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Source #____ Bibliography (MLA or APA) Zeng, Yuanjie, et al.

"Coblation of Femoral and

Sciatic Nerve for Stump Pain and Phantom Limb
Pain: A Case Report." Pain Practice, vol. 16, no. 2,
Feb. 2016, pp. E35-E41. EBSCOhost,

Annotation: (Describe ALL info. that might be The article talks about coblation of the femoral
important for your paper. Explain to the reader and sciatic nerve (the main nerve of the spine
and/or summarize what might be found in this and the connects to the lower thigh) in order to
source) combat phantom limb pain and stump pain of
Potential Quotes: (Are there any significant quotes Two amputees with primarily stump pain
you can use or paraphrase from this source?) experienced 50% pain relief or better for 6 months
after pulsed radiofrequency ablation of dorsal root
ganglions at the L4 and L5 nerve root levels

Assessment: (Analyze and explain why Multiple MD Doctors from Chinas Xuanwu
this source is credible) Hospital of Capital Medical University in Beijing
have had their case study peer reviewed.
Reflection: (How will you potentially use it?) I will use this article in order to show the
relevance of the sciatic nerve in many back L4
and L5 pain treatments in the lower back. Such
implementation can cure chronic back pain for
war victims.

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