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How to design glycol dehydrators ..- for 100° F.-plus dew-point depression UNTIL about 2 years ago,_ glycol 1Y CHARLES R. PERRY dehydration was never seriusly eoo- ‘Sivalls Tonks, Ine. Sideted when dew-point depressions in fexcess of 75* were required except in rate which may be wsed for gs strip- Stew plat units where vacuum regen- ping of the gyco seed was us. Howererpyosi " Procatdaign dla tor uthyene ‘hydration unite are now being built glycol dehydration of natural gas for ty Several. manufacturers for” dew- dewpoint” depressions inthe 60° point depressions greater than 100° F. 115% F. range have been calculated Tn ha" erusd gueprocan mea to and conse and ae prsted ee reconsider the type of dehydration to Although these calculations represent be used where highslew-point depres: theoretical performances, they. have Sons are required. somrlated very. well with field text "A number of developments ave data. They were calculated from pub- contributed. to. this breakthrough of shed! equilrium and veporspressire the old 75° F. depression limit for data. ‘lycol dehydration, Most important of these isthe fact that plycol dehydra- How it works. Fig. 1 shows a typi- tion equipment is being designed far cal glycoldehyération flowshect, in rmoze completely and thoroughly than which lean glycol is pumped into the ever before. Gone ste the days of top of an abvorber column counter: fule-ofshumb design of glycol dehy- current to the gas stream to be ehy- ‘ration equipment such as “four tray drated, The rich glyeol stream leaves ‘contracts and 98% lyeol instead, the bottom of the absorber, passes fry plyeol concentrations are’ being through the power side of « glycol fcturately calculated and Snezeased, powered pump (0 level controller and Required absorber transfer units are motor valve), and info a flash cham boing carefully determined. ben, or goe-pycol separator. Here, en- “Another important contibution to tained and daslved. gar ib removed highdew-point depressions is the de- from the glycol; (this gas may then Nelopmment of the’glyeol- powered be used for the stripping of the pump, which provides a small quan- glycol). fity of accurately measured gas’ pro- The sich glycol passes through portioned to the glycol circulation feat exchange, countercurrent 1 ihe Prevented at gas condoning coateene lean glyco) through a filter, an vntersty of CLfasoms Norgene "into the stripping stl, Water vapor ry Gas Out ‘VACUUM PUMP (On vacuum regeneration units only) Woter Vapor And Stripping [ison TES en pagran ner gly GorOor 7] ‘CONDENSER Nz / sre srk To Fu Gos On Veco concentration Unite en CO 0% /2\ ‘Shipping "Ges Wet Go, oiycor| WotTes ich TES, ~ FILTER HEAT EXCHANGER FLASH CHAMBER etycot FoweRED Lg TASH CHA (GLYCOL PUMP Tean TES GLYCOL DEHYDRATION UNITS are now being designed and built for dow-point depressions in excess of 100" F. Fig. 1 and stripping gas (f any) are removed from the top of the stripping. sil through a parti reflax condenser. ‘Lean glycol leaves the reboiler, passes through the heat exchanger counter- current tothe rch glycol, and through the pump back into the. absorber Tn a typical dehydration design oblem, the process engineer will be fiven the inlet gan condlions (pres Sure, temperature, and degree of sat- tration), and the required: dryness of the outlet_gas. He must then design the most economical plant which will provide the desired performance. ‘The first step in 4 design problem should be to assume @ glycol eircula- tion rate and estimate the dry glycol concentration. Next, the absorber cal- umn should be sized. Once these two steps have been completed, the re- mainder of the process design is rou- tine, such as heat exchange, line siz- ing filter sizing, and so forth. Te is extremely important that a complete material and heat balance be made around each piece of equip: ment, Reboiles, sipping columns, and eat exchangers. are. frequently Undersized by design engineers using rule-of-thumb design data. Also, act Curate material balances are absolutely essential in the use of the data pre- seated below. Regeneration System Design of the glycol reconcentra tion sil should be done in'a conven tional mannec to dtermine the nm ber of theoredoal trays required to provi the desire outlet dry pyeol Eoncentration, However, 2 number of problems arse in the eesga of the Feooneentration sl: accurate equll- Flom data for watersietiylene pico) Eten at higher temperafres a not reas avelabes aly the glyel tem: perature should never exceed 400" F. {0 prevent excessive decomposition. Since 100% tithylene glycol has a vapor pressure of only 65 mi, mit scary’ at tis temperate, itis neces. Sry that the reboler operating pres Sr be reed fo ncrense dy S01 concentration above that show on Boiling, point curves. This may be dove by" gas sipping ot vacush co eneaton Dry. seo! coneentations may be sccostly predicted fom vapor pres Sure carver for units ing. vacaum Reprinted from THE OIL AND GAS JOURNAL, August 8, 1960. Que TE Conetation—at Allowable Mas Volecty-1B. per hr. 29. abo + 12000 - ro.00 i > «0 | fe io, oye at, F ‘ood wis + ‘About ReboterPrere—MM Hg. tt CONCENTRATION of ott 2000 : a ‘mated Irom these cores Ag. 2. regeneration. However, design of a 710 x 0 TAO Stil sing gas stripping is quite com. plex when feflux tates‘and theoretical frays are considered, since the part pressure of the sipping. gas ‘ares Siven Fae Throogh the column due to changes in watervapor concentration, Data pre- _Direstfred reboiers for triethylene sented below may be used to predict glycol normally are designed with eat dey=slyeot concentrations when gas fivnes of 8.000 to 10,600 Ditu./ir= stripping is sed. These values may be sq, Te Steamheated reboilers and the increased somewhat by increasing re- heat exchangers should be designed in flux ratios andthe numberof theoreti- accordance ‘wih the Standard of Tu- cal trays in the tipping section of bular Exchanger Manufacturers ASSO- the column. distion. ‘Stipping-till column eroseseo- Sonal args ean be deernined from Vacuum regeneraon. Reconcentra- flood point corcelations as presented ton of glycol under vacoum hos Deca in. published Hiterature? from vapor succsssully used in plaats for some and Tiguid loadings and the type of years. Vatium is usally maintained packing usod. Most process engineers by’ sicam cjetors or. motor-deiven, Eesignelyeolsrpping sls to operate vacuum puns, ‘This type of recom at between 60 and’ 80% ‘of flood centration should be employed Wher point of the column ver possible where high Concentra. WT. % TEG In Dry Glycol Outlet BS 998s <9 y

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