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This article about Dream Theaters start of progressive metal gives a
very detailed and strong background. It is purely about the start of the band,
their origins, new members, and so much more. All the stories are backed
by the members of the group from an interview conducted for the article.
The writer also includes links to interviews and songs from the group giving
the opportunity to really listen to them easily. The writer simply wants to
inform the reader of the groups starting with all of the hardships they

This source is incredible useful because the source he is pulling from is an interview from the
members of the band. All of the claims and facts of the band are 100% backed up and factual making it
easy to use. I can use this article in paper to write about the background of Dream Theater and have a
credible source for in text quotes and citations.

I learned about the different singers and keyboardist that Dream Theater had started with as well
as their original name and the stories behind the changes and lawsuits. I feel like I have much more of an
understanding of the rough start for the band and the birth of progressive metal. Give a listen to this piece
from Dream Theaters first album that I feel really captures the progressive metal feeling.

Citation (APA style): Ling, D. (2016, September 08). Dream Theater: Uniting Prog And Metal. Retrieved
October 03, 2017, from

This essay is about the rise of Dream Theater and gives in-depth details about albums, members
leaving, and other musicians in the genre. It gives light to what musician was on what album before they
left and the groups they were/are apart of. The authors wanted to grab the history of Dream Theater and
inform the reader on their influence and start of progressive metal.

The article is convincing and useful because the author is knowledgeable and trustworthy. I will be
able to use the author's claims and facts for the Dream Theaters influence on the genre and the names of
other musicians that are current or from their time. As well as the release of their albums and importance
of them to the band's genre claims.

I was able to learn more about artists that were in the run with Dream Theater in progressive metal
such as Tool and Queensryche. I learned the background of almost of every album released up until early
2000s and details of the new and old members. Read the essay here

Citation (APA style): Dream Theater- Saviors of Prog Metal (A History). (2006, July 31).
Retrieved October 12, 2017, from

Puracchios book gives an insight on progressive metal and what it is. The book constantly mentions
Dream Theater and gives detail on their musical styling. The authors objective for this book is to inform
the reader of the start of progressive rock and metal.

The source is useful for information on the entire genre of progressive rock and metal. Giving the
background of the genre and the start of progressive rock into metal. I will use this book to further
introduce Dream Theaters styling and progressive metal itself.

I really learned about the background and start of progressive rock from Puracchios book. It gave an
insight on the genre and showed Dream Theaters style and fellow progressive metal bands. Find the book
Citation (APA style): P uracchio, S. O. (2016). Progressive Rock 3. Stefano.

This article is directly from Berklee, and that is where the original members met. It lightly brushes on
their international success but also tells about their short time at Berklee. The main claims are simply their
lives at Berklee and what the group liked about it. The article is based from interviews of the members
making it very reliable.

Coming from one of the greatest schools of music that the group attended makes its very convincing
and holds a lot of credibility. I can use the claims and information to give their background of Berklee and
some of their international success.

I learned that a lot of their success rides in international attraction, and its primarily Japan. Also
learned about their time at Berklee until they dropped out. They tour a lot overseas and their first tour was
massive overseas. Watch their original 1993 Images and Words tour here.

Citation (APA style): Dream Theater: Where the Metal Meets the Road. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 12, 2017, from

This article gives the reason original member, Mike Portnoy, left Dream Theater. Mike was part
of the founding members and he shares his reasoning for leaving so he could spread his talent, tour in
memory of The Rev, and start new paths. The authors objective is to get to the bottom of his reasoning for
his choices and give the reader the information.

This source is convincing because it's coming from Mike himself. This source will help me write
about his choice to leave and also his impact on the band, but how he was replaced. The author simply
wants to inform the reader about his decision.

I personally never knew why he left, and now I understand his choice and why he created a new
band that almost mocks Dream Theater. He wanted to open new doors and also finish Avenged
Sevenfold's tour after the sudden death of their drummer. He is an incredible drummer with many talents.
Watch him play with Dream Theater here.

Citation (APA style):C. (2016, March 04). Mike Portnoy on Major Reason He Left Dream
Theater. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from

This article talks about the original success of their album and first song. The interviewer wanted to
get the information on the most important song of Dream Theaters career
as they started their 25th year anniversary tour for the album. The evidence
is from John himself and the authors objective is to give a backing to the
25th anniversary tour.

This article is convincing becomes its directly from John and his opinion on how its the greatest
album and song. I can use the claims to explain their almost surprising success and compare how they are
now vs. what the were.

I learned Dream Theaters personal opinion on their most successful song and why they thought that. I
also learned that they are revving up for a new tour that will be coming to America for the 25th
anniversary of Images and Words.
Listen to Pull Me Under

Citation (APA style): B. (2017, July 17). JOHN PETRUCCI Says 'Pull Me Under' Is 'Probably'
The Most Important Song Of DREAM THEATER's Career. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from

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