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BATT reas peer ee LEARNING OBJECTIVE In this lesson, you will talk about Sra Unit 1 Let's read! LESSON 3The classics are always in s1Talk re == 01:00 What popular novels do you know? New words and expressions [wy-ruy1) Go through the words and phrases, and ask your student to complete the 1. bookworm — a person who spends a lot of time reading A bookworm can be found in the [=o \ a bookstore/library 2. text - a book or piece of writing The (eo textis given by creative a een + St Talk RIS Pesci Go through the words and phrases, and ask your student to complete the 3. page-turner — a very interesting book or story that is difficult fo stop reading 5 ‘Many readers look for a book that issi¢ novel - c book of high quality that has been popular for a long time ae = Eyre/A Tale of Two Cities 5. main character - the most important person in a book or story 4 kind brave 6. renQuned author - a writer famous fr his/her work reevedan var fri novel i o Stalk \ ets STM ELC ag (Part |) 06:00 [ToDo MEMEO Role play. Emphasize and explain the words in red and the sentences in (Beth shares with her roommate Amy what she knows about the classic | novel Pride and Prejudice.) Bg Amy: You're a real bookworm, Beth. We just finished literature class, and you're reading a book. What book is that? 77 famous = wellknown Beth: It's Pride and Prejudice. it's lassie hovel waitten by Jane Austen! She is a renowned author because of her comments about events in the 19th century. »!=2--newetwiten by Amy: | didn't know there were well-known female writers at that time. Tell me more about the book. Beth: It’s a real page-turner. In 2008, the novel became number one on the list of the best books ever written. eeremeceneenins, 6 XE StTalk Vem Ask your student Can you name a story that was written @ fon SEE TETEL (Part Il) 06:00 [ToDo| encode et ter oon Role play. Emphasize and explain the words in red and the sentences i Amy: Wow! How come it's still famous when it was written such a long time ago?/The story must be very good. w= ives sb. an idea of Beth: You're right. The text clearly describes each character's attitude. Ittgives readers an idea TT 5 gocsirstinervetus ob wth sth Amy: | think the writer did a great job with that. That's impressive. Beth: That's true. People like the main character's unusual attitude. She's a woman who is never afraid to express her opinions. twas written by Jane Austen, [ToDo| 1. Who wrote Pride and Prejudice? 2. According to Beth, what do people like about the main character? People like the main character's unusual atitude. She's never afraid to express her opinions. eereieecenneenins, 4 NRE (Serr 04:00 Ask your student to answer each question using the given * Your teacher asks you about a classic Chinese novel in class. Think of a classic Chinese novel you have read or heard about. J K 1. Who wrote the classic novel? i (Hint: Name the author. Give a brief background about why 4 it was written.) | aereiecmeeeeenins 2 NRE Ask your student to answer each question using the given 2. What is the story of this novel? (Hint: Summarize or tell a short version of the story.) odo . Why do you think this classic novel is famous until now? (Hint: Explain the writer's great job in writing the story. Also, explain why readers like some characters in the story.) [ToDo EEK o ner mecneaeenins, 6. s1Talk re 5 Around the world [eZ Euy Ask your student to answer the questions and then start a discussion. A popular classic r * The Prince and the Pauper is a novel by the famous American baa a a eae abet ete * It's. a story of two young boys who look alike. One of the boys is Tom. Canty, a poor boy, and the other boy is Prince Edward. * The two boys meet, decide to exchange clothes, and they soon find themselves living each other's lives after that. TP about two young boys whe look alike, exchange thelr dothes and soon find themselves living each other's tves after thats 1. What is The Prince and the Pauper ars 2. What classic novel have you read? iene 6

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