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Top Six Homeopathic Remedies That Relieve Pain
Caused By Different Conditions

A trip down memory lane

Remember when you were little, when everything novel poses excitement for you? Like
the idea of exchanging scary stories with the lights off. It is exciting, fun and at the same
time, scary. Yet you still do it, along with your friends, during sleepovers or camping
sessions. The novelty and excitement of new things seem to spark something in us. And
perhaps we can relate this as well to how we view new and alternative ways of healing.

Like a little child, whenever some new herb pops up, it gives
us excitement

The possibility of that herb treating our pain is enough to excite us. Like a little child, we
wonder whether it is really effective and would work for us. In homeopathy, the main
premise is to utilize herbs that are toxic in huge doses but can be cure-inducing in small
doses. So does this idea excite you? If I tell you that the herb can cause some of your
symptoms but also has the possibility of curing them, would you believe me?

Skeptics when it comes to homeopathy are plenty

And this goes as well for other alternative ways of healing. Because in reality, we cannot
make everyone believe in what we believe in. Homeopathic medicine is perhaps one of
the most criticized natural healing alternative out there. Instead of inducing excitement
to some people, its mere mention can raise eyebrows. But for the many people who turn
to homeopathy for their healing, its effects are more than just claims, they are what
makes them keep coming back to this type of healing.

The relationship between homeopathy and pain

In this blog post, we would round up the top six homeopathic remedies for healing pain.
Homeopathy deals with the overall condition of the patient. Pain is just one of the symp-
toms of perhaps an underlying condition that the patient doesn't know yet. A certified
homeopath knows how to uncover all the symptoms of the patient, learn about the per-
sonality of the patient and make a diagnosis. Only then can he or she recommend the
proper herb for the specific case of the patient. This is just a general guide for those suf-
fering from pain caused by certain conditions.

1.Cinchona Officinalis
Ideal For Painful Conditions Like: Sprains (Limbs & Joints), Gout and Post-Operative

Effectiveness & How it Works: Cinchona officinalis is a native tree to regions of South
America like Peru and Bolivia. It is commonly referred to as cinchona and its most po-
tent part is the bark. Initially, cinchona officinalis was used for treating fever caused by
malarial infections, due to its quinine content. In recent studies though, this same com-
ponent of the tree has been proved to be effective for muscle sprains, gout and even
post-operative pains caused by surgeries. In an older review of studies, the researchers
found out that quinine was effective in reducing the pain caused by nocturnal cramps in
the elderly. Another review of studies has showed that quinine is an effective remedy for
idiopathic leg cramps. However, the problem with this compound is that it can be toxic in
large doses, hence the need for its dilution.

Recommended Brand/s: Hylands Leg Cramps and Hawaii Pharm Quina Tincture
(Both Available in Amazon)

2. Iris Versicolor
Ideal For Painful Conditions Like: Headaches and Migraines

Effectiveness & How it Works: The common name for iris versicolor is harlequin blue
flag. This flowering plant is native to the regions of Eastern America and Northern Amer-
ica. The roots of the herb are the most toxic as they contain both irisin and iridin. These
compounds can cause serious side effects when consumed in excess. With regards to
the pain-alleviating effect of the herb, you can see that in this journal, it can be useful for
treatment of headaches and migraines. Particularly, those headaches and migraines
that come with vomiting. The exact mechanism of how iris versicolor works isn't known
although it might induce its effects through the constriction of blood vessels and there-
fore the inhibition of platelet aggregation.

Recommended Brand: Hylands Headache (Available in Hylands Website) and Boiron

(Available in Amazon)

3. Cimicifuga Racemosa
Ideal For Painful Conditions Like: Menstruation, Menopause and Cramps

Effectiveness & How it Works: Cimicifuga racemosa is also known as black cohosh. It
is a native flowering herb to the regions of North America. Even the native American In-
dians used this herb for gynecological problems of women back then. Nowadays, black
cohosh is marketed as an ideal supplement for pain caused by menstruation,
menopause or cramps. A number of studies have already proved its efficacy in reducing
symptoms of pain for menopausal women, like this one by Drewe & colleagues and this
one by Wuttke & colleagues. It is believed that the rhizomes of this herb has properties
that inhibit the expression of iNOS, thereby blocking the formation of nitric oxide as well,
a potent inflammatory enzyme.

Recommended Brand: Boiron Cimicifuga and Hawaii Pharm Black Cohosh Liquid Ex-
tract (Both Available in Amazon)

4. Ammonium Muriaticum
Ideal For Painful Conditions Like: Muscle Sprains, Sciatica and Arthritis

Effectiveness & How it Works: Ammonium muriaticum is derived from ammonium

chloride, which is a compound taken from volcanic regions. It is sometimes referred to
as sal ammoniac. This homeopathic remedy is recommended for those suffering from
arthritic conditions and sciatica. In this study, ammonium chloride ingestion was found to
be effective for reducing AMP, ADP and lactate content after an intense workout. These
are byproducts of acidosis in the body which can then lead to pain. Perhaps the down-
side with this homeopathic remedy is that it isn't as well-studied as compared to the
other herbs here or even to its precursor compound which is ammonium chloride.

Recommended Brand: Hylands Ammonium Muriaticum (Available in Hylands Web-

site) and Boiron Ammonium Muriaticum (Available in Amazon)

5. Ferrum Phosphoricum

(Image from Benjah)

Ideal For Painful Conditions Like: Inflammation, Skin Rashes and Sore Throat

Effectiveness & How it Works: Next on this list is ferrum phosphoricum, also known
as iron phosphate. Ferrum phosphate is derived from meat, fish and other poultries, at
least the more absorbed type in the body. It is ideal for inflammatory conditions that are
just beginning, so the symptoms of swelling, redness and minimal pain should be
present. Other conditions such as skin rashes and sore throat can also be treated using
ferrum phosphoricum. This compound works primarily by enhancing the tone of muscle
or vascular membranes. By doing so, blood congestion is reduced and therefore in-
flammation is also reduced. In clinical medicine, iron phosphate is used for anemia, a
condition wherein red blood cells are lower than the normal amounts.

Recommended Brand: Boiron Ferrum Phosphoricum and Hylands Ferrum Phospho-

ricum (Both Available in Amazon)

6. Aconitum Napellus
Ideal For Painful Conditions Like: Diabetic Neuropathy

Effectiveness & How it Works: Last on this list is aconitum napellus, a flowering herb
native to Europe. Ingestion of large amounts of this herb can lead to adverse side ef-
fects such as burning pain, sweating, dizziness and increased heart rate. Yet these very
same symptoms can also be treated by the alkaloid contents of this herb. Aconitum
napellus is recommended for patients suffering from neuropathy. The exact mechanism
of how it works to reduce pain is not known. Although researchers, like in this study,
have found that the herb depresses the vasomotor center of the body primarily by af-
fecting the sodium channels. The downside is that the side effects of aconitum napellus
are adverse, especially on higher dosages.

Recommended Brand: Miracle Plus Homeopathic Nerve Pain Reliever and Boiron
Aconitum Napellus (Both Available in Amazon)

You have unlimited options when it comes to homeopathic

remedies for pain

These are just the top six homeopathic remedies for pain. There are many more that
are said to be effective for relieving pain but the studies relating to them are less. Pain is
very subjective to each person though. To make things more complicated, theres the
issue of drug interactions as well. Thats why its best to consult with a registered home-
opath so that he or she can diagnose your condition properly. In the same effect, he or
she can recommend for the best herbs relating to your case and personality.

Known companies make their own homeopathic remedies

The advantage with these companies is that they do know the required dilutions and po-
tencies for homeopathic remedies. We have recommended some of the best brands for
each homeopathic remedy above. But its still up to you to choose which is your pre-
ferred company. Make sure you read the labels every time and find out the compounds
present in each commercial preparation. This way, youll know which herbs are included
and just how potent they are within each preparation.

Have you ever tried homeopathic remedies for treating your pain? How effective were
they for you? Please share your experiences below in the comments section. Wed be
happy to learn from your stories. We will respond to any queries you might have for us
as well.

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