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D&D 1e

saga of the witch queen, gencon edition

D&D 3e
World of Aereth: saga of the dragon cult

D&D 4e
Free RPG Day 2014 - Punjar: The Tarnished Jewel

D&D 5e
fifth edition fantasy series, obviously

10. Grenades aren't just for killing. Cover destrution and area denial can be
11. ALWAYS have a sidearm. That includes you, CQC RapeBlender.
12. Save some space in your backpack. You never know.
13. When in doubt, fucking cheat. (in character)
14. Be unpredictable. To your enemies. No one likes a LOLRANDUMB fucktard on their
15. This list is subject to change without notice. Be flexible.
16. With the exception of Rules 1-3, feel free to disregard any and all rules if
they for some reason impede your survival. BE FUCKING FLEXIBLE.

Dungeons & Dragons was amazingly popular since its inception, and numerous books
and supplements were written by third-parties - both with and without TSR's
permission - adding to the core game. Some companies - Judge's Guild and Mayfair
Game's Role-Aids - based their entire business around supplementing D&D; others -
such as GameLord's "Thieves Guild" series, used D&D as a jumping-off point. So, of
all the hundreds of third-party supplements written, do I include these handful of
books in the TSR Archive? Here's why we have included these books.

* Dave Arneson - Dungeonmaster Index (OD&D) *

Included not only because it was written by David Arneson - who, along with Gary
Gygax, created D&D! - but also because is an index to the OD&D manuals.

* Fantasy Art Enterprises - Booty and the Beasts (1E) *

An unlicensed monster manual created by a number of artists - notably Erol Otus -
who would later work with TSR

* L4 Devilspawn (1E) *
* L4C The Lendore Isle Companion (1E) *
* L5 The Kroten Map Pack (1E) *
* L5A The Kroten Campaign Guide (1E) *
* L5B The Kroten Adventures (1E) *
* L5C The Kroten Companion (1E) *
Direct sequels to the L-series of adventures published by TSR (albeit with some of
the names changed for copyright reasons) and written by the same guy who wrote the
original modules.

* Wee Warriors - V1 - Dungeon Master's Kit I - Palace of the Vampire Queen (OD&D) *
* Wee Warriors - V2 - The Dwarven Glory (OD&D) *
* Wee Warriors - V3 - The Misty Isles (OD&D) *
The first third-party supplements to D&D published, they were not only licensed by
TSR but were actually distributed by TSR as well.

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