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Victorianism Victorian Literature Lectures- second semester

2017-2018 (2nd Year B.A.)

Course Tutor: Anemona Alb


1. Charles Dickens: David Copperfield
2. Charles Dickens: Our Mutual Friend
3. Charles Dickens: Great Expectations
4. Thomas Hardy: Tess of the D,Urbervilles
5. Thomas Hardy: Jude the Obscure
6. Henry James: Washington Square
7. Sir Walter Scott: Waverley
8. George Eliot: Middlemarch
9. Goerge Eliot: The Mill on The Floss
10. Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights
11. Anne Bronte: Agnes Grey
12. Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre
13. Charlotte Bronte: Shirley
14. W.M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair
15. Samuel Butler: The Way of All Flesh
16. Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility
17. Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
Nota bene: Nu am anumite simboluri in sistemul
computerului meu, asadar:
1. Puneti doua puncte deasupra lui e in Bronte ( la
surorile Bronte).
2. Puneti apostrof la d,Urbervilles in loc de virgula.
3. Pt fiecare categorie de citit cate un roman (voi explica
la clasa which goes where)

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