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Abstract GD Topics

Food Porn-Just a hashtag or Reality

1)Food Porn is spectacular visualization of cooking or eating in advertisements,blogs,social media,foods

boasting high calories and that are aesthetically appealing

2)In earlier times it used to refer to the food that was unhealthy for human consumption directly
comparing it to pornography

3)Its use to an another turn when it was used to describe the food that was aesthetically appealing

4)Studies from YPulse showed that 63% people from 13-32 posted their food pics online

5)It is more than just a hashtag

6)It can bypass the culture but at the same time influence people to eat high calorie aesthetically
appealing food which may be bad for health and out of reach economically for most of the people

Women can be better Managers

1)They can do multitasking better as they are expected to handle various responsibilities from

2)From Managing the homes to managing the top position in a company they are flawless

3)The inherent qualities make them good managers as they are more patient in the difficult situation


1) Emotional ,Softhearted.

2)Still not as many opportunities provided as to the men in the society


1)Colour of Sun-Hope of new beginning

2)First colour in the tricolor-used to invoke patriotism

3)Tilak-Purity and sanctity

4)Colour of fire-warmth
If red becomes White

1)Red symbolizes anger,aggression and white symbolizes calmness,peace etc hence all the aggression
and anger will turn to peace

2)Accidents,violence will decrease as it is symbolized by Red while White represent peace,calmness

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