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Fitting patterns[edit]

Fitting a muslin on a dress form. This dress form is adjustable to match the sewer's measurements, and
the muslin has been fit around the form accordingly, by taking it in two inches at the back, a smaller fit
than the original pattern.

Although a sewer may choose to use a standard size that has been pre-graded on a purchased pattern,
they may decide to tailor a pattern to better fit the garment wearer. There are several ways this can be

Creating a sewer's muslin (also called toile using calico), similar to a garment template, is one method of
fitting. Muslin material is inexpensive and is easy to work with when making quick adjustments by
pinning the fabric around the wearer or a dress form. The sewer cuts muslin pieces using the same
method that they will use for the actual garment, according to a pattern. The muslin pieces are then fit
together and darts and other adjustments are made. This provides the sewer with measurements to use
as a guideline for marking the pattern pieces and cutting the fabric for the finished garment.[2]

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