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Recitation I: Kinematics Problems

Monkey and Hunter

At the moment the hunter pulls the trigger the monkey can make a decision, should he hang on or drop
from the tree in the hope the bullet will miss him?

Here [] is a demo illustrating the fact that the projectile will
always hit the falling object if they are released at the same instant.

Lion and Antelope

A grazing antelope first notices a lion attacking when the lion is 12.5 m away, and moving with a speed of
5 m/s

The antelope begins to accelerate away from the lion's direction of motion at 3 m/s2 . The lion is also
accelerating, but at 2 m/s2 .

- How long does the antelope run?

- How long does it travel?

Driver's Reaction Time

Suppose you are the driver of a car and you decide to bring the car to a halt. Note that you require a
certain amount of reaction time before you actually hit the brakes and begin breaking. Assume the
deceleration is constant during braking.

When coasting at 50 mph, you find the car travels 186 feet (from the moment you decide to break) to
come to a complete stop.

On a second trial, the initial coasting speed is 30 mph and the distance traveled to a complete stop is 80

Based on the data, find:

- Your reaction time

- the magnitude of the constant deceleration of the car.

phy141kk/lectures/1r.txt Last modified: 2016/09/07 13:49 by kkumar

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