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Once upon a time there LIVED a poor widow and her son Jack.

All they HAD was a cow called Daisy.

When the cow STOPPED giving milk, Jack's mother TOLD him to take their cow to the market
and sell it.
On the way, he MET an old man who offered "magic beans" in exchange for the cow and Jack
MADE the trade.
When he arrived home without any money, his mom became angry. She THREW the beans out
of the window into the garden and SENT Jack to bed.
During the night a giant beanstalk GREW. Jack decided to climb it.
At the top of the beanstalk he FOUND a magical land where a giant lived.
Jack STOLE gold and a magic hen from the giant.
The giant SHASED Jack down the beanstalk.
When Jack REACHED the ground he took an axe and CHOPPED down the beanstalk.
The giant FELL and was killed when Jacked CUT down the beanstalk.
Jack and his mother lived happily and in great comfort for a long, long time.

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