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When being healthy turns unhealthy?


- Vigorexia and other eating disorders

- Competitive sports
- What represent healthy life nowadays?
- Health Nazis and the repercussions about people with weight problems
- Stereotypes of man and woman (models, superman)
- The new age and the exaggeration of the open mind culture
- Elitism and segregation for the reason of being more athletic.
- Healthy food and their high prices
- The birth of the prototype of the perfect man
- Orthorexia nervosa
- The origins of the cult of the body


Physical Repercussions
- Orthorexia and eating disorders.
- The stereotype of the perfect man.
- What represent being healthy nowadays.
Mental Repercussions
- Superiority between health people and normal people.
- Paranoia about foods.
- Restrictions to live because you need to be healthy.
Social Repercussions
- Elitism and segregation in healthy peoples life (health Nazis).
- The high prices of healthy food.
- Mass media and how works in people minds about being healthy.

Have you ever known someone who is more worried about his or her body and what
kind of food eat than enjoying the life? If the answer is yes, well, that persons is falling
into the cult of the body and wellness. Seeing a twisted version of themselves;
healthy, thin and rich, representing no love for life itself. through mental
repercussions and obsessions and addictions about healthy food and with social
consequences and how the society follows this new cult slowly criticizing every thing
that you eat and treating you as a blind.

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