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BE HAPPY cla Ss TO Se FOR OTHERS Givingisat the heart of Action for Happiness. Research shows the happier weare, the morewegive. Andgiving toothers, beit our time, help or money, activates reward centres and creates ] GIVING: DO THINGS wellbeing, causing virtuous spiral ofhappiness. Isa social glue ©) RELATING: CONNECT We are social creatures who have evolved to live in groups, andthe {quality and quantity of our relationships have animportant impact on how good we feel. Weallhave dtferentneeds, but close relationships are important ~research shows it we have fewer than three people we can tum to and share good and bad times with, we are more likely to suffer from depression. ©) Bxercisina: TAKE ‘CARE OF YOUR BODY © Eres sntstoroubodes it'salso for our minds. Itstimulates the production of brain cells, has been found tobeaseffectiveas antidepressants, and can build on our sense of work-ethic and Boas. Itisalso suggested that those who leadinaturally active lives live longer. APPRECIATING: NOTICE, THE WORLD AROUND YOU ‘Thisis about being inthe present, leaving our heads and tuning, into what's going on infront of our eyes, or justlocking onto how we're feelingin ‘our bodies. Creating this space and focus, isagreat skill to have for our wellbeing. [7 TRYING OUT: KEEPLEARNING NEWTHINGS Itwe don't exercise muscles, they grow weak. Thinkotthemindasa muscle, keep itactive. When we learn new things, wecreatenew neuralpathwaysinour brains and we continue doing thisinto old age. Tryingnew thingsishow we uelideas connections confidence and creativity Staying curious andinterestedis vital ( sisoxronmor People who have goals tendto be happier because they know where they're going. I's the small goals that work best when comes to happiness: that feling of checking something off alist gives usa sense of optimism and hope which are really important for psychological wellbeing. RESLIENCE: FINO WAYS 1 ovaerac DIRECTION: HAVE GOALS “Trying new things is how we fuel ideas, connections, creativity and confidence. Staying curious and interestedis vital THE DOSSIER can help prevent depression, Theother ‘ine keysallcontributeto resilience, but oftenthe way we think canundermine ourresiience, soaskhow your thinking contributes toyour resilience level. examen: Be onATEFL Q inte te soon nate ead Siesertganean! erent tinge peaoreay es tiger tte sunr berets sire Accertaice.scomronTaz Optrrsimrovse SouerHncecuER ] ( People whohavea sense ‘of meaning and purpose are happier ‘and more resilient. This usually means having a sense of contributing to something beyond oneself; looking after the planet, inventing the next "big thing’ orhelping someone. Visit actionforhappiness.og for moreinformation MEANING: BE PART OF FEBRUARY 2015 PSYCHOLOGIES MAGAZINE 83

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