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Written Discourse

Translation is a bridge that connects people and cultures around the world. And to reach a successful
communication, translators have to be qualified to maintain faithful translations. I believe, teachers at UJAT
are not aware about the way they are teaching the process of translation. One of the main problems is that
teachers do not take into account the cultural background of the students, another issue is that teachers ask
students to translate texts without checking if they follow the require process.

Oral discourse

Ahh.. well in my essay, Im going to talk about how the the process of teaching transalation is at
the UJAT. I think that teachers are not aware of how to teach transla translation and all the process
these elements have and I think, they are not worry about or not aware about the back -
babckground that their students have about culture, and thats it.

Brenda Guridi Garca



Total clauses: 14 Total clauses: 8

Total sentences: 4 Total sentences: 3


Content words: 45 Content words: 27

DENSITY ( Function words: 41 Function words: 38
Actions are not presented as Actions are not presented as
NOMINALIZATION nouns in the oral discourse. nouns in the oral discourse.
EXPLICITNESS Translation is a bridge that Brief explanation of the essays
connects people and topic.
cultures around the world
(Explanation of the Lack of complete explanations
translation concept) of the concepts.

One of the main problems is Example: Ahh.. well in my

that teachers do not take essay, Im going to talk about
into account the cultural how the the process of
background of the students, teaching transalation is at the
another issue is that UJAT.
teachers ask students to
translate texts without
checking if they follow the
require process.
(Explanation of the thesis)
Describes where the The information about where the
problem is taking place and thesis has emerged and why.
Example: Im going to talk about
Example: teachers at UJAT how the the process of teaching
are not aware about the way transalation is at the
CONTEXTUALIZATION they are teaching the UJAT.(where)
process of translation.
I think, they are not worry about
or not aware about the back -
babckground that their students
have about culture, and thats it.
REDUNDANCY People/cultures : both teaching transalation/teach
have the same meaning, translation : Both refer to the
same thing.

Brenda Guridi Garca

that is a group of
individuals sharing beliefs.
Examples: Ahh / the
REPETITION Teachers: 2 Translation: 2

Brenda Guridi Garca

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