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Joni Eisenstien

A woman named Joni Eisenstein came into class today to speak about what it truly means to be a
public defender. Joni says that she has always been a very argumentative person. So, going into
law just made sense. At first my main question for her was to do with morals. I think that it
would be really hard for me to let a criminal free, especially if I know that he or she is guilty.
But the way that Joni described her perspective on morals made sense. She said that everyone
has the right to the constitution, and a fair trial. She is there to make sure that the accused are not
wronged in any way, but if you are guilty you get convicted. After she said that, my whole
perspective changed. I think that what she is doing is super important for society. There are so
many people who get wrongly convicted or get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. So
the fact that she is there to help those people really inspired me.

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