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Urbano, Courtney A.

October 15, 2017

4-Biology 9 SCL-9

In our town it was customary to hold the wedding reception at the house of the bride. They

would have a big arch or banner at the entrance of the brides home. It has been done for as long

as I can remember. But now its rarely done because of time I guess. New wedding stunts and

fancy receptions are now rising and celebrating the reception in a house seems boring.

Another tradition was when the couples are dancing and people would tape money on them.

This is something I know that is not unique to our town for I saw this being done in very rural

areas. Since I grew up in the province people kept this tradition up until now.

In this sight, with the growing need for modernization and the future. I hope we treasure

or cherish our tradition and not lose sight of that.

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