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CIS 4348 Assignment #3

Answer Chapter 3 questions 36, 37, and 38 on page 86. Show your math. (5 pts

Also complete Exercise F on page 87. Show your math. (10 pts ttl)

Deliverable instructions:

Provide a screen capture for each of the questions. Identify the answers to the questions on the
screen capture. Also answer the questions.

Each assignment should contain the following:

1. All assignment content should be saved in a single Word or PDF file, portrait layout.
Graphics, screen captures, etc should be embedded in the single file.
2. Your name and the date completed should be in the top left corner of each page of the
3. The assignment number and page number should be in the top right corner of each
page of the document.
4. The assignment questions should be included with answers to the question immediately
following the question. For example:
a. Written Question #1
b. Written answer #1
c. Written Question #2
d. Written Answer #2
5. All answers should be written in complete and grammatically correct sentences.
Answers should be complete and comprehensive. That is imagine you are answering
the question as if you were in an interview and your answer determines if you get the
job or not.
6. Embedded graphics and/or screen shots should have appropriate explanation of what is
being displayed and its relevance to answering the question.
7. Completed assignments should be submitted to the associated Assignment in TRACS
and a printed copy should be turned in at the beginning of the class when the
assignment is due.

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