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CS4089 Project

Midterm Report

Krishna Sai Gullapally, Prashanth N, MS Bhanu Prakash, Sai Bhava Teja C

Guided By: Dr. Lijiya A.

October 4, 2017

1 Introduction ods like Histogram Equalization, Con-

trast Stretching and Binarization.
Maintaining and recording attendance of Pattern recognition is the process of ex-
daily wage workers at construction sites tracting a pattern from a given image us-
has always been a difficult task for the ing methods like Segmentation, Normal-
organizations. Over the years manual ization and Gabor filters.
attendance system has been carried out Pattern Matching is finding the highest
across most of the organizations. To match of the pattern in the database.
overcome the inefficiencies in the man- There are two matching techniques
ual recording of attendance, organiza- which are Identification and Verification.
tions have been testing automated so- Identification is one to many matching
lutions using biometric techniques like where it compares the extracted pattern
fingerprint, face recognition, voice recog- with all the entries in the database. Veri-
nition etc., However these biometric so- fication is one to one which is comparing
lutions tends to give inaccurate results the extracted pattern with a particular
in real life deployment. Since unimodal entry in the database.
biometric techniques have to contend
with a variety of problems such as noisy
data, spoof attacks and unacceptable er-
2 Problem Statement
ror rates. Some of these limitations can
To design and build an efficient auto-
be solved by using multi-level biometric
matic attendance management system
systems by reducing the threshold of in-
based on biometrics for daily wage work-
dividual biometric techniques.
ers in the construction sites.
The topic of our project is At-
tendance Management System for
Daily Wage Workers. The solution we 3 Literature Survey
have opted for is based on Bio-metrics.
This project involves knowledge in Image A number of related works exist on the
Processing, Database Management Sys- application of different methods and
tems and Software Design. principles to effectively monitor the
Image Processing involves techniques attendance . Solutions can either be bio-
like Image Enhancement, Pattern Recog- metric or non-biometric. The solutions
nition and Pattern Matching. based on non biometric which include
Image enhancement is the process of ad- RFID-based and GSM-GPRS based
justing digital images so that the re- attendance management systems suffer
sults are more suitable for further image a lot of problems and are impractical to
analysis and it includes different meth- implement in real world scenarios. So,

the study was constrained to biometrics. to one of the three families: Optical
Detailed study on biometric methods sensors,Solid-state sensors,Ultrasound
such as fingerprint, facial and iris recog- sensors.
nition is done.From the study, a general New sensing techniques such as mul-
block diagram of the various biometric tispectral imaging and 3D touchless
systems was conceived in the following acquisition are being developed to
diagram. overcome some of the drawbacks of the
current fingerprint scanners.
Image Enhancement[2]
Enhancement algorithm improves the
clarity of ridge and valley structures
in the fingerprint images. Implications
of poor quality image: A significant
number of spurious minutiae may be
created, A large percent of genuine
minutiae may be ignored, and Large
errors in their localization (position and
orientation) may be introduced. Follow-
ing steps constitute the enhancement
algorithm: 1. Normalization: An input
image is normalized, so that the ridges
and valleys are easily distinguished.
2. Local Orientation Estimation: From
the normalized fingerprint image orien-
tation of ridges are calculated in each
block of desired size.
3. Frequency Estimation: Using the
normalized image and the Orientation
Fingerprints are considered to be the
image the frequency in each of the
best and fastest method for biometric
blocks of the image is calculated.
identification. They are secure to
4. Filtering: A bank of Gabor filter
use, unique for every person and does
tuned to local ridge orientation and
not change in ones lifetime. Besides
frequency is used to filter the image to
these, implementation of fingerprint
clearly separate out ridges and valleys
recognition system is cheap,easy and
and thus reduce the probability of
accurate up to satisfiability.Fingerprint
spurious minutiae.
recognition[1] has been widely used in
both forensic and civilian applications.
Compared with other biometrics fea-
tures , fingerprint-based biometrics is
the most proven technique and has the
largest market shares.Not only it is
faster than other techniques but also the
energy consumption by such systems is
too less.
The quality of a fingerprint scanner, the
size of its sensing area and the resolution
can heavily influence the performance
of a fingerprint recognition algorithm. Fingerprint Segmentation
Almost all the existing sensors belong The most important step in minutiae-

based matching is to extract reliablyFingerprint matching techniques
the minutiae points from the input The large number of approaches to
image. This extraction depends on thefingerprint matching can be coarsely
efficiency of the detection of ridges and
classified into three families.
valleys in the fingerprint segmentation
Correlation-based matching: Two fin-
step. Therefore an accurate segmenta-gerprint images are superimposed and
tion of fingerprint images produces an
the correlation between corresponding
effective result in automatic fingerprint
pixels is computed for different align-
recognition system. ments (e.g. various displacements and
Fingerprint image consist of two parts,
foreground part that is the essentialMinutiae-based matching: This is the
area for extracting minutiae points, most popular and widely used technique,
and background part that is the noisybeing the basis of the fingerprint com-
area. Segmentation of the fingerprintparison made by fingerprint examiners.
image is to decide which part from the
Minutiae are extracted from the two
image is associated with the foreground
fingerprints and stored as sets of points
and which part is associated with thein the two- dimensional plane. Minutiae-
background. Due to the nature of
based matching essentially consists of
fingerprint image and the presence offinding the alignment between the
noise, the decision for separation these
template and the input minutiae sets
two regions is critical. that results in the maximum number of
Feature extraction minutiae pairings.
When analyzed at the global level, Pattern-based matching: Pattern based
the fingerprint pattern exhibits one algorithms compare the basic fingerprint
or more regions where the ridge linespatterns (arch, whorl, and loop) between
assume distinctive shapes. These re- a previously stored template and a can-
gions (called singularities or singular
didate fingerprint. This requires that
regions) may be classified into threethe images be aligned in the same orien-
typologies: loop, delta, and whorl. At
tation. To do this, the algorithm finds
the local level, other important features,
a central point in the fingerprint image
called minutiae can be found in the and centers on that. In a pattern-based
fingerprint patterns. Minutia refers to
algorithm, the template contains the
the various ways in which the ridges type, size, and orientation of patterns
can be discontinuous. For example,
within the aligned fingerprint image.
a ridge can abruptly come to an end The candidate fingerprint image is
(termination), or can divide into twographically compared with the template
ridges (bifurcation). Minutia extraction
to determine the degree to which they
Algorithms are then employed to extract
the minutiae features.Post processing is
Problems of fingerprint recognition
then done involving removal of spurious
Poor quality fingerprint images might
minutia patterns. result in lower accuracy. Factors such
as finger injuries or manual working,
can result in certain users being unable
to use a fingerprint-based recogni-
tion system, either temporarily or
permanently.Small-area sensors embed-
Matching ded in portable devices may result in
Finally matching of existing sample less information .skin conditions (e.g.,
and live sample is done with various dryness, wetness, dirtiness, temporary
matching techniques. or permanent cuts and bruises), sensor

conditions (e.g, dirtiness, noise, size) etc. an extremely high level of confidence.
Some of these factors cannot be avoided In order that a facial recognition sys-
and some of them vary along time. tem works well in practice, it should
Poor quality images result in spurious automatically detect whether a face is
and missed features, thus degrading the present in the acquired image,locate the
performance of the overall system. face if there is one, recognize the face
Cost estimation from a general viewpoint (i.e., from any
Secugen,ESSl Fingerprint scanners costs pose).
around 3000 rupees for an optical based Hardware
system. With regards to hardware it depends
Capacitive based device cost little more on how we are deploying the system. If
and most of the latest smartphones we are building an internet connected
come with these scanners embedded in product - with an embedded camera -
them. we would be sending up the images to
a cloud API. No processing would be
FACE RECOGNITION SYS- happening on device, apart from the
TEM capture of images/video.
Facial images are probably the most For local face recognition (offline and/or
common biometric characteristic used by on machine), it is recommended to
humans to make a personal recognition. have mini-PC configurations due to
The applications of facial recognition their small form factor and the minimal
range from a static, controlled verifi- hardware requirements face analysis
cation to a dynamic, uncontrolled face systems need. CPU power, and not
identification in a cluttered background camera quality, plays the largest role
(e.g., airport). The most popular ap- in detecting a large number of faces
proaches to face recognition are based simultaneously. In addition 1 GB of ram
on either or higher is sufficient. Embedding an
1.The location and shape of facial SDK in an app is a powerful and flexible
attributes, such as the eyes, eyebrows, way of using face recognition without
nose, lips, and chin and their spatial the need for an internet connection.
relationships The most common approach to define a
2.The overall (global) analysis of the face recognition system is classified as
face image that represents a face as a a two step process which are Face De-
weighted combination of a number of tection and Feature Extraction Feature
canonical faces. Recognition.
While the verification performance of The following is an outline of a face
the face recognition[4] systems that are recognition system
commercially available is reasonable,
they impose a number of restrictions
on how the facial images are obtained,
sometimes requiring a fixed and simple
background or special illumination.
These systems also have difficulty in
recognizing a face from images captured
from two drastically different views and
under different illumination conditions.
It is questionable whether the face itself,
without any contextual information, is a
sufficient basis for recognizing a person
from a large number of identities with Face Recognition has been researched

for several years, different type of meth- recognition algorithms, and votes for a
ods tried to solve two major problems common idea for final decision. One of
in this area face identification , and face the report when went through where
verification. the algorithm was tested it achieved 95
Face identification try to indicate the percent accuracy in a random sample 20
identity of a visitor. Fisherfaces and faces set contained imposter and gallery
Local Binary Patterns (LBP) perform face.
well in this function; In the other hands, Problems faced during Face Recog-
face verification, which try to verify if a nition
visitor is truly as his claim. Facial Trait Following are some of the problems
Code (FTC) and the Ensemble Voting faced during face recognition.
Algorithm (EVA) perform well. 1. Variations in skin color under differ-
Different Techniques Used for Face ent lighting conditions
Recognition 2. Presence of eyeglasses, make up,
Principle component analysis (PCA)[5] pimples
is widely used for dimensionality re- 3. Different face angles with respect to
duction, Turk and Pentland introduced the camera
Eigenfaces in 1991. By this method, 4. Clarity of the face image, distance
the dimensionality of a face model can from the camera
be reduced from image pixel size to 5. Different facial expressions/ Poses
several principle basis, the basis may (e.g., varying levels of smile)
encode sufficient information about 6. Hats, caps, or hairstyles that may
the face. However, it is designed in partially cover the face
a way to best preserve data in the To reduce pose variation and illumina-
embedding space, and consequently tion in extracted faces two extra actions
cannot promise good discriminating can be performed in pre-processing stage
capability. Linear discriminant analysis to improve recognition results: 1. Eyes
(LDA) is also used for dimensional- detection can be used to remove head
ity reduction, and it provide a good turn, tilt, slant and position of face
discriminating capability. Fisherfaces 2. Histogram equalization can also be
improve the face recognition system, performed
but the drawback of this method is it Cost Estimation
can not perform well in face verification. Since the hardware requirements are
LBP is a powerful method to solve face very much affordable ( all you need is
recognition problem, it is efficient and a camera and a board to process the
also easy to implement. The drawback images ), face recognition system has a
is it is hard to determine a verification very low cost estimate when compared
threshold, which mean the boundary to other biometrics.
between imposter and guest is hard to
determine in chi square distance matrix IRIS RECOGNITION SYSTEM
space. FTC has good performance Biometric iris recognition[6] utilizes
on verification, its distance matrix in pattern recognition systems based on
discrete integer space helping us tuning high-resolution and distortion-free im-
verification easier than other methods. ages of the irises of the human eyes.Iris
In contrast to setting the threshold, is an organ whose structure remains
tuning the parameters of FTC are really stable throughout life. Thus it serves as
complicated and time-consuming, we do a very good biometric for establishing
lots of efforts on this algorithm. identity of an individual.
Ensemble Voting Algorithm (EVA) Iris recognition is considered to be the
tries to gather different opinions of face most reliable and accurate biometric

identification system available. Iris proper illumination. Well centered with-
recognition system captures an image out unduly constraining the operator.
of an individuals eye, the iris in the Distance up to 3 meter. Near-infrared
image is then meant for the further camera or LED
segmentation and normalization for Image preprocessing
extracting its feature. The performance It is generally done before Pattern
of iris recognition systems depends on extraction which uses different methods
the process of segmentation. like Histogram Equalization to increase
Hardware Image contrast and Binarization .
To obtain an image of the Iris, cameras Pattern Extraction
are used; initial applications worked The system is to be composed of a num-
in the visible range, acquiring colour ber of subsystems, which correspond
images of the users iris. These cameras to each stage of iris recognition. These
presented a major disadvantage which stages are segmentation locating the
had to be solved: lighting. The ambient iris region in an eye image, removing
light of the room where the camera is the eyelids,eyelashes preset in the iris
located may be relatively low thus a region , normalisation creating a di-
flash is required and it is reflected in the mensionally consistent representation
users iris. These reflections influence iris of the iris region, and feature encoding
measurements, the part of the iris where creating a template containing only
this reflection is located is discarded, the most discriminating features of the
also the system is not comfortable iris. The input to the system will be
for users due to the flash. For these an eye image, and the output will be
reasons, most iris cameras working in an iris template, which will provide a
the infrared range are now used. The mathematical representation of the iris
infrared region provides multiple ad- region.
vantages when compared to the visible Daugmans Algorithm is used in Seg-
range: iris ridges are more defined; the mentation phase
border between the iris and the pupil To get a bit-wise biometric template
is more pronounced; and the user is convolve the normalized iris region with
not subjected to exposure of annoying 1D Log-Gabor filters.
flashes. Steps in iris recognition[7] Daugmans Rubber sheet model is used
1) Image Acquisition for Normalization.
2) Pattern Extraction Matching
3) Matching Hamming distance
In comparing the bit patterns X and Y,
the Hamming distance, HD, is defined
as the sum of disagreeing bits (sum of
the exclusive-OR between X and Y)
over N, the total number of bits in the
bit pattern. If two patterns are derived
from same iris, the hamming distance
between them will be close to 0 due to
high correlation.
Image Acquisition Cost Estimation
It deals with capturing of a high quality Iritechs Iris Scanner costs about 9k
image of the iris. Concerns on the whereas other Iris Scanner costs about
image acquisition rigs, Obtain images 25k.The major disadvantage is it is
with sufficient resolution and sharpness. expensive. Iris scanners are about thrice
Good contrast in the iris pattern with the cost of fingerprint scanners.

Efficiency References
Segmentation is the most critical stage,
since areas that are wrongly identified [1] Anil K Jain, Jianjiang Feng, and
as iris regions will corrupt biometric Karthik Nandakumar. Finger-
templates resulting in poor recognition. print matching. In: Computer
When tested on CASIA Database gave 43.2 (2010).
FAR of 0.005% and FRR of 0.23%. [2] Hong Zhang and Xinsheng Wang.
Disadvantages of Iris Recognition A new fingerprint enhancement
One of the disadvantages with iris algorithm. In: Broadband Net-
recognition technology, being that it is work and Multimedia Technology
a relatively new technology, is that the (IC-BNMT), 2010 3rd IEEE In-
equipment is very expensive. The iris ternational Conference on. IEEE.
is a small target and a scan cannot be 2010, pp. 12221225.
performed properly if the person is more
[3] Muzhir Shaban Al-Ani. A novel
than a few meters away.
thinning algorithm for finger-
From the above study, the conclusion
print recognition. In: Interna-
can be tabulated[8] as follows:
tional Journal of Engineering
Sciences 2.2 (2013), pp. 4348.
[4] Wenyi Zhao et al. Face recog-
nition: A literature survey. In:
ACM computing surveys (CSUR)
35.4 (2003), pp. 399458.
[5] Timo Ahonen, Abdenour Hadid,
and Matti Pietikainen. Face de-
scription with local binary pat-
terns: Application to face recog-
nition. In: IEEE transactions on
pattern analysis and machine in-
telligence 28.12 (2006), pp. 2037
4 Work Done [6] Libor Masek et al. Recognition
of human iris patterns for biomet-
Got familiar with the existing Atten- ric identification. In: (2003).
dance Management System using bio-
[7] Prateek Verma et al. Daugh-
metrics(fingerprint) which is currently
mans algorithm method for iris
being used in our department.
recognition - a biometric ap-
proach. In: International Jour-
5 Future Work nal of Emerging Technology and
Advanced Engineering 2.6 (2012),
1.Detailed study on Multimodal biomet- pp. 177185.
ric systems and finger vein authentica-
[8] Rupinder Saini and Narinder
tion.Hardware and software design for
Rana. Comparison of various
Finger Vein.
biometric methods. In: Interna-
2.Designing and Implementing a
tional Journal of Advances in Sci-
database and a standalone software
ence and Technology (IJAST) Vol
solution which is independent of the
2 (2014).
software provided by the vendor.
3.Finalizing the detailed design of the

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