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RCE 581 LECTURE @ We continue with cue dicevesion of lberatiie nuaenle que to solve the optirel control prablen ed thet wecon use 2/222 to prodce a caduced oe di Sleren tal eque~ & ve v4) Ge d Caley, pl Solving these equotens with eplit-beundery con Ditons by simple integration is only possible | the equetions ort hacer: In general, the equo- awladar and plt,d i enknewn. So, how should we proceed We desoos Follows. Suppose we guest ote valve coy : 2 PPG.) ond then nvmenbelly integeate eque- tion ©. IF our guess wos fortuitous then p% would equal zero andoue problem would be solved. In general, thet won't happen. Tastend, we she! proceed at Follows. We kaow that a lotinthip exits between pity) ond ects). We amply dont know preeuely whet itd But we do know thetet some arbitra pont he slope of the tangent tothe pitt ue qrthe slope of 2 he plty Ece 55! Lecture @ plete) curve de gwen by dplts) m= Fpl! p™ 2) -@ corve 13 dececibed by pCt,) = m- ple) + b - © 2 the Inteccept with the plt,) ans d= pls,) fer plte= pCts), the indeceept is b= pie) mp Pt,d Et, = mp]... Inorder to Pind the point on the bong ent curve pile) where pltp =O, we and pO C4) plt,) rate equation @® ebeve Thote pit) co} > mp.) + Lp tg) m pO, Lecture 4 vier ey Ee) = - 2x4) - pdt GOED = 4xle) + 2pCt) . @ oe conditions xo New, ve pertire pO Co) by a smail amount ue. Peo} Go : &pPCOd= 0.001. Selncg agers, weget prrcnr tS pA = deta Ge 12 ece 551 LECTURE 9 Vang thie result in equation gues -t 404 Lata 2, + o-[-3e +4 porG,) so-[-3 3 1g the valee For ples) greids ae 4 2 70.33Ge — Sete +4 Leazetaseese 12 nes the beundory condvhons X62)? Bond PCIYEO. Hence, the Solution hos converged nm one step. This ba result of the equebhons @ beig Belore centidening the epplicoten of this tech note thet (fF pique te higher-erder systems the desired velue of the final cortate pltg) st tome non-tere constert pg , then equation becomes Eee 551 LECTURE 4 fal decvotives & respect de the compen at pl) sles hee | | i Oey eye PC p12) only ed the tera bal time 3 ve now outline the variatibn of extrema gorithe. 1) Form equation ©. Ece 551 LECTURE 2) Geese ot pt,» cAobe-eastote equetions. Tn ture, © £ pO) by eoch of the! compinents arount Spite) ond agen the equetions. Then ench colon Pe (per tp) Hs Found From shie dp Cee) 2 Selep Spbtad bp tig SF Palta) wheee Bp le.) 8 found by subtrocting pie) fn step 1) from the valve ples) genevoted by pecturaag the volue af p(t). 4) Check to see if Il pC, ther vee gL, te reslntegrote the BG) + grote + equetons to obten the optiwa! Otherwise, use equoticn(l) te determine °C) end cebucn te step 3.

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