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Full Body Alignment Sequence by Alicia Tubbs

Spinal Reset/Warmup Do before working each part of the body

-Cat Cow - 10
-Down Dog - 30 seconds

Inner Core (diaphragm, pelvic floor)

-Forceful exhale standing, tabletop, or bear, inhale into butt and pelvis, Kegel on exhale - 10
-Ujjayi breathing with Kegel on exhale, in mountain pose, - 10
-Straw in water with vocal siren or scales do not go too high in pitch Kegel on exhale 2 mins
-Hanging exhale draw ribcage down and pinch in - 3X3

-Peanut or Lacrosse ball thoracic massage
-Thoracic release over roller, do not arch lower back, draw ribs down, can add arms 50
-Thoracic clam roller between legs, do not mobilize lower back 50
-Bird Dog 10/side
-Swimmer flutter or frog stroke 60 seconds X2
-Hollow man can add transformer and dead bug 4X15
-Sphinx 30 seconds X2, can also extend arms to side for shoulder blade squeeze

-Dowel push/pull - 3X10/side
-Femur inner rotation use roller or hands, calf will spin outward 40/side
-Pillow squeeze w/ Kegel - feet flat on floor or with legs at 90 can add weighted breathing 40
-Cobra pushup keep back of neck long - 3X10

Legs and Glutes

-Knee to wall - heel stays down - 30/side or incline stand for 60 seconds if knee problem
-Three-position calf raises 3X10/position
-Roller IT band and outer thigh (just inside of IT band) - 60 seconds/side
-Lacrosse ball hamstring release 60 seconds/leg
-Hip thrust in bridge position 4X15
-Air squat flat back, core engaged, do not curl butt out - 4X15

Upper Body
-Head and Shoulder flow 3X10
-Lacrosse ball pec and shoulder release
-Arm circles palms up, thumbs facing direction of rotation - 40/side
-Wall Angels 3X10
-Elbow clams - 30
-Band pull across 4X15
-Face Pull handles to ears, at eye level 50 fast
-Rotator Cuff with resistance band 4X15/side
-Fingertip press on flat surface, double arm, single arm, can add walk 4X15 or 2X15/side

Equipment: Two lacrosse balls, dowel, resistance bands, foam roller, pullup bar, water, straw
Italics mean you can choose from exercises. Swap them out during the week.
You can also do Legs and glues one day, then UP the next, but dont skip the other body parts.

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