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Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Scripture Lessons The Divine Liturgy i “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W Contents The Holy Liturgy Introduction to the Holy Liturgy Sunday The Preparation by the Priest The Service of Prothesis or Proskomidi The Meaning of the Proskomidi The Doxology In Peace let us Pray ‘The Smalll Entrance ‘The Trisagion Hymn 10. The Gospel Reading 11. The Great Entrance 12. The Prayers after the Great Entrance 13. The Confession of our Faith 14. The Holy Offering 15. The Holy Offering continued 16. Holy Communion Pepe Penag ‘A Unit of 16 lessons on the Divine Liturgy that can be used either for Upper Primary or Year 7-8 High School Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W H Osta Agitovpyta Etoaywyr M6éo0 yAukeld eivat n mpoceuxn! Moca de pac Sivet To "Natep nuwv"! Kat wag édwoe o KaAdcg Osdc TN XGPN va Tou plAdue Orote BEAOUE, OTIOU Kt av Betokouaots. Now kat Bpddu. Xto onitt oto Spdyo, OTO oXOAEio Kal OTO Malxvidt. Nat, GAAG efval Kal KATL GAAo. Kat otnv ExkAnoia cav nays, Kuptaké¢ Kal ylopTé¢ Tt KGvouue ekei; Mia moAU To WEYGAn MpodeuUXH Tou Th Aéye "Osia Aettoupyia". Efaote op8dd0Fot xptotiavot KQL TIEPIWEVOULE AUTEG TiC NHEPEG WE AaxTapa. Exet 6a cuvavtnBoue OAot cav adépeia. Oa WaAouUE Kal 8a UUVvTOOUE TO Os6 Hac. Oa Tov euxaploTrooUs kat 6a Tov napakadgooupe. Oa Tov akoicouye va pas plAdet PE Thy Ayia Fpagr kat 6a Tov dove va Hag divel, ue Ta Xépla Tou lepéa, Thv Oeia Kowwwvia. To owpa Kat To aia tou Kupiou pac Incou Xpiotou, T™ yEyaAUTepn EuAoyia Tou Oso Mpeg Tov GvOpwrio. Aotn6v, Ortwe Kal yla To "Matep nyuwv", 6a APLEPWOOULE LEPIKG amd Ta PaSrWATA LAs OTO va Ha6ouLE Mepicodtepa yia TH Aettoupyia auth TNS xapdac Kat owtnpiac. lepa Apxtemoxont AuotpaNag lepé Movi} avravécang, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy Prayer is a beautiful thing. We have learnt through our lessons what the Lord's Prayer can do for us. We now know that with our prayers we can speak to God at any time and in any place. We can pray in the morning, during the day and at night. We can pray at home, walking along the street, travelling in a bus and sitting in a classroom at school. Every Sunday when we go to church we attend and participate in another prayer, a great prayer which is called the Holy Liturgy. In church we all meet together as brothers and sisters. There during the Holy Liturgy we pray together as one family. During the Holy Liturgy we thank God for all He has given us and we ask for His help. In the Holy Liturgy God speaks to us when the priest reads from the Holy Bible. And God gives us His Holy Body and Blood when the priest invites us to receive Holy Communion - God's greatest blessing to man. In the next few weeks we will learn about this special prayer which is called the Holy Liturgy. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Below is a picture of an entrance to a church. Draw a church around it. Do you remember what you heard from the Holy Bible last Sunday in church? If you can't remember ask your parents or Scripture teacher. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. What happens in church? In the space below describe to someone who has never been to church what happens during the Holy Liturgy. You can use the words in the box to help you. icons, candle, priest, prayers, hymns, chanters, Holy Bible, Holy Communion, antidoron. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H Osta Asitovpyta Ot Xptotiavol Exouye Thy Kuplakr) oa yépa wiaitepa aglepwuevn oto Oed YE TH Aatpeia Tou kat TPGEEIc ayamnc. H Kuptakr sivat n nuépa tng avaotaons tou Xpiotou ac, nuépa Xapac, duvayng Kat d6Fac. Tote ot paGrTPlES Kal ol YABNTES Tou Mhyav Tipwi-mpwi TNS Kuptakrig oTov Tao Tou Kat apou e(Sav tous ayyéAouc, UotTepa GuVavTNoav Kal Tov (510 TOV avaoTNEVO KUpto kat piAnoav padi Tou. H xaea TOUS HTav anépavtn Kal N EuTUXia Tous Baeld. To (S10 KavouE Kat eysic ot xptotiavot Ka8e Kuptakn. Nuwpic¢ To mpwi, rmyaivouue, OA n olkoyéveia pai, otnv ExkAnoia pac. Mraivoue KavovtTag Tov otaupé Has, Tlafpvouve Kal avGBOUUE To KEpaKI Has Kal apou @UANOOULE Tig ElKOvEG KABSLGOTE oUXA OTIC BEdEIG Hac. Exet, padi ue Touc adeppouc pac xplotiavouc, Aettoupyoupaote mapakoAouswvtas 6Aa oa yivovtat kal OTEAVOUE BEpy) THY TPOGEUXN TNS ayamng pac. lepd Apxtemtoxorm Auotpantag lepd Mov Mavravacong, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy Christians have dedicated Sunday to God. On Sunday we rest from our work to worship God and to show love to others. Sunday is the day of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a day of joy. Early on that day Christ's followers went to His grave and found it empty. They saw angels who told them that Christ had risen and later they met Jesus Himself and spoke to Him. They felt great joy and happiness. Every Sunday we do the same. We go early to church with our family to see and hear our Lord Jesus. We enter the church and do the sign of the cross, we light a candle and kiss the icons. Then we stand quietly in church and attend carefully that takes place during the Holy Liturgy. There together with fellow Christians, our brothers and sisters in Christ, we participate in the Holy Liturgy. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Next to each picture write what we should do when we enter church. We do the s. of _ a And then we k. Finally we should Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences below. Use the story to help you. 1. Sunday is dedicatedto 2.On Sunday we remember the of our Lord Jesus Christ. 3.On Sunday we rest from our work to _ God and to show __ to others. 4. Early on Sunday Christ's followers ____ What does the picture above show? Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H Osia Aeitoupyia Am6 To TponyoUpevo Beddu o tepéac Kavet pla .aitepn MpoeTotLacia Tou EauTOU Tou Kal To Tpwi tng Kuptakric Bpicketat Mpwtog OTO vad ya Thv etoimaola Twv avayKaiwv. Mmpoota otic elkévec Tou TETIAOU Agel EltdiKEC euxéc, BaTet WETAVOLA Kal Tic PiAdet. AUTO eival n akoAoubia Tou Kalpou Kal EXEL TO Vona Ott Hpbe pa, 0 Kalpdc, tng Aatpeiag Tou Oeou aAAG kat OTL Traipvet "Kaipo" Gdeta amé tov XptoTé yia va Kavel Kat QUTOG OTN yn 6,TL KdvouV Ol 4yyEAol OTov oUupave. AnAadr Ty Geia Aettoupyia. Mrtaivet oto Lepd, To ayto Priya, Kat mlaipvovtac ta AEtTOUPYLKG TOU Gata Agel TH ELduKr) EUXT TOU Ka8evéc Kal Ta popdet éva-éva. Me Tig Mpoceuxéc CritnGe Thy KabapdétTnTa TNs WUXTG TOU Kal TWPa MAEVEL Ta XEpta Tou yati oe GAG MpéTEL va eivat ka8apéc. Eivat mAgov étotpoc Kat apxiZet thy akoAousia Tou Op8pou. EEw ot waAtec dtaBaTouv kat weAvouv evi o idtog péoa oTO tepd Eexiva Thy akoAousia TNS TIPOBEGEWS 1} TIPOCKOULOIG. M'autiy, 6uwe, 8a ptArooupe oto endyevo paSnpya. lepé ApyteTioxorn Auotpahtac lepd Movi} Navravacang, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy The evening before Sunday the priest prepares himself for the Holy Liturgy. Early on Sunday morning he is the first person to go to church to prepare everything that is needed. The first thing that the priest does is to stand in front of the iconostasion. He prays, then bows down and kisses all the icons on the iconostasion. This moment shows that the time has come to worship God. In his prayers the priest asks permission from God to be able to do on earth what the angels do in heaven, worship Him. We worship God with the Holy Liturgy. The priest then enters the altar and puts on the Holy vestments. As he picks up each vestment he says a special prayer. With these prayers he asks God to purify his heart and then he washes his hands. The priest is then ready to begin the service of Orthros which is the service that comes before the Holy Liturgy and which prepares us for the Holy Liturgy. During the Orthros the chanters read and sing hymns while the priest prepares the Prothesis. In our next lesson we shall talk about the service of Prothesis. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. What does the priest do before the Holy Liturgy? Complete the sentences below to find out. 1. On Saturday night the priestp__§_ himself for the Holy Liturgy. 2. The priest is the f___ __ to go to church. 3. The priest stands in front of the i and prays. 4.The priest bows downandk_ all the icons. 5.The priestentersthea_ 6.The priest puts onhisv_ 7. The priest w his hands. Match the phrases below. The priest goes early to And asks permission from church. God to offer the Holy Liturgy. The priest stands before the And prepares everything that iconostasion. is needed for the Holy Liturgy. The priest puts on his |And asks God to purify his vestments and washes his heart. hands. Unjumble the word in the box then answer the questions. 1. Does the service of | otsrhros | came before or after the Holy Liturgy? : 2. Does the Prothesis take place during the| otsrhros or the Holy Liturgy?__ a. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. The priest goes to church early. The priest stands in front of the iconostasion. The priest puts on his vestments. The priest washes his hands. Under each phrase write more information to explain how the priest prepares for the service of Orthros. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H Osia Aeitovpy1o H Akodou@ia tng Npobécews 1 Npookoptdri¢ ‘Exet apxicet 0 6p8poc kal 0 tepéac eivat péoa oto lepd BG, aplotepa and thy ayia Tedmea, OTO ELdiKd HEpog Trou A€yetat mpdGeon. Exel uMpoota tou ta lepd oKeun Ka8Wdc Kal Tov GpTo (ww, Tpdo@opo, AElTOUPYLG) Trou Tov TnyWvouV Kat Tov o~ppayiTouv ot UNTMEpEs 1 OL yrayiddec pac pe tSialtepo Tpéno, TIOAAN TIpOGoXN Kal EUAGBeEta, Kat Tov oivo (kpaol, vaya), Tou Ta épvouv ot xptotiavol. Eto ayto MlOTrPLo BACet Tov oivo Kal GTO ayto SioKapto KOHHATLA att6 Tov GpTo Tlou Ta KOBEt HE TO ELSLKS HaXalpaKt mou Agyetat Adyxn. AM6 Ta KOWPATLa auTa To oTtoudalotepo eivat o avec, Exel EMdvw Tou Ta yeaypata IZ XZ NI KA (Incotic Xptotéc Nika) kat eivat TeTpaywvo. O ayvéc oTo dtoKdpto Kal 0 olvoc ato TloTripto 8a LETABANGouv Kata Tn Bela Aettoupyia, pe Tn dUvayn tou Aylou Nvetyatos, oe owpa Kat ala Kupiou, yid va kotvwvrjcoupe. Eto SioKdplo, yUpw and TOV GHVO, UTIGpXOUV KOPPATAKta yta Thy Navayia, Tou ayyéAous, Tou ayiouc Kal Yia Tous XpLoTLavoUG Ttou Couv 1 Bpickovtat otov oupavo. Mau, pati ye To TIpdapopo Tlou Tou rinyatvoupe divoupe Kat Eva XAPTAKL WE Ta ovépaTa ac Tou Ta Siapacer Byafovtag yla Tov KaGéva Eva LLKPd KOHPATOKt and TO TIPSO@Mopo, LE ™v ayla Adyyxn. Thv wpa, Activ, TlOU ETOWWACet Ta Tipta Swpa, A€Et MOAAEG EUXEG Kat ULVOUG Kal OTO TEAOG, agou Ta Suptdoet, Ta KGAUTITEL HE Ta et5iKd KAAUPYaTa Tou UTTdpXOUV yla To Kagéva kal Ta GupLdZet Kat GAL. H aKkoAousia ™<¢ Tipobécews 1 TIPOOKOLLSNG Exel TeAEtwoet Kat Ta Tila Swpa eivat ETOILA Yla va LETaepBouv otnv ayia TpdreZa Kal va ka8ay.aotouv. lepd Apytertoxorm} Auotpantag lepa Movi Navravdicong, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy The Service of Prothesis or Proskomidi During the Orthros the priest stands at a special place in the altar to prepare bread and wine for Holy Communion. This special place is called the Prothesis and it is on the left hand side of the altar. At the Prothesis there is the wine and the specially prepared bread called the Prosphoro. The prosphoro bread is usually made by our mothers and grandmothers in a special way and brought to the church with the wine. The priest pours the wine into the Holy Cup or Holy Chalice. Then he cuts out small pieces from the Prosphoro with a special knife called the Paten. The most important part of the Prosphoro which the priest cuts out is a small square piece which has the letters IZ XZ NI KA. This piece represents the Body of Christ. During the Holy Liturgy the wine in the Holy Cup and the bread on the Paten are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. The other small pieces which are cut out from the Prosphoro and placed on the Paten represent Panagia, the angels, the saints and those who are in heaven. When we take the prosphoro bread to church we give a piece of paper with our names written on it. The priest reads our name and cuts out a small piece from the bread and places it on the Paten. After the priest has prepared the bread and wine he says prayers and hymns, he censes the Holy Gifts and covers them with special coverings. When the Prothesis service is over the Holy Gifts are ready to be transferred to the altar table during the Holy Liturgy. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Mix and Match. The items used in the Prosthesis are written below in Greek and English. Match them. Paten To Ayto Notripto Wine To Ayto Atoxdpto Lance Kpaoi Holy Nepo Water Tnv Ayla Adyxn Prosphoro Bread Npdoopo Answer the following questions by drawing a circle around the correct word/s. 1. The service of Prothesis takes place during the Orthros / Divine Liturgy. 2. During the Prothesis the bread and wine is prepared / transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. i Write a few words. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. In the picture above the priest is conducting the service of Prothesis. He uses the following items. Holy Chalice (or Holy Cup) The Lance Paten (or Disk) Water Wine Prosphoro bread 1. Label the picture with the items above. 2. Colour the above items with the following colours: Holy cup = blue and gold Paten = gold Wine = red Lance = gold Prosphoro = brown Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H @sio. Agitoupyia H onuaoia tng NpooKoptdrc H akodouéia tng Mpobécews Sev pac eivat MoAU yvwotr Kat ylati yivetat MoAU mpwi Kat yLati o tlepgac dev paivetat. Opwe eivat MoAU onvavTiKt) yt’ auTé ac TIOUE Kal duo Adyia yla TH ONaoia TH WEYGAn Tou EXEL. H @eia Aettoupyia dev yivetat and évav LOvov, AAAG eival OASKANPNG TNs EkKKnotac. Kat oKortdg TN¢ eivat YN owtnpia pac Mou pac S66nke and th Buoia Kat THVv avadotaon tou Kupiou pac. Oda auta ta €xet yéoa TNs N akoAoubia tng Mpobécewe. Me Ta KOMpPATAKta TOU TIPdOopou Tou EPyaAE Kal HE ELOLKO TPOTIO Ta TOMOGETHGE GTO AYO Siokdplo o tepéac, BpiokeTat LTIpoota Pac OAGKANpN Nn EKKAnoia. O Kuptdg pas, n Navayia pas, ot ayyéAot, ot aytol, ot xptoTtavoi Tou é@uyav ano Tn yn Kat eivat otous oUpavouc, Kat GAOL epic. O ayvdc oTo dtokdplo Kat 0 oivog OTO MoTHpLo ETOLLGOTNKAV HE TPOTIO Kal EUXES Trou eival aKPLBWS Ta md8n, o oTaupss, Kal nN avdotaon Tou XploToU pac. O Xptotég E5woe ty Buoia Tou GAAG Cntdet Katt va TIPOOPEPOUHE Kal Epeic. Tt va Tou SwoouyE; Ywyi kat Kpaoi mpoopépouue, Ta SéXeTte Kal Hac Ta EMOTPEMEL ayLaoLEva. Twea, WETA THv akoAoUsia THC TIpobéoews, eivat pati n Buoia Tou XpiotouU kat Nn TIPCG~opa Tou av8pwrtou. O oupavés Kat n yn. OANN ekkAnota.Mn ta Eexdooupe autd. Ac pwtoupe autotc Ttou Egpouv va Lac rouv Kt’ GAA yla Thv TOoO omtoudaia autr teAett. Etot 6a kataAaBaivoupe KQAAitepa Tn Geia Aettoupyia, yia Thv ortoia amdé To eMdvevo WGSnYG pac 8a apxicoupe va LIAGHE. lepa Apytertoxorty AuotpaNag lepd Movi Navravécang, N.N.O. The meaning of the Proskomidi. The service of the Prothesis or Proskomidi is not well known. It takes place very early and usually we can't see the priest because he is inside the sanctuary. The service of Prothesis is very important and in this lesson we will explain a little about it's meaning. The Holy Liturgy is not the act of one person but of the whole church. It's purpose is our salvation, to regain paradise with the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The service of Prothesis reminds us of this. During the Prothesis the pieces of Prosphoro that the priest cuts out and places on the Paten represents the whole church. They represent Christ, Panagia, the angels, the saints, all the christians who have died and are in heaven and all of us. The body of Christ on the Paten and the wine in the cup were prepared in such a way as to represent the sufferings, crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Christ gave Himself and we offer Him bread and wine. He accepts them and returns them to us sanctified as Holy Communion. So with the service of Prothesis we have before us Christ's sacrifice and man's offering; heaven and earth; all of the church. It is important to ask those who know to explain to us these beautiful services in our church. Like the service of Prothesis, the Orthros and the Holy Liturgy. Ask your Scripture teacher or Sunday School teacher to organise with your parish priest to explain to you these services. In this way you will understand the Holy Liturgy better. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Answer the questions below. Use the text to help you. 1. The piece of Prosphoro on the Paten represent __ 2. The body of Christ on the Paten (IZ XZ NI KA) and the wine in the cup represent _ 3. In the Prothesis we have before us Christ's sacrifice and man's offering; heaven and earth; all of the ___ Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Revision on the Service of Prothesis or Proskomidi. Below are the items used in the Prothesis. Under each picture write the correct word from the following list. Holy Cup, Paten, Lance, Prosphoro, Water, Wine. Below is a picture of the iconostasion and sanctuary. Show by drawing an arrow where the Service of Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H Osia Asitoupyia H akodou@ia tng MpooKOULdrG OAOKANPWENKE, O dpBpoc TIpoXWwWeENDE, TO we Tou ALOU PwTiTet 6AG Kat YAuKd ta Ceotaivel Kal WUOTIKG Cw} Tous Sivel. Tov NaAdotn kat Anptoupyo kat 666 pac Tov euxaplotoupEe amo thy Kapdid pac Kat Tou Agye, "“AdEa Lot tw SeiEavtt to pwe...". AoEacpevog va efoat yia to pwc Kat Th Gwr Tou pac xapiletc... Me tn HeyaAdripertn So€oAoyia TeAEtWwvet o 6PBPOG Kat 0 lepéac, UTpooTta thv ayia tedmeZa, 6a Tntrioet thv Ttapouoia Kat tThv evAoyia thg ayiag Tpiddoc. Me to EuayyéaAlo ota Xépia oTaupwvet Thv ayia tTparteGa kat KpaTtwvTag To WnAd AE, "EUAoyNHEvN n BaotAeia tou Natpédc kat tou You kat tou Ayiou Nvevuatoc". Kat amd To onteio auté apyxifet n Beia Aettoupyia. EiSape 6tt ye Thy MpookOULd EvWENKAV yn Kat oupavoc. Twpa €xouye Kal Thy Mapouoia tng Ayiac Tpiddoc, Th SUvayN Tou oTaupoU Kat Thy EvAoyia Euayysaiou dimAa pac. Twpa eivaote 6Aot éva TIPaYLG MoU TO KOULaVTapEl oO Bede, To Aettoupysi o Gedc. [' auto xalpouaote, yl'auTo Age kal eyeic, "Aun", SnAdSn pakdpt va yivet Eto Kal KOVTG PAG O 6c va eivat. Kat evwpévol, tepéac Kat MoToi, Eekivaue To Spdpo rou 6a pag ByaAet oTov oupave Kal ™ Xapn. lepa Apxtertoxort AuotpaNag lepé Movi Navravécong, N.N.O. — The Holy Liturgy The service of Prothesis has been completed, the Orthros continues and the sun begins to rise. Then we thank God with all our heart by chanting the "Doxologia". This hymn begins with the words, "Glory to you, who has shown forth the light ..." In other words Glory to you for the light and the life that you grant us. The Orthros ends with the "Doxologia". Then the priest stands in front of the altar table and asks for the blessing of the Holy Trinity. He holds the Holy Bible in his hands and does the sign of the cross over the altar table. Then he lifts the Holy Bible high up and says, "Blessed be the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and from all ages to all ages". With these words the Holy Liturgy begins. In the service of the Proskomidi heaven and earth become one. Now at the beginning of the Holy Liturgy we have the presence of the Holy Trinity, the power of the cross and the blessing of the Holy Bible. This fills us with joy and so we all say "Amen". In other words may it be like this for us and may God be near_us. Then all of us together united, start on the journey that will bring us to heaven. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Adka oor 7d BeiEavTL 7d as Adka év thiotoLs 0€6, Kal ént yfis elprivn, év dvOpiitrois cbBoxia. ‘Ypvobpév oe, evroyodpev oe, mpooKwoipev oe, BoEohoyoopev oe, evxaptotobuev oor Bia Thy yeyddny cov &dEav. Glory to Thee, Who hast shown forth the light. Glory to God on high, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men. We praise Thee, We bless Thee, We worship Thee, We glorify Thee, We give thanks to Thee, for Thy great glory. 1. Above are the first few verses of the Doxologia in Greek and English. Ask your Scripture teacher to teach you how to chant this hymn. Fill in the gaps below The Doxologia takes place at the end of the and at the beginning of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia To start the Holy Wjlifttthe ( and make the sign of ii I “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Liturgy the priest will Colour in the picture below. 1. Fill in the gaps below to discover the words the priest uses to begin the Holy Liturgy. “Blessed be the of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy , now and and from all ages to all _". 2."Amen" is a word often used during the Holy Liturgy. Write down the meaning of the word. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H Osia Asitovpyta H Evwon pépvel eiprivn, GAAG Kal 1 ElprvN KGvEt TOUG avOpwrious va épxovtat Kovtd HETAEU Touc Kal EUKOAG OTO O€6 TOUS TIC KapdIé¢ va akoupTIOUV. F' AUTO, TO TIPWTO TIOU TNTAUE LOAIc Gpxice nN Geia AEttoupyia, sivat TO OUPAViO GUTS SWpo: "Ev elprivn Tou Kupiou Sendwyev". Me etprivn tThv MpoceuxXT YAS va KAVOUUE KGL va. TlapakaAgooupe Tov Kuplo yia: *Tous xplotiavouig GAoU TOU KOOLOU. *To Nao kal Toug motos mou BpioKovta yéoa. *Tov Enioxono rou eivat o matépacg. ZTYAIANOZ etvat to Ovoua TOU ApXLEMOKOMOU HAG Kal TIPOCEUXOHAOTE yI' auTév Kal GAOUG Tou lepeic. *Tn x@Pa Kal TH MOAN Tou ToUWE Kal TouUS apxnyous tn. *Tig MOAELG OAOU TOU KOOLOU. *Kadouic Kalpous yia tig epyaoies pas Kal Ta xwpaia. *Oooug Taktdevouv 1 eivat Gppworot 1) eivat oe SuoKOAIEs. Kat twpa, TéAoc, Tntaye ano th Mavayia kat toug ayioug va. mlapakaAgoouv To O€6 yia va pas dWoet aUTA Tou Tou Cntroaye. Mac évwoe o tepéac dAoUG OTO SioKdplo, EVWENKALE THPA KAL HE TIS TIPOGEUXES MOU KGvayE GAOL yla ddouc. O évac voidZeTal yia Tov GAAov Kal GAOL OKEPTOLAOTE Kal GUTOUS Mou eivat aKpta 1) Aeimouv. Auté G€Ael Kal 0 Xpiotdéc Pac. Thv Evwor} pac, Thv Elprvn Hac. Tapa propel va épBet avayieoa pac. Kat 6a yivet QuT6 o€ Alyo HE TN ULKPT) Eicodo. lepa Apxtemtokom AuotpaaAtac lepa Movi} Navravdoong, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy Unity brings peace and peace brings us together and closer to God. The first thing that we ask for in the Holy Liturgy is to have peace. The priest says, "In peace, let us pray to the Lord." We ask God for peace, peace within us and peace among us so that we may be able to pray for, * all the Christians in the world. * the church. * our Archbishop and all our priests. * our country and those who govern it. * good weather. * those who are sick and troubled. Then we pray to Panagia and all the saints to ask God to grant us all these things we have prayed for. Earlier in the Orthros the priest united us with the pieces of prosphoro that he placed on the paten. Now with these prayers we are united once again. When we pray for each other we think about and care for each other, for those who are near and those who are far, for friends, family and strangers. This is what God wants, for us all to be united. When we are united he can come among us. This then happens with the "Small Entrance" which we will learn about in next week's lesson. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. THE HOLY LITURGY The first thing we ask for in the Holy Liturgy is PEACE. 1. Colour in the word peace below. PEACE 2. Write down three other things that we pray for in the beginning of the Holy Liturgy. b= 2. 3. 3. Unjumble the underlined word Praying for each other nitues us. 4. Complete the mini Wordfind below PRIEST [t| BISHOP LISfo[L[R[D[VIAIN| peace = unity ELEIRIETPIRIN| FAITH PRAY s LU ferstRfot ist REVERENCE WORLD [R FEAR GOD Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Imagine that you, your family, relatives, friends and acquaintances are in the picture above. Imagine that you are in church, attending the Holy Liturgy and praying. Choose two people in the picture above. Write down who they are and write your prayer for them. E.g. Grandmother Dear God help my grandmother because she is feeling sick ..... Person 1 Person 2 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H Osta Asitovpyta H uikpr sicodoc. Eiuaote yaArviot kat eipnvixoi. Eiuaote ayarnpévot. Xaipdpiaote mou eiaote o évac SimAa otov GAAov. Etuaote ta naidia tou Oeou, eluate adgpdpia. OEAOUUE To XplOTS Was avayEeod pas Kal EpxXETat Tapa. Avoige n Bopetvr mMUAN Tou tepou, Byatvouv ta TraLdia WE Tig AayMddEc Kat Mlow Tou oO lepéas HE TO EuayyéAto tou Xptotou ota xépia TOU Kal ONKWHEVO naa ya va UN ~atvetal To TpdowrMd TOU GAAG O Xptotég. Matt to EuayyéAto eivat o Xpiotég avayeca Hac. H pukpr, Kat Aaunpr auth Mom Mpoxwed apya yéoa. oto Naé, dimAa pas Kat eyeic 6Ao AaxTdpa yupvayE oto Xpioto, oKUBoUE ETIPOOTG Tou, KGVOULE TO otaupé pac. Kat padi pe Tous waATEs Hac weaiTouyE Ta Adyla Tou MavuynplkoU Tportapiou mou Agyetat “eroodiKo" ylati Guvodeuet Thv Efaodo, tov epxoys, Tou Xptotod otn Jwr} yas Kat OTN AEtToUPYIKT) QUTT) ouvaéh pac. To EuayyéMo éptace Twpa PMpoOTA OTNHV weaia TIAN Kat KaBWE Oo tepsac AEEL: "Zocpia. OpBoi", EUXAPLOTOULE To Xptotd pas yia to Adyo Tou kat Tov TIPOOKUVOUE YAC{ WE Tov tepsa pac Tou Aget: "Acute, TIPOOKUVIOWHEV KAL TIPCOTIEGWHEV XploTw. TWaov Nac, Yié Geo, 0 avaotasc ek VEKPWV, WAAAOVTAC Col AAAnAotia". lepd Apxtemtoxorm} Auatpaniag lepé Movi Mavravécong, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy The Small Entrance After we have prayed for each other we wait for Christ's entrance. With the Orthros and the beginning of the Holy Liturgy we find ourselves at peace. We have love for one another, we stand beside each other and we are happy. We are God's children, brothers and sisters united and we want Christ to come among us. One of the doors of the iconostasis opens. The altar boys walk out holding candles. Then the priest walks out holding the Holy Bible in front of his face, so that we see the Bible and not his face. Because the Holy Gospel is God's word, it is Christ among us. The altar boys and priest walk slowly around the inside of the church. We all turn to face Christ, we bow down and do the sign of the cross. We chant a special hymn to celebrate Christ's entrance into our lives and His coming amongst us during the Holy Liturgy. The Holy Bible reaches the front of the church and the priest says, "Wisdom; stand up." We then thank Christ for His Holy Word and we worship Him saying, " Come, let us worship and bow to Christ. O Son of God, Who rose from the dead, save us who chant to you: Alleluia." Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Colour in the picture. The sentences below describe what happens during the Small Entrance but they are not in order. Using the text re-arrange them into their correct order. 1. The priest walks out 1. holding the Holy Bible. 2. The priest says, "Wisdom." 2 3. The door of the 3. iconostasis opens. 4.We bow down anddothe 4. sign of the cross. 5. The altar boys walk out 5. holding candles. 6. The priest and altar boys 6. walk around the inside of the church. 7.We worship Christ with a a special hymn. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. THE HOLY LITURGY Fill in the squares using the clues. The circled letters will form a keyword. Opposite to Big The Son of God To enter into a place. Where the Holy Liturgy takes place. The person who conducts the Holy Liturgy. OL LLL TL] What the priest carries in the small entrance. [| 1 fol Sacred. Keyword OlOlO[OIOIOIO} During the small entrance the priest stands in the centre of the church, gives a blessing, saying "Wisdom." Wisdom is the knowledge of what is right and good. * Colour in the word WISDOM below. ISDOM Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia = “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H Osia Asitovpyta O Tptodytog Upvog - Ta avayv@oyata. O tepéag UMMKE TWPA OTO LEpd Bria Kal To EuayyéAto BoioKetat endvw otnv ayia tpaneZa. O Xpiotdéc pE Thv Mapouoia Tou otn yn Epepe Kal ToUG ayyéAouG KOVTG Hac. Etol Twpa o Asitoupydc pac KaAsi va WaAoULE Kal eet Tov TpLOayLo UYvo: "Aylog 0 Osédc, Aytog loxupde, Aytog A@avatoc, eAsnoov nas", auTOv Tou ol GyyEAol WaAAOUV OTNV oupavia Geia Aettoupyia Tou Oso. Kat yivetat n EKKANOIa Yas TOroG yn¢ Kal OUpavoU, avOpwurwv Kal ayyéAwv, Ortou KEvTpO efval o Osdc pac. Yuvijoape To Os6 pas Kal Eiaote éToWoL va akoUoouye To BEAnUG Tou. Aut6 eivat ToAU ortoudaio yt auT6 6a pas Tel o Stdkovoc: "MpdoxwyEev", SNAad} va TIpOGéEOUE TIOAU. Kat o tepéac Ba diaBacet HUOTIKG Hla EUXT) Yla va Yas GEWwoeEl o Osdc va MIGPOULE TH XGpN Tov Adyov Tou Xptotou pac. Newta dws akoe Toug AttootéAous Tou. Autouc Tlou Tov Gkoucay, Tov ayamnoavy, piAnoav kat Haptupnoav y' Autov.Kat Byaivet tHpa oTnv weaia TAN oO Aettoupyéc YE To Euayyéato yia va akoUcouLs Ta Adéyla Tou Xptotou, mou elvat TO KAAG pUvna TNS owtnpias pac. Eiuaote dp@tot kal TOAU TIPODEKTLKOL, Gav Tous MP6BULOUS UTINPETEG TOU TIPOGEXOUV OTOV KUPLO TOUS Kat ElVval ETOWOL VA EKTIANPWOOUV TIC EVTOAEG TOU. To EuayyéAto eivat n xapa twv Xplotiavwv, yt’ auté Kal TWPA TOU AEWENKAV va AKOUGOUV Yt La AKON opa To Adyo Tou EUXaPLOTOUV Kat SoEGZouUV To Oed Aéyovtac: "AAAnAotia". lep6 Apxtertoxorm} Auotpaniag lepa Movi} Navravacong, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy The Trisagion Hymn - The Readings. After the Small Entrance the priest enters the sanctuary and places the Holy Gospel on the altar table. Christ's presence on earth brought the angels close to us and so we chant the Trisagion Hymn, "Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us." We glorify Him as the angels glorify Him in heaven. In this way our church becomes a place where heaven and earth, man and angel meet. After we have glorified God we are ready to hear His word, to listen to His will. This of course is very important and so that is why the deacon says, " Let us attend." In other words let us listen very carefully to what we will hear. Then quietly the priest reads a prayer to help us receive Christ's words. Firstly we listen to the Apostles, those who heard our Lord Jesus, loved Him, preached Him and died for Him. Then the priest stands at the Holy Doors and reads from the Gospels about the life and teachings of Christ. We stand quietly and attentively like a faithful servant who stands near his master ready to obey his every wish and command. We thank God and glorify Him because we have been allowed once again to hear the word and this gives us joy, so we chant , “Alleluia.” Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. “Bye Q Seog . Piyus “Toywpiyl ' Fieger * fioivacgs Ghinoor spas Fhoky God Pidy Mighty Sioly Jenmartal have mercy on ut ar 1. Colour in and design a border for the hymn above. 2. Ask your scripture teacher to teach you how to chant this hymn. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. In your scripture lessons last year you learned about the miracles and parables of Christ and the year before you learned about the life of Christ. Which story from the bible do you remember best? Write about it. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H Osia Aeitoupyia To EvayyéAto eivat Zopia O aytog Iwavvng o XpucdoToVOs pag A€et Ott eivat HEyaAn ayaptia va eivaote ampdcekTot Thy Wea Tlou akouyovTal Ta avayvwopata. Pati ptAdet o Tdtoc o ©e6¢, eivat To urvUu"G Tou TIpoc Tov dv8pwro. Eivat o Adyog Tou CUpavoU MIpos TH YN Kal Xpelafetat va €XOoupe nouyxia Kal OTN WUXT) HAG, yt' aUTO Kal aKoUpE Tov lepéa va Agel, Atyo MpoToU va apxicouv ta avayvwoyata, "elprivn Mdot", eiprivn va eivat oe Odouc. AAAG Kal HET, MGAL Elprivn épxeTat yLati, OMmWG TOTE Tou Htav Oo Xptotdéc Pac OTN Yn, ETOL Kat Twpa, GAOL 6GoL AKOUVE To AdYO Tou viwBoUV Gav ToUG VauTiKouc Tou Bpéonkav emi TEAOG OTO FPEHO Alavi UoTEpa amd To Tapayyevo TaE(St touc. Kat efvat TapayLevn BGAAaca n wr} MOAAES opéc. BAénovtag to XptoTé avayEeod pac kal akoUyovtacg TO Adyo Tou, n WUXN Hac MAnuWUpiTeL and Cela yaArvn. H ouvtpogta pe Tic Ayltec Tpapéc artopakpUvet Th AUTIn Kat dtatnpei Th xapa. Katt mou, SuoTuXWC, doot XPLoTLavoi Sev exkANoLaCovtat Sev HTlopouv va To aroAaUcouv aAAG OUTE Kal aMoKTOUV TN OuvrGela va StaBdTouv To Adyo tou Geo ot ka6npeptivy tous Cwr}. Kat ortotog Eek6Betat ard to EuvayyéAto, eivat oav To mpéBato mou Sev akovet tT] @wvr} Tou BookoU Kat xavetat. Zto onyeio auto, YE To TéAciwHa Tw Lepwv AVAYVWOLATWV, TEAEiWoE To TIPWTO PEPOG THE Beiac Aettoupyiag Tou cupBoAiZet Thy MpwmM pavépwon Tou Xptotou ot yn. lepd Apytemtoxorm AuotpaAtag lepd Move} Navravdcang, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy St John Chrysostom says that it is a great sin to be careless and inattentive when the Holy Bible is being read in church. When the Holy Bible is being read, God Himself is speaking to us. Before the priest reads the Holy Bible in the Holy Liturgy he says, "Peace be with you," because we are about to hear the words of Heaven, we are about to hear God's message to man. So we need to have peace and quietness in our heart. All who hear Christ's words feel like sailors on a boat in a storm who then find themselves in peaceful waters after the storm has passed. Our lives often, resemble the storm and hearing God's word brings peace in the storm. When we make a habit of reading the Bible each day the sadness and troubles in our life seem less and we feel peace and joy. Whoever cuts himself off from the word of God is like a sheep that has become lost and cannot hear his shepherd anymore. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. 1. Draw yourself in the picture above and colour it in. 2. Why should you be attentive in church when the Bible is being read? eee 3. PEACE. What is peace? Below is one answer. Write some other answers. * Peace is not to have anger in my heart for anyone. * Peace is. * Peace is * Peace is 4. Why does the priest say "Peace be with you" before he reads the Holy Bible in church. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. Why is the sheep in danger? Because heis!_ Who is the shepherd? C Who is the sheep? M__. Do you read the Holy Bible each day? Reading the Holy Bible each day helps us. How? Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H Osia Asitoupyia H Meydan Eioodoc AkoUoaue To Belo Adyo Kal Crioaple Eto To TEAOG TOU TIipwTou LEpous Ttn¢ Beiac Aettoupyiac. Oa apyicet oe Alyo To deUTEpo, n TEAEON Tou Muotnpiou the Geiac Euxaptotiag kat mpwtn mpdaén eivat n MeyaAn Eioodoc. Otep€ag eine duo euxéc Kal ot WaATEG ExouV apxicet Tov YAuUK6 tyvo, "Ot Ta XepouBeip PUOTUKwG eikoviGovtec.." AnAadr), eyeic ot xptottavoi, ou cav ToUG ayyéAouc ULVIOaLE To Tptodyto Od pac va OTPEWOULE TPA OASKANPN TH Sta8eor| Hag oto Xptot6 pag, to Baoiiéa Twv OAwv, Mou épxeTal Kat TIGAL AVGYEGG LAG TEpLTPLYUPLOPEVOG amd TIC duvauEtg Twv ayyéAwv. Thv wpa auTr) oO lepéac eine THV UXT TOU XEPOUBLKOU Kal HE TO BUpLATO OTA Xépla Bploketat uMpoota otn wpaia NUAN. OuptdaZet tic ELKOVEG Kal GAOUG HAC Kal Hac Mapakivel oe HETAvola. Emotpéqet oto tepd, minyaivet otnv mpd8Eon, kei OMOU KATA TH YVWOTT] Has akoAoUsia TNC TIPOOKOULBrG GTov SpGpo eixe eTodoel Ta TipLa Swpa. Ta Gupta, Ta Taipvet pe MOAAN EVAGBeLa Kat TIpoooyx? Kal ETOLUATETAL va Bye{ amd To tepd. Mnpootd tou mnyaivouv ta matdia pe tic Aaynddec, TO BULLATS Kat Ta e€antépuya. KaTavuKTLKG Kal duvata Tov akoUuEe va (ytd and To Ge6 va pac Gupndel otn Baowsia Tou. Ta patia pac BAénouv Thy lepr| auth ouvodeta, n Kapdia pag yupiTet otov Kupid Hag Kat ©£6 paG Kal 6A0 To owWpa Hac OKUBEL HTIpoota oto XptoT6 pag Mou mepvadet SinAa pac. H Tiopeta autr Sev etvat tittote GAAO TIdpa To aveBaoya tou Xpiotou ota lepoodAuya Kal To ToAyo@a ya to Muotiké Seirtvo Kat tr Gucia Tou. Néon ouyKivnon! lepé Apxertoxor Avotpahiag lepa Move} Navravéaons, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy The Great Entrance When the priest reads the Holy Bible in church it marks the end of the first part of the Holy Liturgy. The second part of the Holy Liturgy leads us to the mystery of the Holy Communion and it begins with the Great Entrance. Firstly we chant the hymn of the cherubim, "Let us who mystically represent the cherubim..." In other words ‘like the angels who glorify God let us turn our attention to Christ our King who comes among us again surrounded by heavenly powers and angels.’ Then the priest censes the icons and us, he returns to the Sanctuary and goes to the Prothesis where during the Orthros he prepared the Holy Gifts (the prosphoro and wine). He lifts the Holy Gifts in his hands. The door of the iconostasis opens and the altar boys come out holding candles. Then the priest follows holding the Holy Gifts. They proceed around the church and we turn to face them and bow down before the Holy Gifts. We turn our hearts to Christ and we bow down before Christ. This procession of the Holy Gifts is called the Great Entrance and it symbolises Christ's entry into Jerusalem. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. show the same special event. These two pictures What is the priest holding? H_ G____ Where i is Jesus going? Joo diocese of Australia Greek Orthodox Arche “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monaster Use the words in the box to fill in the missing words. Procession, Icons, entry, Orthros, Prothesis, cherubim 1. The second part of the Holy Liturgy begins with the hymn. 2. The priest cense the ___ and us. 3. The priest lifts the Holy Gifts from the in the sanctuary. 4. The priest prepared the Holy Gifts during the 5. The priest carries the Holy Gifts around the church during the Great 6. The Great Procession symbolises Christ's into Jerusalem. Draw an arrow from box+torbox showing the events of the Great Procession in their correct order. Priest censing Icons and us Priest comes out carrying Holy Gifts Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. H @sio Aeitoupyia Ektevric peta thv MeyaAn Eicodo Ta Tipta Adpa, o Xptotéc, Mépacav avaueod pac Kat 0 lepEag Ta akoULTInos oT ayia TpdneZa Kal Ta OKETIAGE Kal TIGAL HE TO TeTPaYWvo HEYGAO KGAULHa Ttou {Xe OTOUG WpOUG Tou KaTG TN HEYGAN Efoodo. H ayia tpanefa eivat Twa Nn TpdneZa Tou UOTLKOU deittvou, GAAG Kal 0 Ta@og Tou XptotoU pac. Ta Gupta Kal vidGoupe ETOL THY Tlapoucia Tou Ayiou Nvetpatoc OTN wpa ts Aatplac pe Thv SUvayN Tou onofou yivovtat Ta mdvta. M600 kovta Lac eivat o Xptoté¢ mou Hac ayandet kat Ya th Bucia Tou npoxwpei! ‘Erot eivat pia ak6yn eukaipla va Tou Cntricoupe 6Aa exeiva Tou Téd0 anapa(tnta eivat yia th Cwr} Wag Kal THY MpoKoTt pac OTN XPLOTLAVUKH Cwr} Kat ayartn. Zntdye euAoyia yia ta tipta Supa Kat To vad. Fa AUTPWwOr} HAG an6 KdGe kivduvo Kal MVEUATKS epmddio. Na eivat kaAr n nHépa pac Kat dimAa pac va OTEKETAL O GYYEAAGc LAG. Na ouyxwpricet Tic auaptieg pag kal va pac Swot KaBeTL W~PEAIHO Yta TH wuyn Hac. Ooa xpovia ZiooupE, xploTiaviKa va efvat kal 6tav ép8et n Wea Tou Gavatou pac, KovtTa Tou va Bpeboupe. Ti GAAo 8a pTtopovoape va Tou TntrcouLE; Tt GAAO Mo oTIoudaio amd 6Aa auTa UNdpyEl; [' auTS Kal Tdpa MapakaAoUpe Thy Navayia pac Kat dAouc Toug ayloug va napakalgoouv To Ged yia Xdpn pac. lepa Apxtemioxor AuotpaAlag, lepd Movi Mavravdcons, N.N.O. The Holy Liturgy The priest puts the Holy Gifts on the altar table. He covers them with a large square covering which he was carrying around his shoulders during the Great Entrance. The altar table now becomes the table of the Last Supper and also the tomb of Christ. The priest censes the Holy Gifts and we sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that all which is to happen in the Holy Liturgy can take place. And we feel the love that Christ has for us as He progresses towards His sacrifice. At this moment we take the opportunity to ask Him once again for all the things that we need in our life. And we ask Him to help us grow in the Christian life. We ask that He bless the Holy Gifts and the church; that He save us from every danger; that our day go well and our angel to be near us; to forgive us our sins and to give us whatever is good for our souls; to have a Christian end to our life and when we die to go near God. What else could we ask for? What is more important than all these things we have asked for? Then once again we call on Panagia and all the saints to ask God to grant us what we have prayed for. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W. This is the burial of Christ. This picture shows us what is symbolised when the priest covers the Holy Gifts with the Aer. Colour in the pictures. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Pantanassa” Greek Orthodox Monastery, N.S.W.

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