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Aliyah Abdulmalek

COMM 107


ATTENTION STRATEGY: Open my speech with a little personal story. I remember sitting in

my English class amongst my classmates explaining to my peers how I was searching for a job

when one of my friends she knew her job at the bakery was looking for workers but probably

wouldnt hire me because i wear a hijab. This obviously left me dumbfounded, so I asked why?

She replied well, you know, hes worried about how it would look for his store. He wants to keep

his business. Not knowing what else to say, I said oh truethis experience first me opened

me up to the real world discrimination Muslims women face, even in a very accepting


CENTRAL IDEA: Muslim women all over the world face all types of discrimination for simply

just wearing a scarf, thus making hijab awareness important.

PURPOSE STATEMENT: To inform my audience of the types of discrimination Muslim

women face on the daily.

SIGNIFICANCE: Islamophobia is a growing issue in America and the main reason it exist is out

of pure ignorance to people who practice Islam. So to lessen the misunderstandings I will talk

about the real issues Muslim women face.


I. Hate crimes are a growing issue in all around the world and in the U.S.

II. Discrimination can also be seen in the work place/school


TRANSITIONAL STATEMENT: We fear out of misunderstanding or a belief of something not

factual. For example many people have a fear of sharks as they believe if given the opportunity

they would eat humans. But actually this is not true. According to National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce sharks generally only attack humans

when curious or confused.

I. Hate crimes are being committed against Muslims, specifically hijabis,

A. They come out of an irrational fear

1. Due to how it is handled by the mainstream media and current President

2. Hate crimes range from bullying to murder

B. Hate crimes are detrimental to all of society

1. They cause the country to look bad

2. Teach bad examples to kids

TRANSITIONAL STATEMENT: My hijabi friend could not compete in the regionals of her

basketball game because Montgomery Country handbook* girls are not allowed to wear any

form of headscarf even if for religious purpose. As you can imagine this caused a lot of dialogue

and even a petition to get that rule removed from the handbook and allow any player to play a

game, and it worked. But in the real world, if my friend, for example, wanted to continue her

career playing basketball she couldnt.**

II. the misunderstanding of a hijab discriminates against muslim women in the real world

A. Hijabi are discriminated against in the workforce.

1. Rules can be made within the business allowing them to do so

2. Businesses worried about their image when hiring Muslim women who cover.

B. hijabis also face discrimination in school.

1. Although it is suppose to be a safe zone, it's not because of slick comments.

2. Hatred and attacks can easily be brought in with schools lack of enforcement


I. All in all it Muslim women who cover face discrimination.

II. Discrimination can be seen in the workplace and in school.

III. Discrimination stems from a misguided perception of Muslims.

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