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Chris Metzen- Artist, Game Designer,

Author and Voice Actor

Chris Metzen was the Senior Vice President of Blizzard

Entertainment, retired in September 2016 in order to spend
more time with his family, as well as an animator, concept
and general artist, voice actor and writer for the company
during his career.

Metzen joined Blizzard when it was still called Chaos Studios

in the early 90s. He originally believed the company to be a
graphic design studio rather than a video game developer.
His first work at the company was on a game called Justice
League Task Force for the Super Nintendo and Sega Mega
Drive. The game can be summed up as Mortal Kombat with
The Justice League, ie Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman,
Aquaman, The Flash and Green Arrow. The game received
mostly negative reviews, but praised the character sprites
which Metzen was involved with.

Metzen was praised by Blizzard for his work on the popular

Real Time Strategy game Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. He
worked on concept art, illustrations and the games manual,
something that would be used for future video games by the
company. While working on the sequel, Warcraft 2: Tides of
Darkness, he was able to work on the series lore and on
designing levels.
In 1996 he, along with a fellow designer called Bill Roper,
created a whole new series called Diablo, a series in which he
was able to do some voice acting for(something that he
continued for pretty much every game he was invoved with).
The series was successful and Blizzard made two more games
in the universe, along with dlc and expansions.

Over the next few years of his career he was involved with
many more big Blizzard games, especially World of Warcraft
which he provided scrips, lore writing, artwork and more
voice acting, as well as other ventures such as graphic novels
for Blizzard that tied into their games and a comic series on
Transformers (Which is having a sequel worked on as Im
writing this). He also had a cameo in the film Warcraft
because of his work on the films. Chris Metzen retired from
Blizzard in September 2016 after almost 23 years with the
company and numerous games made under his watch.


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