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Te enseamos CMO aprender ingls.

Pronombres y Adjetivos Posesivos en Ingls

Aprende qu es un pronombre y adjetivo posesivo aqu.

Termina las oraciones con el pronombre o adjetivo posesivo correcto.

1. Paul and Jeannie are going to visit ________ friends tomorrow.

A. you
B. their
C. theirs
D. none

2. Pedro usually goes to England for ________ holidays.

A. his
B. him
C. her
D. hers

3. Sheila is buying a present for ________ mother.

A. her
B. she
C. it
D. hers

4. We are living in ________ new home.

A. ours
B. our
C. its
D. none

5. "Is this your car?" - "No, it's ________."

A. my
B. mine
C. her
D. hers

6. "Is this your computer?" - "Yes, it's ________."

A. my
B. mine
C. her
D. hers

7. I'm reading my book and you're reading ________.

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Te enseamos CMO aprender ingls.
A. my
B. mine
C. your
D. yours

8. Our dog has ________ own place here.

A. his
B. her
C. its
D. All are possible

9. The praying mantis eats ________ partner after sex.

A. his
B. her
C. its
D. All are possible

10. Bert and Ernie, ________ parents are here!

A. your
B. yours
C. ours
D. All are possible

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Te enseamos CMO aprender ingls.
Respuestas y Explicaciones
1. Paul and Jeannie are going to visit ________ friends tomorrow.

B. their - Su de ellos, adjetivo.

2. Pedro usually goes to England for ________ holidays.

A. his - Su de l, adjetivo.

3. Sheila is buying a present for ________ mother.

A. her - Su de ella, adjetivo.

4. We are living in ________ new home.

B. our - Nuestra, adjetivo.

5. "Is this your car?" - "No, it's ________."

D. hers - El nico pronombre de la lista.

6. "Is this your computer?" - "Yes, it's ________."

B. mine - "S, es mo."

7. I'm reading my book and you're reading ________.

D. yours - "El tuyo", pronombre.

8. Our dog has ________ own place here.

D. All are possible - Los animales de compaa pueden tener sexo, y podemos
referirnos a ellos como "he", "she" o "it."

9. The praying mantis eats ________ partner after sex.

C. its - Los insectos no pueden ser "he" o "she", siempre "it."

10. Bert and Ernie, ________ parents are here!

A. your - Vuestros, adjetivo.

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Te enseamos CMO aprender ingls.
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A t xito sin lmites,

Jessica Ojeda fundadora

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