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Grammar and vocabulary unit 3

Ability: can, could, will be able to Advice and obligation: should, must,
1 Choose the correct words. have to
When Rachels son Frank was born, he couldnt / 3 Complete the sentences with the words in
the box.
could breathe very well, so the doctors examined
his heart. Frank had a serious heart problem. But dont have to must mustnt
should shouldnt
luckily the doctors said they (1) could / can
operate. When he was one, Frank had a heart If you want to learn how to swim, you should
transplant. For a year after that, he (2) could / take lessons.
couldnt fight infection very well, so he was often ill. 1 You _____________ smoke in restaurants and
cafs now its illegal.
But these days, Frank is healthy and (3) can /
2 You _____________ buy a ticket to travel on a
could do everything that other six-year-old boys
(4) can / cant do. Medicine is getting better. In the
3 During the holidays, I _____________ go to school.
future, doctors (5) can / will be able to help more
4 You_____________ go to bed late on a school
people, and those people (6) cant / will be able to
live happy healthy lives. When Rachel tells people
about Frank, sometimes they (7) cant / wont be
able to believe how ill he was! Nouns and verbs: medical science
4 Write the noun form of the verbs. Add -ment,
-ion or no ending. Make any necessary spelling
Possibility and certainty: may, changes.
might, could, must, cant clone clone
2 Choose the correct words, a, b or c. 1 research _______________
The treatment isnt very good now, but it b 2 operate _______________
improve in a few years. 3 develop _______________
a cant b might c may not 4 prevent _______________
1 A heart transplant takes a long time. It ______ be 5 treat _______________
a very difficult operation.
a must b might c cant
Phrasal verbs: health and lifestyle
2 The medicine ______ work because its new. We
5 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs
arent sure.
in the box.
a cant b must c might not
3 This new therapy ______ be more effective than cut down on get over
give up take up work out
drugs. Were hopeful.
a could b cant c may not Tomorrow, Im going to give up junk food. This is

4 That new drug ______ be effective. I havent got my last burger!

better. 1 I ______________ at the gym every day.

a must b could c cant 2 Joes dentist wants him to ______________

5 Some patients ______ enjoy zootherapy, but sugary foods and brush his teeth more often.

others will be sceptical. 3 I need a hobby. I think Ill ______________ tennis.

a must b may c may not 4 When my girlfriend finished with me, my friends
helped me to ____________ it.


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