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Deleia Skelton

Brown vs The Board of Education




English/ Language Arts

Length of Lesson:


Lesson Overview/Rationale:
Students will learn how public schools in the south became desegregated and, the
struggle in court to assure desegregation in all schools. Students will work in groups of
three to demonstrate their understanding of Brown vs The Board of Education.

Curriculum Framework/Standard:
Compare a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version,
analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium (e.g., lighting, sound, color, or
camera focus and angles in a film), pg 37.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to demonstrate what segregation is and the difference between
written a story, and its audio version.
Students will gain understanding in standing up for a purposefully cause.
Students will be able to present of understanding of segregation/desegregation
threw a written essay and a choice of video/ or power point.

Technology Uses:

Websites for research and corresponding with each group member, Video camera
Flash drive and computer for short essay.

Deleia Skelton


Three pencils.

Microsoft word


Power point



Carma (optional)


Students will group in threes.

Students will create a small skit that they may act out or make a video of, detailing the
research they have found for the material given.

All groups will individually write a one-page detailed essay using Microsoft word 12 font,
Times Roman, explain in detail their understanding of the research material given.

Each group is responsible for assigning each member to one of the following task;
researcher, editor, and costumes designs.

Students are required to create a power point using ten slides; of the skit for audience to
follow by.


Students will be graded on research skills, writing skill, and creativity.

How well you worked as a group

How well directions were followed

Deleia Skelton

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