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1. Select one role and do your duty.

I choose the reviser role; Ensure that the writing complies with the rules of presentation
of work required by the teacher.

2. Update your Profile and send the screenshot.

4. Answer the following questions:

a. How many units are there in the course and mention their names?
The course has two units.
Unit 1 - Expressing ideas and information effectively Pgina
Unit 2 - Using language creatively Pgina
b. How can the Course Presentation help you?
The presentation of the course can help us in the identification of each environment and
each content that we find within them.
It is important for us to review the presentation of the course very well so that we can
understand all the links and resources that this course contains.
c. How many activities are there in the Intermediate Evaluation and mention
The intermediate evaluation has six activities. Among them we have:
Act. 3 : Writing Assignment Tarea
Act. 4 : Quiz 1 Unit 1 Cuestionario
Act. 5 : Speaking Assignment Tarea
Act. 6 : Quiz 2 Unit 2 Cuestionario
Act. 7 : Task - General course review Cuestionario
Act. 8 : Task - Oral and written production review Cuestionario

d. What can you find in the Academic Management (Students Management)?

In the academic management of students, we can find the following resources.
Academic Management
Noticias acadmicas URL
Programacin de laboratorios URL
Programas y matrculas URL
Saber Pro - ICFES URL
Sistema de gestin de la Investigacin - SIGI URL
Administrative Management
Red de estudiantes URL
Formato nico de solicitudes - FUS URL
Inscripciones y matrculas URL
Proceso de autenticacin en campus virtual URL
Servicios para estudiantes URL
Servicios UNAD URL
Sistema de Atencin al Usuario - SAU URL
Sistema Nacional de Registro y Control Acadmico URL
e. Explain with your own words the aim of the link Listening and Pronunciation
The objective of the Listen and pronounce link is that we can develop and refine the part of
listening and pronounce the paragraphs that we listen to be able to advance in our
knowledge and we can be perfecting our bocavulario in this course.

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