... and prepare them for deep healing. Through the heart
chakra... Apple Green Chrysoprase has a wonderful energy of love, and through the solar
plexus chakra, it brings you the energy of abundance on all levels. These two energies
combine to bring an abundance of love and prosperity into your life... and the possibility of
attracting new love, if that is what you desire. It is an excellent companion stone to use when
you need specific healing within the heart... as Green Chrysoprase works to aid other
healing stones to work more effectively.

This is an excellent stone for anyone who needs a lift... as it promotes joy, self acceptance and
independence... as well as forgiveness and compassion towards others. As it promotes joy and
happiness... it will assist many who have been finding life difficult to learn more about being
happy. Green Chrysoprase will assist you to make use of gifts and talents you may not have
been using... and elevates feelings of joy and happiness within you.It may aid healing of eye
problems, as well as strengthening your eyesight.

Lemon Chrysoprase is a gentle, soothing stone which brings you a sense of security and trust.
It promotes love of the truth, as well as hope. It can draw out your talents and stimulate your
creativity. Carrying this stone for long periods can attune you to the devic realm.

Prirodni komad smaragdnog krizoprasa izraene tamno zelene boje, prozraan, velianstven i
vrlo rijedak. Poznat je jo kao zvjezdani krizopras i mitorolite

Citrine gives a powerful alignment with the higher self. It balances the emotions and makes
the mood sunny and cheerful. It assists in making the thoughts clear. Brings joy and draws
abundance through joy. Good to use in healing as it is a powerful transformer. Citrine works
to release, dissipate and transform denser energies that build up with us on all levels, mental,
emotional and physical. It works to release limitations and does so through the major organs
of the body that deal with elimination found mostly around the sacral / solar plexus area. The
merchants stone; placing a cluster or crystal of citrine in ones cash box has produced more
income for the merchant. It not only assists the merchant in acquiring wealth, but helps to
maintain a state of wealth. It activates, opens and energies the sacral and solar plexus chakras,
directing via personal power, creativity and intelligent decisiveness, the energy necessary to
enhance the physical body. It stimulates both mental focus and endurance.

One of the less well known Citrine properties are their strong ability to soothe fear and
anxiety. By allowing you to let go of your fear it may aid you to be able to accept into your
life the good that is coming your way.

It may also elevate intuition... or assist you to develop your intuition... and it is excellent to
combine with Tourmalinated Quartz... also a stone that aids mental clarity... as the combined
energy of the two stones will amplify the result. As it is a quartz crystal it has the added
benefit of amplifying the energy of any stones that are used in conjunction with it. It may also
be helpful for aiding healing of problems in the eye area. This energy encourages joy,
happiness and hope to flow through you. Through this help, you may learn how to be

Citrin- moj ljubimac! je jedan od rijetkih kamenja koji ponitava negativnu energiju i
nije mu potrebno ienje ili pranjenje. Topla energija, potie optimizam, privlai bogatstvo i
pomae ga odrati. Dobar za mentalno fokusiranje, izdrljivost i samopotovanje.
Citrin je poznat kao kamen uspjeha, jer promovira uspjeh i obilje, posebno u poslu i trgovini.
Povezan je s mentalnom jasnoom, povjerenjem, sreom, veseljem i osjeajem moi.
Dobar je i openito kao zatitni kamen. Pomae probavu i eliminira none more.

Citrine: Clear yellow Quartz looking, but

is really burnt Amethyst, (Yellow from
Iron.) For Solar Plexus Chakra. Mental
and emotional clarity. Problem-solving,
memory, will power, optimism, confidence,
self-discipline, digestion. Citrine is one of
two crystals which never have to be
cleansed of negative energy. An energizing
and highly beneficial crystal. Its color is
usually a pale golden yellow, but can be
found in darker shades as well, although
some literature considers the darkest
crystals to be Smoky Quartz.

The Celtic people of Scotland call the dark Citrine crystals Morion
and Cairngorm. They are invigorating and positive. Can surround and
fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life.
Increases motivation and promotes physical activity, which in turn
improves digestion and helps the cleansing organs. May also work as
a detoxifier for the blood. Persons involved with education or business
will especially benefit. Can guide you to harness and utilize your
creative energy. Helps us analyze events and steer them in a positive
direction. Develops inner calm and security, and makes us less sensitive and more open to
constructive criticism. Can dispel negative feelings and help us to accept the flow of events.

U davna vremena smatrali su ga darom sunca. U staroj Grkoj je noen protiv zmijskog
otrova i loih misli. Rimljani od citrina pravili geme i kabaone. Povijesno se povezuje sa
izraelskim plemenom Naftali. Naglo je postao popularan u doba romantizma. Smatra se da
njegovo zraenje poboljava glasovne mogunosti te se preporuuje pjevaima, glumcima i
govornicima. Sve do 16. stoljea citrin je bio zajedniki termin za sve uto kamenje,
ukljuujui i topaz. Nazvan sunevim kamenom, vjerovalo se da on u sebi sadri istu
sunevu svjetlost i da nikada ne upija nita negativno.

Kao Merkurov kamen, kamen boga glasnika, on u sebi sadri istu sunevu jutarnju svjetlost.
Na njega se gledalo kao na trgovaki kamen i bio je uven po tome to je poboljavao
komunikaciju, poveavao prodaju i privlaio novac i posao. Citrin se postavljao u kasu,
novanik ili stavljao s raunima radi uveavanja imovine

Using it with other prosperity crystals may further aid manifestation, and may particularly
help you to manifest money. Excellent combinations for this purpose are to use it combined
with Golden Yellow Topaz, Orange Calcite, Cassiterite, Fire Agate, Yellow Apatite, Amber,
Green Peridot, Chalcopyrite and Libyan Gold Tektite... also known as Libyan Desert Glass.
For manifesting an increase within your business, one powerful combination is to use it with
Cinnabar stone... which is also known as the Merchants stone. This is a potent combination to
help your business to thrive. Another powerful combination for manifestation is to use them
with Brazilianite and Rhodizite crystals... which magnifies the energy of other stones.

Prema grkoj legendi o Perzeju i Meduzi, koralj je

nastao od odrubljene glave Meduze. Legenda kae
de je Perzej odrubljenu Meduzinu glavu bacio u
more te je njena krv obojila alge i pretvorila ih u
koralje. Nakit od koralja poznat je jo od davnih
vremena. Najraniji dokazi o upotrebi koralja datiraju
iz razdoblja kasnog paleolita, oko 20 000 godina
prije Krista. Ukrasi od koralja pronaeni su u
keltskim grobnicama iz eljeznog doba. Stari
Egipani, Grci i Rimljani koristili su ga kao nakit, a
svoje palae i posue ukraavali koraljnim arama.
Sjevernoameriki indijanci izraivali su prekrasan
nakit od srebra sa tirkizom i koraljem. U kranstvu
koralj simbolizira Kristovu krv i rtvu, zato se vjerovalo da koralji nisu obine ivotinje ve
djelo Boga, a koraljna je grana smatrana za amajliju protiv zla i esto je slikana iznad
Bogorodice. On je jedan od sedam dragulja koji se spominju u budistikim spisima, a
tibetanske Lame koriste brojanice od koralja. U Hrvatskoj se koralje po prastaroj legendi
opisivalo kao njene cvjetove koji se okamene im ih se izvadi iz mora.

Calcium and calcite. Coral brings diplomacy

and concurrence, quiets emotions, brings peace
to inner self. Facilitates intuition,
imagination, visualization, expedite, accelerate
the transfer of knowledge. Strengthens both
circulatory and bone structure in the body.
Stimulates tissue regeneration and nourish
blood cells. Helps with disorders of the spinal,
alimentary canals, nervous system and
thalamus. Different colors of Coral can be used
alone, in combination, or all together.
Sympathetic to both the skeletal structure and
the circulatory system. Good stone for ailments of the bones and blood such as arthritis and
anemia. Also benefits the cleansing organs and thymus. Helps battle mental illnesses. Has a
true link with the past and can pass knowledge along.

Red and orange: stimulates Root and Spleen Chakra for energy and warmth, fertility. Energizes
emotions. Muscles, blood, heart, reproductive system; thyroid, metabolism; meridians; spine,
bone and tissue regeneration.

- new jade
Chrysotile in Serpentine Healing Stones
These are interesting stones of
Chrysotile in Serpentine.
Serpentine - Helpful during meditation.
When placed on the Crown Chakra, it
helps the movement of Kundalini. or
'serpent fire' energies. It is used to help
disorders in all areas of body and mind
with conscious direction. It can help
clear clouded areas of the chakras and
stimulate the crown and heart chakras.
It is a wonderful stone for healing and
is useful for helping you find inner
peace. It can be used to help with
emotional cleansing, psychic powers and
attract love, abundance and money.

Infinite is a tradename for a variety of green serpentine (mixture of

Serpentine and Chrysotile)- found in South Africa. It's energies are believed to be
superior to those of other serpentines and it has come to be known as the "Healer's Stone".
Repatterns the auric field ,increases the potency of reiki and other energetic healing methods,
activates kundalini energy, provides a nurturing energy from the Base Chakra to the Heart .
Infinite stone is a powerful earth element stone that renews energy and aligns one's energy
with the Earth.

Chrysotile is also known as Chrysotite. This is a green and white striped stone that is an
excellent healing stone. In particular it is helpful to aid chronic fatigue, and inflammatory
conditions. It is known for its action to aid emphysema and other lung issues, and to help the
arteries and veins.

These crystal stones will aid you to be honest with yourself.

They may benefit you when you discover that you have been trying to manipulate others... as
they help you to become aware of what you are doing. This may assist you when others are
trying to manipulate you into doing what they want, as their action grounds you to the earth,
which aids you to see things more clearly.
Serpentine gets its name from the word 'serpent' because it resembles the skin of a snake.
It is sometimes called New Jade and occurs in a variety of colors including red, green, brown-
red, brown-yellow and white. It has been used since ancient times to guard against disease and

It helps you to find inner peace. Serpentine was

carried in ancient Assyria to request the gods and
goddesses to provide double blessings.Some of the
uses of serpentine include: Protection against
poisonous creatures such as snakes, insects, etc.
balances mood swings, encourages the ability to
solve conflicts by peaceful mean.It is a soothing
and calming stone that can be used to draw pain
out from affected areas and must be cleansed

Infinite Stone generally comes in dark or light

green, and both are equally as effective. It is excellent for the treatment of joints, muscles,
connective tissue, and is excellent at pain relief. It has been called a miracle-working stone.
Psychic impressions suggest that Infinite Stones energy provides a soothing, healing
frequency that works on a cellular level to disperse crystallized energetic patterns. It has a
nurturing energy that flows to your heart, providing emotional support through your healing
process as it gently draws these patterns from deep within your energy field, so that they can
be integrated and processed. Infinite Stones energy works on all levels of your self,
stimulating physical, emotional and spiritual healing. It is excellent for healing patterns of
loss, separation and betrayal. An excellent grief stone, it also aids in connection to the Angelic

If you feel that there may be blockages in any of your chakras... this stone is a useful aid. It
will work at any chakra to clear blocked or stagnant energy. This green stone assist with
healing problems within the heart and lungs.... and it is an excellent stone for cellular
Varieties of quartz (according to color) :

Citrine, Rose quartz, Amethyst, Smoky quartz, Milky quartz

Major varieties of quartz

Cryptocrystalline quartz and moganite mixture. The term is generally only

used for white or lightly colored material. Otherwise more specific names are

Agate Multi-colored, banded chalcedony, semi-translucent to translucent

Onyx Agate where the bands are straight, parallel and consistent in size.
Jasper Opaque cryptocrystalline quartz, typically red to brown
Aventurine Translucent chalcedony with small inclusions (usually mica) that shimmer.
Tiger's eye Fibrous gold to red-brown colored quartz, exhibiting chatoyancy.
Rock crystal Clear, colorless
Amethyst Purple, transparent
Citrine Yellow to reddish orange to brown, greenish yellow
Prasiolite Mint green, transparent
Rose quartz Pink, translucent, may display diasterism
Contains acicular (needles) inclusions of rutile
Milky quartz White, translucent to opaque, may display diasterism
Smoky quartz Brown to gray, opaque
Carnelian Reddish orange chalcedony, translucent
Contains large amounts of dumortierite crystals
Which Stones Are Quartz Crystals

Actinolite In Quartz Ajoite Amegreen

Angel Phantom Quartz
Amethyst, Ametrine Angel Aura
aka Amphibole Quartz
Aqua Aura Quartz Arkimer Diamonds Auralite 23
Aurora Quartz
Beta Quartz Blue Phantom Quartz
aka Rainbow Quartz
Candle Quartz aka
Brandenberg Cacoxenite In Quartz
Celestial Quartz
Citrine Chevron Amethyst Chlorite Phantom Quartz
Dream Quartz aka
Clear Quartz Elestial Quartz
Epidote In Quartz
Gilalite in Quartz
Faden Quartz Fairy Wand Quartz
aka Medusa or Paraiba Quartz
Glacial Etched Quartz Golden Healer Green Ridge Quartz
Harlequin Quartz aka
Hematite Quartz Herkimer Diamonds
Agnitite or Fire Quartz
Himalayan Gold Quartz aka Himalayan Quartz
Kundalini Quartz
Himalayn Gold Azeztulite aka Alpine Quartz
Lavender Quartz Lemon Quartz Lemurian Quartz
Lepidocrocite In Amethyst Lepidolite Quartz Lithium Quartz
Metamorphosis Quartz Nirvana Quartz Pecos Diamond
Phantom Quartz Rainbows In Quartz
aka Green Amethyst
Rainbow Mayanite Rose Quartz Crystal Rutilated Quartz
Seriphos Green Quartz
Satyaloka Quartz Self Healed Quartz
aka Prasem Quartz
Sichuan Quartz Singing Quartz Smokey Quartz
Smokey Lemon Quartz
Snow Quartz Spirit Quartz
aka Smokey Citrine
Star Hollandite Quartz Strawberry Quartz Tabular Quartz
Super Seven
Tangerine Quartz Tanzan Aura Quartz
aka Melodys Stone
Tibetan Black Quartz Tourmilated Quartz White Azeztulite

Rimljani su vjerovali da gorski kristal sadri energiju bogova koja daje snagu, hrabrost i
mudrost. Gorski kristal je univerzalan kamen, svatko bi trebao imati jedan! ist je i snaan
energetski izvor, jaa energetsko polje, stimulira modane funkcije, stimulira imunoloki
sustav i dovodi tijelo u ravnoteu, aktivira sve nivoe svijesti. titi od tetnih zraenja.

Forma izobilja: Kristali u ovoj formi privlae bogatstvo i izobilje. Idealno mjesto za dranje
ovakvog kristala u kui ili firmi je kut blagostanja (gledano od ulaznih vrata najudaljeniji
zadnji lijevi kut). Smatra se najstarijim kristalom koji se koristio u ritualima i lijeenju.
Primjerice, Indijanci i Aboridini su ga koristili u ritualima za prizivanje kie. Stari Japanci su
vjerovali da je gorski kristal dah Bijelog zmaja i predstavljao nedostino savrenstvo. Hindusi
su vjerovali da moe upozoriti na otrov. Krani su vjerovali da predstavlja fosilizirani led i
radili od njega razne relikvije.

Kvarcom su se krasili Egipani i Rimljani tisuama

godina unazad, bio je popularan i u Kini. Kristalna
struktura kvarca sadri sve elemente stvaranja i stoga
simbolizira cjelovito bie. Vjeruje se da odnosi bol,
donosi ravnoteu ljudskom tijelu i otvara duh za
komunikaciju s duhovnim vodiima, anelima i
omoguava sjeanje na prole ivote, a ako se stavi pod
jastuk moe olakati komunikaciju kroz snove. S
obzirom da je kvarc u prirodi esto pun neistoa
tajanstvene kristalne kugle, koritene za komunikaciju
sa drugim svjetovima u srednjem vijeku, svoju
mistinost duguju upravo njihovoj izrazitoj istoi.
Dobar je za energetsko ienje i punjenje drugih kristala.

Quartz energises the energy field in the location where it resides. It can produce a healing
force field of negative ions while clearing positive ions from the air, and cancels the harmful
effects of radiation/radioactivity. A single quartz crystal, carried on one or placed in ones
environment will help maintain balance, energy and protection. Whether carried or placed
somewhere, the 'force' of the crystal stays attuned to the one to whom it is connected.
Radiating the white light energy of the Universe, clear quartz crystal is Light made solid.
Quartz clears and amplifies the thoughts. It focuses and stores energy and information. Quartz
can be used in any and all workings. When in doubt or when lacking the "correct" type of stone,
quartz can always substitute.

Quartz crystal is a clear variety of quartz that was first found high
in the frozen mountains of the Alps. Ancient people believed it
was a form of ice crystals that would never melt. It is said to have
cooling powers and is a romantic stone. Sources of quartz crystal
include Brazil, Madagascar, Switzerland, France and parts of the
Soviet Union. Crystal is a common stone, but a powerful one. The
Quartz Crystal has a similar vibration as humans. This is why
using Crystal to meditate and keeping a Crystal helps one to know
oneself. It will sometimes not work for a negative person.

Clear Quartz Crystals are some of the most common types of crystal on the planet. Although
they are called 'clear quartz'... they range from crystal clear stone through to milky or cloudy,
almost opaque crystals.

The beautiful clear white light of the white ray is your connection to the Divine Mind, and
white is the color for the eighth chakra. Using Clear Quartz crystals will assist the higher
chakras to emanate white light and aids your connection with spirit. Clear quartz crystals
make a very strong connection with the higher realms. Having a piece of this stone in the
vicinity... like a Clear Quartz Crystal Cluster is very helpful as it resonates out its energy into
the surrounding area.

Remember that they do need regular cleansing... especially if you are using them in your
environment to boost the energy. Use them with Green Dioptase, to bring new energy directly
to cells that need it most, and enhance their function. They are helpful used with Blue Apatite
as this combination increases the level of insightful guidance that comes through.

Used with Merlinite or Chalcopyrite, they will help to boost its mystical attributes, and used
with Zircon may help you to better achieve your specific purpose.

You may use Clear quartz crystals in combination with any other stones you want, and
specifically with stones that you want to boost the energy of.

Clear crystal with iridescent rainbow colors

Angel Aura Quartz is an uplifting spiritual stone that invites angel

guidance, deep peace during meditation and purification.

Angel Aura promotes joy, light & optimism.

Angel Aura is used to:

Activate the throat chakra, Find your personal purpose.

Channel higher knowledge.Reach deeper meditative states.
Open awareness to the angel domain

Angel Aura is a color enhanced crystal that has been treated with vaporized platinum, silver
and other trace metals to give it the shimmering colors of gossamer angel wings. The
bonding process makes the color permanent.

Angel Aura is an excellent Aura Cleanser and acts to stimulate and clear all of the
Chakra Energy Centers. Intuitive sources say Angel Aura Quartz helps bring one into
the higher realms in meditation, facilitating conscious contact with angels, spirit
guides and inner realm teachers. It is said to assist one in communing with Angels,
accessing the Akashic records, channeling higher knowledge, remembering past lives
and gaining insight into one's spiritual mission in this lifetime. In addition to
transmitting it's own unique vibrational signature, Angel Aura combines the energetic
properties of Clear Quartz Crystal with Platinum and Silver. This can used to balance
the centers and meridians of the physical body to provide alignment of the physical
body to the etheric body, to align the subtle bodies and provide the polarity
adjustments which are necessary within the physical body for optimum health. It can
also provide permanence to relationships. It can be used to strengthen the memory and
is a "stone of happy dreams and changes". This has been used to awaken both the
psychic and mystical qualities. It helps one to understand the higher powers of
intuition and mysticism and utilize these powers to enhance personal understanding in
realms of the sacred. It can also be used to encourage flashes of intuition and insight.
It assists in the alignment between the spiritual self and the psychic and astral planes.
It is used to invoke visions, and vision quests. It has also been used to provide a
connection to the stars, facilitating communications between the Earth plane and the
"star people" of this world and other worlds and spirit guides. It tends to provide a
grounding action while enhancing the transfer of information. It is an excellent stone
for cleansing and brightening the aura and stimulate healing.

Silver can draw out negative energies from the body while transferring the positive
forces of the other mineral. Silver brings one "the advantage" throughout life. It can be
used to improve ones quality of speech and promote eloquence.
Kamenii B ------ C

Baryte Bastnasite aka Bastnaesite Benitoite

Bertrandite Beryl Beryllonite
Biotite Lens Bismuth Bixbite
Black Agate Black Ammonite Black Andradite Garnet
Black Calcite Shamanite Black Diopside Black Kyanite
Black Merlinite * Black Moonstone * Black Morella Smokey Quartz
Black Obsidian * Black Onyx * Black Spinel
Black Tourmaline * Black Tourmaline With Mica Blizzard Stone
Bloodstone * Blue Apatite * Blue Aragonite *
Blue Aventurine Blue Barite Blue Calcite *
Blue Chalcedony * Blue Euclase Blue Fluorite
Blue Jadeite
Blue Hemimorphite * Blue Kyanite *
aka Dianite
Blue Lace Agate * Blue Quartz * Blue Sapphire *
Blue Smithsonite * Blue Tigers Eye * Blue Topaz *
Blue Tourmaline * Boji Stone Boli Stone
Bornite * Botswana Agate * Brandenberg
Brazilianite * Brochantite Bronzite, Brookite*
Brown Aragonite* Brucite, Buddstone Bustamite

Cacoxenite In Quartz Calcite Crystals* Calcite Fairy Stones

Calligraphy Stone Cancrinite Carletonite
Carnelian * Cassiterite, Castorite Cats Eye Chrysoberyl*
Cavansite * Celadonite Celestial Quartz
Celestite * Celestobarite Cerussite
Chabazite Chalcanthite Chalcopyrite *
Charoite * Chiastolite * Childrenite
Chlorite Phantom Quartz Chrysanthemum Stone * Chrysoberyl *
Chrysocolla * Chrysoprase * Chrysotile *
Cinnabar Citrine * Clear Calcite *
Clear Quartz * Clear Topaz Clinohumite
Clinozoisite Cobalt Bloom Cobaltian Calcite *
Colemanite Conichalcite, Copper Coral Fossil *
Covellite Crackled Fire Agate Cradle of Humankind
Creaseyite Creedite Crimson Calcite
Crocoite Cryolite Cuprite

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