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Story Plot for My Trailer After analysing horror film trailers all with different sub genres which was slasher, paranormal and psychopath, I decided that I wanted to go down the slasher and psychopath route for my horror film trailer. I decided that I wanted to go down this route as it is more realistic and ‘would be more personal to the audience which would make them want to come and see the film. For example if I did a paranormal horror film like insidious which I analysed, I feel as though it is harder to get that initial connection with theaudienceas not everyone has had some sort of paranormal experience so therefore it isn’t as realistic. Compared to a slasher film, as even though people may not have experienced a 1 on 1 situation with a murderer, we hear al of thetime for example on the news, in magazines, in newspapers, or even the radio, through so many different forms of media about stories of people getting murdered, or someone that has been caught out for what they have done years ago. This is more personal to the majority of the audience, therefore I think it would help sell my film through my trailer. When analysing Scream 4, I knew that this was the route that I wanted to go down with the genre of sasher in horror. Unlike Scream 4, I want to make my horror film serious and without the comedy elements as if make it scary and fearful, then this should help to get more of an audience for my film as itlooks frighteningand engaging. My idea and plot for my horror film trailer, is to have a family of a mum and dad and two sisters which are very close in ageto have moved into a new house. At this new house they have been in there for over a month and have met all of the neighbours which all seem pleasant and friendly. Then one week the parents go on holiday abroad and because the sistersare old enough and have each other, they stayhome alone. After getting back one late night from a party, they notice that the back door was open. Afraid of whom or what is in their house they go searching together over the whole house justin case someone is in there. After it being all clear they realise that one of the sisters didn’t lock the door properly which is why the wind ‘was strong enough to open it to leave it swinging open, or that’s what they thought. ‘The next day after waking up late from a hangover from the previous night, they takea relaxing day, when suddenly they get a vicious knock at the door. Opening the door to their neighbour who is an old man that lives by himself, he asks if they could give him a helping hand in. moving some largeboxes from his garage. The sisters have been bought up well and to always have respect for their elders, so they agree to go and help him. Walking into his garage and seeing all of the boxes scattered everywhere, they laugh as they realise that this job is going to take them the rest of the day. The old man gets talking to them both, about life and what they do and he tells the sisters that he used to have a wife but she passed away giving birth to their daughter who also died that same day. As the old man is talking about his tragic story, he is getting tearful, so leaves the garage to get himself tissue from the house. The sisters carry on sorting out the boxes and moving items and objects around, when they notice he has been gone for a while, As it has gotten dark earlier because of the season change, the two sisters decide to leave and say goodbye to the old man and that they will return tomorrow to help out. As they go to open the door, they realise that it is locked, In panic they go to the other entrance to the garage and that one is locked to, They are curious to why they have been locked in and in panic try and find another escape route. Suddenly a man in a mask enters the garage re-locking the door and ties the two sisters up, he doesn’t speak to the girls, he tortures them by not letting them escape and keeping them tied up, ready to kill them with a knife. The sisters presume it’s the old man under this mask and he wants to kill the sisters as a blame for his wife and daughter dying. My trailer will mainly consist of the two sisters trying to escape from this large ‘garage, and the struggle as this man in the mask keeps them trapped and injures them with his knife as they try to escape. The trailer will end with the two girls escaping to find the original old man also tied up in a separate room with a gag on. The old neighbour that the girls thought was the guy in the mask is actually innocent, and what they thought was the old man in the mask, it would actually be the old man’s wife who he thought was dead, after giving birth, but really she survived and moved away from the guilt of losing their baby so returned to murder the old man as he blamed her for the baby’s death and the two sisters have got in the way. However this part ofthe story won't be involved in my trailer because I want the audience to ask these following questions: Who was that man in the mask? Was it the old man and he was just pretending to be tied up to look innocent? Or was it someone else? And ifit was someone else what and why did they want these sisters? I fee like leaving my trailer with so many unanswered questions will really engage theaudienceand most likely make them come to see the film as they want these questions to be answered and to find out ‘what really happened at the ending,

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