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Project 2 Reflection

I chose to reflect on my PowerPoint from project 2. This project has helped me improve

my academic skills. I refreshed my skills on creating a PowerPoint. I feel that I improved my

creativity in school assignments during this project. I used pictures and graphs to explain what I

learned. This project also improved my research skills. I practiced reading through educational

articles and connecting the information to what were learning in class. I also got to practice cit-

ing the articles and explaining how I interpreted the information. In this project I included statis-

tics and data to support my information. This helped me connect real life facts to the topic I was

researching. In addition, I practiced incorporating the textbooks vocabulary in my project. I ex-

plained my topic through the definition of the vocabulary.

I feel that I need to work on my skills of explaining more thoroughly and going into more

detail. At the end of my PowerPoint I connected my research to vocabulary words we learned in

the textbook. I feel like I didnt do a good job at explaining what I learned in terms of the vocab-

ulary. I focused on defining the vocabulary words instead of connecting it to the facts I learned.

Next time I will go more into detail. For my next assignment I will focus on getting straight to

the point.

When I was writing this assignment, I improved my work ethic. I didnt allow any dis-

tractions. I put my phone away and did the project in a quiet place. For my next assignment I will

try doing my work in a library. This way I cannot procrastinate the assignment by walking away

from my computer. Being in a quiet library will help me zone into my school work and complete

my assignments faster. This will also help me when studying for other classes. Being in this type

of environment will help me produce better work and at a faster rate. Overall, I feel that this pro-

ject has helped my research skills and studying habits.

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