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LESSON PLAN: Eighth lesson, 29th August, 2017.

Students: Yorgovan Ramiro, Grecia Roldan

Topic: Literary Project and Revision

Aims: To make a closure of the unit using a literary project in which the story
tells about the importance of family regardless the differences each family
may have. After the story we will make a revision of the whole unit to
evaluate the children.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson the children will have been evaluated
and they will have received a positive message about family which may
change their perspective towards their own family.

Grammar: Verb to be

Vocabulary: family members, adjectives

Course: 5th grade D

Time: 40 minutes


First activity: As a warm up activity, we are going to show the children a video
telling a story that shows a great diversity of families and tells a positive
message about families. We are going to stop in each image of the video
asking the children if they can understand the meaning of each phrase and
try to profit the new vocabulary. At the end we are going to reflect on the
positive message of the story. (5 min)

Second Activity: Then, we are going to re-tell the story and try to make them
repeat each phrase in order to activate macroskills such as reading, listening
and speaking (as they will be able to see the subtitles on the video). (5 min)

Third Activity: Afterwards, in order to make a closure with the unit, we will
provide the children a worksheet with revision activities as a way of evaluate
them. (20 min)

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