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Frontera Water Protection Alliance


October 6, 2017

Dr. Jill Stein and representatives,

As Im sure you can agree, we are currently in a pivotal and vital time in our planets history. Our
environment, livelihood of life on Earth, and the very future of our species depend solely on individual and
collective human decisions. I am contacting you on behalf of the Frontera Water Protection Alliance based in El
Paso, Texas. Like you, we are concerned citizens of Earth and environmental activists who devote much of our
time to educating others and taking action to impart positive change in environmental policy. We are actively
advocating and protesting for the elimination of fossil fuels, the protection of our natural resources and
environment, and the increased use of sustainable energy and technology. This December, we are hosting a
March for the Planet here in El Paso. We hope that this march can increase public awareness about climate
change, encourage people to personally practice sustainable living, and solidify public support for a renewable
and sustainable future for our region. I am contacting you as we would like to formally invite you and your
team to attend and speak.

In the past year since we have assembled, the Frontera Water Protection Alliance has been featured
several times in the media, conversed regularly with local and federal representatives, including Senators and
Congressmen, and created a known presence in the borderland. Inspired by other water protector movements
throughout the country, notably Standing Rock, we have been fighting to prevent future pipelines, fracking, oil,
and other fossil fuel plans in El Paso. Many of our members are indigenous and/or Hispanic and have
experienced first hand the reality of discriminatory fossil fuel and environmental policy. We are passionate in
our goals of preserving nature and allowing for the vitality of all life, including the Earth itself. Living in Texas,
the center of fossil fuel development in the United States, however, has made our quest difficult. Lack of public
knowledge, corruption in politics, and limitation of powers of local representatives have made it difficult for us
to implement stern change.

El Paso is also known as the Sun City. It is one of the sunniest cities in the United States with an average
of 297 sunny days a year. Our ability to create energy through solar technology is tremendous and could create
abundance for both El Paso and the entire region. With our sister city Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua, Mexico, we
form a very large and influential bi-national community. Already, our neighbors in Texas cities farther east have
been suffering as the result of continued fracking, pipelines, and refineries that have been built in never ending
grids across Texas. We wholeheartedly know and believe that El Paso can act as a model for what a prosperous,
green, sustainable city could look like, not only for Texas, but the remainder of the country and international

The actions we take now, at local, federal, and international levels, will impact humans and the rest of
life on Earth for centuries to come. As an organization, we are optimistic that positive changes can be made to
curb potential negative impacts of climate change. However, we are aware that time is of the essence. We have
an incredible opportunity in El Paso to create a sustainable model with a supportive and eager community. With
a collective of focused voices, we can create great change.

We respect and are greatly inspired by your continued action on climate change and against destructive
environmental policy. Your commitment to this Earth and its preservation is infectious and powerful. Your
words and actions have encouraged others to take a stand against climate change and fossil fuels. As
individuals, we can each make a huge difference and you are a fantastic example of this. Your presence at the
March for the Planet would enable us to draw a much larger crowd from El Paso, Juarez, and the entire
Southwest Region. We believe, with your help and the help of other environmental activists, we could create a
huge impact in this region of the country where both solar and wind energy are abundant. Our goal is to create
as much excitement and intrigue as possible for this very important and pressing issue. The Frontera Water
Protection Alliance believes there is no greater issue of our time and many of us have devoted a great deal of
our lives to this. It would be incredible to have you here to share some of your knowledge and experiences with
our group and the attendees of the march.

If you have any other questions or inquiries about the event, please contact me and I will be happy to
converse with you and discuss any details or requests. I sincerely hope that we will speak and meet soon.
Tentatively, the march will be taking place in the first weeks of December. If possible, we would like to
confirm your availability and attendance by November 1, 2017. If you are unable to attend, I would still like to
sincerely thank you for your incredible work for this Earth and our environment. Together, we will create a
healthy, sustainable environment for generations of life to come.

Best regards,

Marissa Rojero | Frontera Water Protection Alliance

(915) 309-8986

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