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Red Kayak IRACES

Class Model
What type of conflict did Brady face while trying to save Ben?

I-Never underestimate the power of Mother Nature OR, Red Kayak is a

story about a brave boy who takes on Mother Nature.
R-The conflict that Brady faced while trying to save Ben was
A-man vs. nature. (Do NOT put Because after my answer.
C-As written on page 28, t he author stated, Brady knows that with the
strong winds and the dangerous tides, it is not safe for boating.
Furthermore, on page 37, we find out that, All the way down the river with
the rain lashing my face and blurring my eyes.
E-Spring can be an unpredictable season, with rain, sunshine, and
showers. This contributed to Bradys problem in solving Ben faster than he
did. I can conclude that if this conflict had taken place in the summer,
Brady would have had an easier of time at finding Ben. For one, there
would not have been ice hitting his face, which would have let Brady
navigate his boat better, as well as go faster in the river. Therefore, Ben
would have been found sooner.
S-As one can see, nature can be a force to be reckoned with. It can be
beautiful, such as the fall foliage we are seeing now. Or, it can wreak
havoc, like it did on Brady and Ben.

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