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El gato fosa (Cryptoprocta ferox)es un mamfero carnvoro de la familia Eupleridae.

animales son autctonos de Madagascar. Desde el 2008 est en la lista roja de la IUCN
considerado como una especie en estado vulnerable, aunque hay datos desde mucho atrs, y
en el 2000 se le lleg a catalogar como en peligro de extincin.

Se le ha catalogado como vulnerable porque en el transcurso de los ltimos 21 aos (tres

generaciones de esta especie) se ha reducido su poblacin en ms de un 30 % debido a la
prdida y segmentacin de su hbitat y a su persecucin al considerrsele cazador de
animales de granja y animal diablico.

En la actualidad quedan alrededor de 2500 ejemplares.

The fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox) is a carnivorous mammal of the Eupleridae family. These
animals are native to Madagascar. Since 2008 it is on the IUCN red list considered as a
vulnerable species, although there are data for a long time, and in the year 2000.

It has been classified as vulnerable because in the course of the last 21 years (three
generations of this species) has reduced its population by more than 30% due to the loss and
segmentation of their habitat and their persecution as an animal hunter Farm and diabolical

At present there are around 2500 specimens.


Como suele siendo habitual, la caza y la destruccin de su hbitat est acabando con ella. A
pesar de que estn protegidos por el gobierno de Madagascar, se les caza sobretodo porque
se le tiene por un diablico animal rapta bebs y porque se tiene la creencia de que puede
hipnotizar a personas lamindoles la cara para luego devorarlas. Obviamente, ambas
explicaciones para darles muerte son falsas.

Tambin les afecta negativamente que una de sus principales presas, el lmur, est tambin

Tambin se conoce que se utilizan en ocasiones ejemplares para obtener remedios

medicinales; por otro lado, la depredacin por parte de otros carnvoros, principalmente por
parte de perros asilvestrados, tambin se da.


As usual, the hunting and destruction of its habitat is destroying it. Although they are
protected by the government of Madagascar, they are mainly hunted because it is considered
by a diabolical animal kidnap babies and because it is believed that it can hypnotize people
by licking their faces and then devour them. Obviously, both explanations for killing them are

It also negatively affects them that one of their main prey, the lemur, is also threatened.

It is also known that they are used occasionally to obtain medicinal remedies; On the other
hand, predation by other carnivores, especially by feral dogs, also occurs.

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