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Setting - location

Lighting - -high or low key

Costume time period
Space compositional balance
Staging/acting stylistic
Special effects scifi/historical/fantasy
The size of the frame itself helps the audience understand the setting; is there lots
of people in a small frame in order to connote a crowded space? Or is there a
widescreen frame showing an empty desert?
To do with where things are placed in the shot and where the eye looks. It is a grid
that determines where things should be placed in a shot.

E.g placing character in tracking shot on far side of the screen to allow space to
show the way theyre going

Purposely ignoring the rule of thirds

can be used to create compositional chaos
When theres space in the frame, more often in the background, for something /
someone to fall/come into the frame
creates compositional balance

Middle ground

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