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LESSON PLAN: Sixth lesson, 25th August, 2017.

Students: Roldn Grecia, Yorgovan Ramiro

Topic: Family, Adjectives, Verb to be

Aims: To introduce the present simple of the verb to be in the first person and consolidate
previous vocabulary about adjectives, personal pronouns he, she and the present simple
of the verb to be in the third person.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson the children will have reinforced the vocabulary seen
before and describe other people and themselves using the pronouns and the verb to be.

Grammar: present form of verb to be

Vocabulary: old, small, young, big, he, she, I

Course: 5th grade B & D

Time: 40 minutes


First activity: As a warm up activity we are going to revise the
personal pronouns that we saw in the previous class, adding the first
person I and the verb to be am, practicing how to pronounce each of
the words, and then ask for some volunteers to stick the flashcards into
a poster that will be stuck on the walls for the following activities.

Second Activity: Then, to revise the topic of family, we are going to

work with an activity from the book in which they will have to complete
blanks with the family members that they can see in a picture.

Third Activity: Afterwards, we are going to work with another activity

from the book related to the verb to be in which they have to complete
with is or am.

Fourth activity: For the next activity we will work with a text in which
a kid describes his family and they have to use it as a model to describe
their own.

Fifth activity: Put words in order Game

This game consists in that we will divide the class into two groups who
will have to form a queue then at the back of the classroom. There will
be pictures of different people stuck on the blackboard and there will
also be some flashcards on two tables near the blackboard. With these
flashcards which will have words such as pronouns, adjectives and verb
to be, children of both groups will have to pick and stick the suitable one
near the picture to form a short sentence describing such pictures. The
first group to complete the four sentences describing the photos will

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