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Daniel De La Torre

Ms. Meece

Capstone 7th

2 October 2017

Mentor Reflection

I met with my mentor, Ms. Hascek, and we discussed about my topic for about 25

minutes. I showed my mentor the first two subtopic essays that I have written along with my

infographics and what I plan to do for my last subtopic. I explained to my mentor in detail how I

laid out my plan and showed my future sources. Ms. Hascek read my papers and gave me advice

on how to improve my topics and my presentation. She gave input on more ideas I could

possibly have included on my second subtopic essay that dealt with marketing methods that

businesses tend to use. We discussed over marketing techniques and the effectiveness of digital

marketing and celebrity sponsors. We also talked about current marketing advertisements that

businesses are doing today. I specifically also asked her for options or ideas on what I could

possibly base my third subtopic on, and Ms. Hascek gave me various ideas such as Consumer

Behavior and the core concepts of marketing. Additionally, we discussed possible future sources

I could possibly use and sources that she will be forwarding.

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