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Wynnie Dickson
ENG252 Fundamentals of Research and Presentation
Dr. Rebecca Robinson
11 October 2017
Journal Analysis paper

The United States of America needs teachers to educate students of all generations on concepts

of reading, writing, and critical thinking so that they can make valid decisions in their lives, and

contribute to our great society. The Journal of Adolescent & Adult literacy provides the resources

necessary to create a learning environment where educators can make the Language Arts a

positive, and necessary tool for adults around the world to use. Published by Wiley Blackwell

this journal deepens a repertoire for teachers to prepare their students for more advanced

education, with a valid understanding about the current issues that face aspiring adults.

This scholarly journal addresses questions about how to motivate teenagers to read, and

bring down barricades of a variety of issues facing a diverse American population.

The complexity of these issues are discussed and argued about all across the country, Wiley

Blackwell collaborates with the editing board of this magazine to create, The only literacy

journal published exclusively for teachers of older learners. The articles have an ability to

connect high knowledgable, articulate teachers, to struggling, low-income disinterested students,

in order to define the barricades in between them, and create a foundation of trust, determination,

and analytical skills. In the article, Why are you reading this. written By Colin Harrison, a

creative writer and past educator, he defines the two main goals of an English teacher.

In my experience as a classroom teacher and teacher educator, teachers of reading to

students of any age have two goals: first, to help students attain the skill of reading fluently and,

second, to encourage those students to read and want to read.

The first isn't easy, and the second sometimes seems almost impossible.

This empathy for educators, moralizes the perspective of a board of editors with professional

degrees, who come together to create this exclusive journal. (711.)

Every issue introduces the latest learning technologies, records the most relevant

conferences, and summarize the most valid of studies, to encourage teachers to enhance their

curriculums and devise their learning environments in order to educate students of all

socioeconomic backgrounds. Ezekiel Joubert III a Ph.D in culture and teaching in the department

education published Unlocking literacy: Reading things not seen: A reflection on teaching,

reading, race, and ghosts in Juvenile detention. To explain how he uses the prospect of ghosts to

address very serious topics such as death, racism, and violence in order to connect to his


Although many teachers are engaging in and creating space for dialogue with their students

about the current events in society...schools, teachers, and activists still struggle to unlock spaces

for confronting past and present grief and grievances related to contradictions in ideologies such

as freedom, justice, and equality. Thus, I suggest that the presence of ghosts does not just haunt

but can also, when welcomed, shape and produce a social awareness. (583)

This corpus publishes additional articles on how to use the newest websites, and modern

applications to devise projects, connect students with remedial instruction, and to comply

teaching modules with standardized tests, that evaluate a schools success.

The publishers of this journal adopt a voice of authority, and state the valid arguments of each of

their papers, to combat public discourse, and to respond to previous texts written by other

corresponding others. The six issues in each volume of this journal, expand over the course of

two months each, each volume covering a whole twelve-month calendar year. The articles are

organized by topic, and are designed to be read fluently by the most advanced and puzzled

educators. In a Text & Resource Review forum: Challenging texts, Antero Garcia, an assistant

professor from Stanford University published an article More Than 1000 Words in Cover

Judging in an Era of Multimodality that explains the impact that a cover, and outward

appearance of a text can have on students and teachers.

These reviewers highlight for literacy educators today that YA books are not consumed

in a bubble from the broader cultural world; rather we readers carry into these texts our own

expectations, assumptions, and values-all premeditate by words, colors and images developed to

market these books as products. (103)

To present this journal to a judgemental public overrun with multiple modes, and

questions, requires a level of proficiency that this journal covers in its delivery, standards,

credentials, and broad affiliation with educators across America.

Managing classrooms with racial minorities and non-English speaking students,


developing good oral communication, moralizing critical thinking and essential reasoning, The

Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy encourages teachers to reach beyond the classroom

study of texts and curriculums to engage students in reading, through a deep analysis of the well

being of the students, and the requirements of the state and national governments.

787 words

Works Cited

Garcia, Antero. More than 1000 Words: Cover Judging in an Era of Multimodality. Journal of
Adolescent & Adult Literacy, vol. 61, no. 1, 26 June 2017, pp. 103107. EBSCOhost, Education
Full Text (H.W. Wilson) Publications, doi:10.1002/jaal.659.

Harrison, Colin. Why Are you Reading this? Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, vol. 60,
no. 6, 28 Apr. 2017, pp. 711714. EBSCOhost, Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson) Publications,
doi: 10.1002/jaal.638.

History. Wiley Online Library > Resources > For Librarians - Wiley Online Library, 12 Oct.

Joubert, Ezekiel. Reading Things Not Seen: A Reflection on Teaching Reading, Race, and
Ghosts in Juvenile Detention. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Vol, no. 60, 3 Mar. 2017,
pp. 581584. EBSCOhost, Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson) Publications,

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