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Name _____________________________________________ Per: ________ Date__________

How to Write an Artist Statement:

*Instructions: On a separate piece of lined paper, please write your artist statement carefully in
pen, using correct grammar and spelling. You may want to do a rough draft first. Make sure
that you address each of the 4 points below. You artist statement must be at least 7 sentences
long, and at least 1 paragraph. Turn this in with your final project as the cover page.

1. Why did you make this artwork? (Choose 1 or 2 points from below to discuss.)
a. Tell what motivated you to choose your subject matter.
b. Tell what first popped into your head when you heard what the assignment was.
c. What inspired you the most about the artwork that you looked at or studied?

2. How did you make your art?

a. What media (materials and tools) did you use, and which techniques (ways of using the
tools and materials) did you use the most of?
3. Elements and Principles?
a. What elements and principles were used? Where in your artwork were they used? How
were they used in your artwork?
Example: The sunflower in my artwork shows a use of radial balance because of how all
the petals grow out from the center.
Elements: shape, line, texture, form, value, color, space
Principles: balance, emphasis, rhythm, movement, pattern, contrast, unity
4. What does your art mean? (Choose 1 or both points below to discuss.)
a. What symbolism and/or meaning does your artwork have according to you? Explain why.
b. What emotion and/or mood do you feel from viewing the artwork, and why?

Grading Checklist:

Check to see that your Artist Statement has:

-correct grammar, spelling, and is written neatly and in pen. /20 points

-each of the 4 questions answered above thoroughly. /40 points

-at least 7 sentences and is at least 1 paragraph long. /20 points

Total: __________/80 points


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