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The Eeagle and the vulture activity

1. It enumerates correctly the order of the fable

A. The Vulture saw the scene and he thought that the mother Eagle was killing the son. ( )
B. One day the eagles mother was flying with her pigeon. ( )
C. The animals ashamed and hey apologized with her. ( )
D. The animals were confused and they asked to the mother Eagle. ( )
E. The Vulture began to tell others animals about the fact. ( )
F. They went to complain to the mother Eagle then they called her the killer ( )

2. Choose the correct answer

2.1 Where eagles family was living?

A. In the smallest river of the jungles
B. In the highest mountain of the wood
C. In the biggest hill of the farm
D. In the coldest laggon of the forest

2.2 Which is the problema of the history?

A. Accuse the eagles mother killing her son.
B. Acusse the eagles mother beating her son.
C. Blame the vulture for being a liar.
D. Blame the animals for not caring for the Wood.

2.3 Which is the moral lesson of the fable?

A. You shouldnt judge to a person if you dont know her/him.
B. You shouldnt neglect your children at any time.
C. You must not create rumors to hurt a person.
D. The eagles dont know how to fly and the vultures are gossips.

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